Frage von tally-off:
Is it possible to cut from an HD Calculator show let out via HDMI?
Since I have a computer with firewire and HDMI cut out, I would like to own an HD preview monitor connected via HDMI. No more hanging over firewire between one webcam.
I have a Sony AW-Series Notebook with Adobe Premiere CS4, XDCAM EX footage.
Because I want to keep the mobile stuff, I'd like (just cut everything s.Notebook; watch rough cut) and prior to delivery to the cutter s.den Grobschnitt using HDMI. Since most have input available to an HDMI LCDs, this would be a quick and good alternative. eg in the hotel room (at the customer, customer monitor), video projector.
Is that possible? As the settings in Premiere CS4 or would s.Notebook?
Thanks for the answers
Antwort von Peter Friesen:

I think it will go .....
I do the preview, but the average PC synonymous with an HDMI output to a 2nd Monitor with 1920 x 108o is super.
when I work with CS4 I cross of Black Magic Intensity Pro, because I so synonymous capture.
For Edius 5.1, the normal case with me, using the HDMI output of the graphics card.
Peter Friesen
Antwort von tally-off:

Hello Peter,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, yes but you're going to get out of Premiere CS4 on a hardware interface card. Sowas is unfortunately not built into my notebook. I only have the built-in HDMI socket. Premiere recognizes a DV or HDV project, the firewire socket with no problems, can also use the preview. Jeedoch I want to reach the same principle, only via HDMI. Somehow make a setting that HDMI will be addressed.
Where's the premiere you can say that he is using HDMI and not via firewire show? It must still can adjust, or thanks to your capture card gives them out simultaneously on all outputs, the signals?
Since it is a notebook, I can retrofit hardeware technically nothing ...
Thanks again
Antwort von Peter Friesen:

at CS 4 Thou shalt there is nothing to adjust, which is probably only with the hardware card, which is synonymous of CS4 and then detected in the Present `s will be offered,
But if your laptop has a HDMI - has output, you'll still be able to adjust the graphics settings a plant with two monitors, or I do not have you understood?
Otherwise, there are of course various external converters, but all pretty expensive.
Gruß Peter Friesen