Frage von Martini:
I'm looking for my parents (must be user friendly!;)) a good DVB-S receiver.
Your system currently looks like this:
2 (bad) DVB-S receiver, which constantly smearing
1 VCR, the s.den a DVB-S receiver. With the other one can be while watching TV.
Now we have a new receiver ago because the old one just constantly abschmiert (was a ~ 20 euro unit).
You really want to no more than 100 euros.
It should however be possible to continue at the same time and to be able to watch TV. In this price range you need is not yet s.Aufnehmen by thinking hard drive, yes? Therefore, it is perhaps a receiver, both at the same time as synonymous record TV via a video recorder can.
What can you recommend me?
Many Thanks & Regards
Antwort von Quadruplex:

The Philips DSR 7005 is a user-friendly device with two receiving parts and hard drive. In trade costs 250 euros but synonymous eats and unfortunately in the willingness of a lot of power.
Alternative Topfield TF 5000 PVR - the OK, I think, however, the remote control gewöhnungsbedürftig; synonymous the menu in my opinion, is not as user friendly as that of Philips.
From No-Name-100-euro offer supermarket, I would let their fingers ...
Antwort von Granny S.:

As I said, prefer no hard drive, but a little cheaper. As long as the VHS recorder can, should not be a problem.
Antwort von Martini:
Das hierIch weiß, ist jetzt genau das, wovon mir oben abgeraten wurde. Aber 3 Jahre Herstellergarantie hören sich gar nicht so schlecht an.
Ist hiervon wirklich komplett abzuraten??
Antwort von Martini:

None has a view on Lidl recorder?
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Is this really completely discouraged? Try it out - None Hellsberg marriages can and you can at Lidl's in the normal case (Please again clarify before Purchase!) Reading without spring return. Too much of me, I would not part with the promise ...