Frage von berini:
if I my interlaced material my minidv cam 1 chip eindigitalisiere in Premiere 6.5, I always strip the movements and distortions,
can not be right?
how do I get the path? thank you
Antwort von Gast:

I do not understand that. Two posts deeper your question is really answered clearly. What else?
Gruss - Guest
Antwort von - Udo -:

: Read me, what I wrote there:)
... that you have not grasped what is at stake and have a sign with the fence post, you sometimes read relating to interlacing not seen.
Double posting will help not synonymous next.
Antwort von berini:

I do not understand that. Two posts lower your question is quite clear
: You can answer. What else?
: Greetings - Guest
Read it, what I wrote there:)