Frage von gast0222:
have a Sony HC90 and the firewire desktop kit of Sitecom (35 euro; card + cable)
(think so / I do not hope that it s.der quality of the cable is located.)
I move / synonymous touch the cable or the camcorder not a millimeter.
Therefore, it can nevertheless not be contact wackelkandidat
(I have, unfortunately, for the time being only this one cable)
the problem looks like this:
put firewire (pure is immediately recognized; is nix) aba it in explorer for example, open the capture window in Premiere or in movie maker ...
coils get access to the camera and can ect. And then the connection eventually breaks off (between 1 sec - 5 min)
(as if you had pulled out the cable)
(for Adobe Premiere, is the camera for recording then synonymous status as offline -> as I was actually an update bekomm pure that exactly that is detected in HC90 ... "go online", I find absolutely nothing)
pc: 2.4 athlon
1 gig ram
128 mb nvidia
DO NOT cut card (which actually brings ne cut card? Only more performance?)
win xp (without sp1oda2)
Antwort von Markus:

if you had not written, that no SP2 installed, I would have guessed it. If I'm not mistaken (which is more common than I like! ;-) SP1, however, should be installed. - Who can confirm or deny?
Perhaps you find here another clue:
Wenn Firewire nicht (richtig) funktioniertZu Deiner Frage wegen der Video card schau mal in den nachfolgenden Beitrag and dort wiederum nach dem Posting des Administrators:
Why is a sectional map?
Antwort von Alirieger:

Hi, I SonyDCR with the HC 90 and Belkin firewire card exactly the same problem. Use Magix Video Deluxe 2004/2005 to capture.
I then tried another Setter (GV-D1000E), but that has changed s.Ergebnis nothing. The parts have been included, and it will be extremely ruckeln very many "dropped frames displayed during recording.
In the preview monitor everything runs normally.
For me the way, is installed with XP SP2!
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "Alirieger"
My links do not understand please as decoration, but click! ;-)
Then you'd know about SP2 even notice ...
More info:
Ist das Service Pack 2 daran schuld? "
Problems with recognition of the DV camcorder and capturing "
Program can not access the Camera
Antwort von gast0222:

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I still have the same problem
synonymous really did read it all here in the forum about this ... everything I could try, I've tried.
synonymous now I've got my external firewire hdd of WD.
synonymous here it is just that the connection is disconnected from a clear sky. (s.kabel lie can not do it then, because I indeed a 2nd FW cables used in the hdd.)
the pci-FW card is always after the restart as early as the equipment manager.
But the infected hdd camcorder, and are only recognized when I plug again and again depart Reinstecken (plug & play)
of normal, or is doch net already?
FW synonymous host controller has its own IRQ pci (21)
what I've read only once was that there can be problems when the SB Live! Of creativ (sound card) and has a VIA chip motherboard.
this is the case with me. I have a dell dimension 4500 (usb 1.0)
then I rausgebaut times the sound card, then windows has recognized both devices. but I could not test whether the connection holds, because it did not open a program (due to sound)
would solve so I can not say whether a new sound card everything.
also be added that I managed to capture views to 1 minute with Adobe Premiere -> results 120 dropped frames
is das ein scheiss ey
I s.verzweifeln ... Please help me as soon as possible.
in 5 days I must have cut a large project completed
Antwort von gast0222:

Thanks for the help, (
I solved the problem now, for those who have the same problem:
It was s.der Sitecom has firewire card, that does not work with my system.
got a new of hama (nec chipset) purchased, and it funkitoniert everything super ... no dropped frames etc. ...
machts well
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "gast0222"
It is not always immediately professionals for exactly your concern online and a waiting period of 48 hours (and more, depending) on the problem itself to occur in well-frequented slashCAM forum.
Nevertheless, thank you for your feedback, because the next with exactly this problem you will be very grateful for the feedback. ;-)
Antwort von alirieger:

Today I bought a firewire card Evertech (20. - ¬) also everything works fine.
Conclusion: Not s.jedem error is to blame Bill Gates!
Antwort von Erbsensuppe:

Nur mal so s.Rande still a little info of me, despite the lingering threads: "If I had only previously reingeguckt here."
Sitecom + VIA chipset + Win XP Pro SP2 = No chance. Connection breaks off after a few seconds. I have already made synonymous, capture just 2 minutes, but it was pure coincidence!
So who should have before, a similar investment to make (perhaps this is because Premiere LE) and is not synonymous with VIA handled do:!