Frage von Fred der zweite:
I have, unfortunately, of the Terratec USB Grabster purchased and must determine that the thing does not in any way.
When you start after you install the program Ulead movie distillery I always get the notice:
Movie Hunter
Connect to the drivers could not be established.
Python2 USB WDM Encoder.
and that's it.
Did someone perhaps a proposal how the problem can be remedied?
Thank you
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Fred,
So if you seriously analog video recordings Digitizer want, then you do an equally serious tool and forget about the toys of Terratec.
For more info you can find here:
Antwort von Eva Maier:

There is nothing new Terratec complained that ... Install program provides
Especially when the first installation has versaut.
Which operating system question!
/ E