Frage von Rudolf W.:
Dingend Please help!
Is the i esprinzipiell possible link of SONY only and alone
only for the transfer of audio to use? The question, therefore,
because I imagine some time a laptop of SONY VAIO, respectively,
but now no audio connection from the core of the recording studio for the i-Link
the laptop can produce. The audio core was also previously
Firewire 1394 s.alten on PC, but with a Firewire PCI card and
a DSP darauf.eine jumper of Firewire on i-link was
namely to remove me, but since things are nix.Ist i-Link only
Audio usable (dh.ohne video), or is it a matter of
translation of the protocol because there are no opportunities Signals.Falls
are? Why then Hauffen s.steckverbindungen Firewire controllers
Antwort von Markus:
Is it possible in principle [firewire] only and alone for the transmission of audio to use? Up to here I would say yes, because it is technically only one type of data involved and there is absolutely no preference, the content of the transmitted ones and zeros represent.
Since you specifically but the name of i-link Sonygenannt searched, I wonder what device as to be connected? Is it just a question that the interface s.Notebook not as usual with IEEE1394 (or the corresponding icon), but is labeled with i.Link? - This should really be the same.
Works because the i.Link connection with s.Notebook or other hardware is generally nothing? Do you think an appropriate software for receiving the audio data? (When capturing of video recordings is so synonymous need a piece of software that does).
Antwort von B.DeKid:

On my SonyVaio Picturebook C1 as synonymous, you can turn a video camera connected via Firewire (I. Link Port s.den) works even with a 866 processor it.
Antwort von wilo:

I think the kollege says with i-link the 4-pin socket. Therefore, he speaks synonymous of this jumper, which probably is a simple adapter.
Maybe not because the connected device via firewire with electricity supply? It works in 4-pin course not.
Are the drivers installed?
Antwort von Rudolf W.:

Antwort von Markus (unangemeldet):
FW 1934 and i-link is certainly the same, only the i-link is to häftle smaller. FireWire FAQ">5. Firewire can be 4-and 6-pole to pole
On notebooks, this port is normally 4-pole. Firstly, because devices s.diesen not so much space and the other is probably synonymous, because then no supply (at the expense of the battery) shall be available to.