concerns me about this for a long time and I'm still not become wiser. I slowly, despair, therefore, now here sometimes.
I work a lot with vector files. idr freehand Epse. Now it is so that efter effects has a support vector. say: man, the graphics of the endless enlarge. but not on the scaling, but the camera.
My problem now is to export every time that s.beim reinbringt blur and nothing more with crisp edges is. within the file, everything looks good. all very sharp, no flicker, chic colors, etc. .. after the export (; uncompressed, mov, ...) everything is blurred. looks classically scaled and interpolated from: (;
something has to be the export go wrong, but I just do not find the error. (And the plane are 'optimized', so the tick is set)
someone ne idee??
Antwort von Mylenium:
"Filley" wrote:
someone ne idee??
Yes! Read the help! You give here a complete nonsense of you (though not on the scaling, but the camera. ")
thanks for the nice response and please excuse my fopa. I was the problem with the scale, explained in s.mal Sun my respect to us, is now probably wrong, meaningful.
but it must be possible but a camera on a ride eps. to build, without which that s.qualtät by the distance to the camera loses?