Frage von der_demonstrant:Hi,
hab mal ne frage s.euch slashcam-indianer ........... because I've got something in the internet and found synonymous to slashcam A report was also
it is a hdmi capture card:
anyone here has experience with it, I own an hv40 (has hdmi output)
And I think that buying things to find out more bit from the hv40 rauszukitzeln ..... it is written on the side so that one farbraum nen
4:2:2 thus get the jump of chips and picked unkompremiertes footage now .......... my question s.euch:
- What with hardware requirements from, I have a computer
dual core 2.2 ghz, 2mb ram, ati radeon HD 3450 .........?
- What with the file size of the card issuing ?........
- Alternatives to the ticket other manufacturer ... etc?
- Which is generally the problem with the Case?
'm not so experienced with such matters and hope that this expert help and advice on these questions .....
danke schon mal in advance.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
2008, I have the time "chewed" ...
here find