Frage von
I would like to inform you that just launched a new portal:
is the first single pure high-definition (HD)-Internet portal - that is, on our website are exclusive movies in both HD formats, 720p and 1080p, as well as an additional column with HD pictures,
the content focus of the 6-documentaries 12minütigen Berlin - Topics useine series about the Berlin Philharmonic, the most important monuments and interesting personalities who live in Berlin or to visit. The focus is culture,
you are invited to you with your favorite photo submissions motifs (each with one line comment is founded) to participate.
For more details:
At regular intervals, new short film entries and photos in HD with respect to Berlin. Four different categories are available;
Contents are
-Known Structures of the city, its historical and architectural background,
Artists usPersönlichkeiten of general interest with regard to Berlin,
Exhibitions, stage activities such as concerts, theater,
Adrift, "through the night, unknown or nature Berlin
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Without any Häme and in complete seriousness: Did you ARD and ZDF have sued? Von wegen "For ARD and ZDF herons on the first places," ...
Antwort von deti:

Schade, the movies are not encoded in H.264, but the crumbs VP7 codec.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

And where is 1080p?
Antwort von

now, except one, all movies with h.264 encoded. 1080p is obtained once you are on the "hd" clicks, is in "technical requirements".
Antwort von markus2h:
you are invited to you with your favorite photo submissions motifs (each with one line comment is founded) to participate. Basically I find the idea of good - I like in principle - optical you still have a little idea what the integration of players into the overall layout is pretty grottig - schaut euch mal, it is not the solution to your form of community comes pretty close - synonymous has some nice features in it such as ranking or anything like that. And the best - it is open source so long as its not too commercial since.
No, I do not work for ostube and I get no commissions or similar.
Gruß, Markus
Antwort von Bernd E.:
optical ... you still have a little idea what ... Think of the opportunity at times synonymous with a easy-to-read color design by: Red lettering on a black background is very unfavorable.
Antwort von Basti27:

The web design is, unfortunately, be described as a disaster ... The packaging must be synonymous look good, otherwise the taste of the content is not really :-)
Antwort von Chezus:

I can only confirm.
is not appealing.
Driven out times to "competing pages"
Gradients, glossy effects, just nice packaging
Your current Page, I would like "wegzappen"
Antwort von

now, thank you for your feedback - we are synonymous, however, very positive opinions about the page layout will look now and the direction in which we develop next. thank you for ostube link!
Antwort von markus2h:
.... thank you for ostube link! As for not!