Frage von jbeg:
Hello together,
I've already endless amount of time researching and problem determination, etc. invested in google and find no simple explanation / solution for my problem.
Perhaps you can find me here as experts in the field to help!
And it is about:
I did get a few movies in wmv format. This explain a program interface. Thus, in principle aneinandergereite images on which the mouse pointer moves and the surface states.
These films would like to import into Adobe Premiere and with other movies that I've cut together.
The problem now is that the movie (which explain the program interface), then completely blurred, if I re-exported from Premiere. The whole script and fine lines are totally intertwined verschoebn?
If the s.deinterlacing? I've already tried, but because it will be even worse.
If I export a single frame then this is as bmp razor sharp. But the film as a complete film is totally blurred.
Do you have ne statement? White is no longer true next, have been all export settings durchprobiert ...
Wär echt happy for any help :-)
Am slowly s.Verzweifeln!
Thank jbeg
Antwort von AndyZZ:

What Resolution Do your original movies? In what Resolutionexportierst you?
Antwort von jbeg:

Hi Andy,
So my original movies have a Resolutionvon
* 1024 x 768
in Premiere, I have my Project
* Widescreen (720 x 576), 16:9
created, that is my imported movie let me just at 100% size, it is then cut off a bit, but that's not bad.
I exported everything as "Microsoft DV avi"
DVPal, Widescreen 16:9
Do what I do wrong?
If I NEN single frame (export -> frame) go, it will be sharp (if I still predict Square pixels RESTRICT)
Antwort von jbeg:

And the comic is that it premiered in the left pane is completely sharp (clear logical), but right after rendering synonymous been blurred out. So the whole script of the screens and fine lines are shifted into each other ...
Antwort von neamt:

I do think that it is s.Deinterlancing. Look in the settings of your project if you have selected Progressive.
If not, then try it.
Antwort von jbeg:

So in the project setting, I now "repeat frame" set instead of interlace. But that makes no difference.
When exporting the movie wobbles less, but the fonts are still very blurred ...
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Your urspürngliche Resolutionist in 4:3 format, 16:9 your goal, it may be due? If the original Resolutiontatsächlich only synonymous or trimmed down?
What is your framerate original wmv? Also 25 frames per second? Or less?
Antwort von jbeg:

Hi Andy,
exactly my original material, 4:3 (1024 x 768), my goal is 16:9 (720 x to 576). The following is Strange. I import the 4:3 film, then I draw it on my video track, then it appears in the right pane. Until then, everything ok.
Strangely my Oroginalfilm fits on my stage in the Width completely pure. I've even left and right have black stripes. Although the original is larger than my final format? But I've changed nothing s.der size, is still at 100%
Ich würd synonymous like the width of 1024 retained, but that yes, you can not adjust in Premiere, right?
The Originalframrate is 15fps -> In my project I've been on the interpret footage set.
I just do not understand the ...
Antwort von Markus:
Ich würd synonymous like the width of 1024 retained, but that yes, you can not adjust in Premiere, right? However, one can synonymous Width 1024 pixels @ 15 fps setting, but can not with a DV Project (DV codec = = limited options) realize.
I already have projects with 1280 pixels width implemented, what with the Lossless codec HuffYUV very ordinary results brought.