Frage von kili:Hello,
have of a friend borrowed a camcorder, a mpg file on a disk-integrated store ...
is a sony dcr-sr190
The videos, which I assume runterziehe, have - according to my visual spectacular - ziemlihc good quality (for the hobby area), but they jerk sometimes enormously ...
as if suddenly every few seconds for a few time-lapse images were adjusted etc. .. So suddenly 5 pictures at once instead of one ...
can anyone follow me? :)
what is this and how do I fix that problem?
Antwort von Sektionschef:
Synonymous when it shakes
du s.camcorder play the video?
-you video to DVD and burn it on a DVD player wiedergibst?
-you video to another, faster PC wiedergibst?
Section Head
Antwort von kili:
So it jerky synonymous, at least when I use the material in a fiml processed and have it as. wmv (jaja:)) render ... on any PC and my friend said synonymous, so that somehow jerky ..
Antwort von kili:
could it be that because of the optical image stabilizer jerky? that always tries to stabilize and then always re-stabilize?