Frage von frankyboy:
I would like to see a 24 "iMac to pre-buy and the projects individually to create their external hard disks.
Just three new 24 "types on the market, where now the graphics card NVIDIA GeForce 9400M with 256 MB of RAM is installed. In the currently favorable Discontinued models is the graphics card ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro with 256 MB of RAM installed. Is the new card is faster and better suited for Final Cut, or both are equivalent?
Thank you for your tips and recommendations!
Antwort von WoWu:

In the field of graphics card is doing at Apple currently very much in connection with the new operating system (Snow Leopard) is.
In the editing area, I would now because no compromises and no more old graphics card to use.
Apple offers older models, even for the exchange of the old graphics card with a new card to exchange $ 200 price ...
Therefore it makes no sense today with models of old card to buy.
Antwort von PowerMac:

You can get the 24 "iMac it synonymous with an optional Radeon 4850 (Apple Store, UNIMALL, but
everyone can do synonymous order) configuration. This graphics card is the best choice. Principle applies at the moment: ATI cards are faster in Motion, Color and Final Cut as NVidia cards. Aperture and other programs, the graphics card with the expected benefit.
Antwort von frankyboy:

PowerMac Lieber,
then your answer is the opposite of wowo, because the models are discontinued so I have mentioned of the NVidia card installed. Gravis For the consultants themselves could not tell which card for Final Cut is better suited. The Dir of recommended Radeon 4850 is synonymous an ATI card. Is it so much better than the Radeon HD 2600 Pro?
Antwort von PowerMac:

The 4850 is miles away of the 2600, it is likely more than twice as fast.
Antwort von WoWu:

I would still Grakas not currently experimenting with, because we all know yet how the new architecture, the card really appeals. Neither with the 10.5.7 even with the 10.6 (PM learned!). Therefore, we know not synonymous, whether cards issued with the old software architecture is a speed advantage that under the new architecture is not lost. If the new systems are out, we are all wiser.
As long as I would, but the Apple recommendations for safety's sake, follow to avoid unpleasant surprises to experience somewhere just because a few costs were EUR.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Right. Hence the new, fast and only slightly more expensive Radeon 4850 take. So it is good for the future! No old cards.
Antwort von hkrull:

Hello powermac,
I could give your recommendation for synonymous Premiere CS4 on a Windows PC to take over? Search, however, a passively cooled card, as it is, I believe, however, already close to the ATI chipsets! Alternatives for Nvidia?
Gruss hkrull
Antwort von TiMovie:

since one can safely PowerMac?
It is true - ATI works better with FCS
The new ATI is definitely faster than an old HD 2600!
here a few times exaggerated in the test home with the Apple HD 4870,
think the HD 4850 is synonymous not be much worse:
Antwort von Stonehorn:

Sry, but I have all the times you get aufn carpet. The update is a mere eyewash!
The GT 120 and 130 are merely umgelabelte GraKas of Nvidia!
GT 120 = 9400 GT / 9500 GT
GT 130 = 9600 = 8800 GSO GS
Current hot tip for bargain hunters! Go to TOP-refurbished predecessor draw! For effective 1649, - gibts nen 24 "iMac with 3.06 Ghz 2GB RAM 500GB hard drive and Geforce 8800 GS with 512MB of graphics memory. The memory can be conveniently retrofitted to upgrade to 4GB (approx. 60Eur). The graphics card is not very much worse than the current Radeon!
Here values of Notebook Check:
GraKas in the new iMacs:
9400M = 3930 points
GT 120 = no values but there should be something about the ATI HD 2600 are
GT 130 = 11,836 points
HD 4850 = 12,315 points
and here the old:
ATI HD 2400 XT = 2819 points
ATI HD 2600 = 5,997 points
GT8800 = 11,777 points
The current top model only offers 1TB hard drive and with the selected for Radeon 2144 - only slightly more power! But for the saved 430, - can be synonymous well and happy 4 external hard disks with a total capacity of 4TB?. Any Questions?
Antwort von WoWu:
I could give your recommendation for synonymous Premiere CS4 on a Windows PC to take over? It is not enough Grakas be addressed by the operating system. It must be synonymous Jobs of the application will be distributed.
The time is long gone but that Grakas only for the image used. Meanwhile, they take jobs from the application .....
For CS4, we have the NVIDIA Quadro CX, with the premiere runs flawlessly.
With the NVIDIA FX then runs it against relatively modest. (Based on AVC processing)
For the entire test must always take into account the test conditions. They are often descriptive and not really related to gaming applications, the completely different framework pretend.
Antwort von Stonehorn:

In relation to the game tests you definitely quite Wolfgang! But we must not forget that in the mobile graphics iMacs stuck all the more in the middle are offering! And in the "new" GT120/130 cards werkelt ultimately still have the old 8000 series 2Jahre! In this sense, only a new Radeon! For professional video editing should be in my eyes anyway on an iMac, but equal to a MacPro!
Antwort von WoWu:

I agree with you totally agree .... somehow this is me with the iMac probably synonymous durchgerutscht ... sorry.
Perhaps the fact synonymous, which I did not correct the "Umbrella" had. Your relativism is entirely justified.
Only in conjunction CS4 and PC must be closely again, what to do with it ... and that's quite remarkable how much because of the graphics card in the Bewegungsprädiktion over, so really no "classic" graphics card task.
Times are changing and soon, the part actually part of the "graphic" in the word nothing, or only very little more with reality.