Frage von benedika:
I ask for help ... how do I create animated video thumbnail buttons in Encore CS 3
-I have my video files imported as a Timeline
-they draw on the menu, a brew rectangular button with Ace of Spades appears,
- To "move" I choose "Animated Buttons
- To render the whole thing I'm going to "File" "rendering" - here all three possible functions remain gray, I can not click on it then.
Nothing, nothing is animated playing.
I have no clue how it works, I am using the Encore by Internet synonymous ...
Can someone help me maybe?
ciao, Alex.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So I can only concerning whether the heading directly to MultiMedia Builder think in combination with RealDraw.
They were considered as were still in beta, my choice.
With many tips and write-ups and etc have rausgebracht synonymous at some times then ne art GUI Progi (DVD Lab) for DVDs.
I think I'm one of the first 10 customers at that time was where the stuff because I was so horny. (Possession) at about 80% of their licenses
Say, if really want to have good software to create menus or graphical interfaces no preference for what I can only recommend to you guys.
In combination with WinBatch really unbeatable.
Sorry, but Encore or Adobe encoder I've still never used. ;-) Vorallem gabs the "time" still not at ;-)
Sorry that now was indeed nen bissel OT and you did not really help, but the Fiehl me directly to your question here ;-)
B. DeKid