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| ibood kamera super bargain
Frage von Klaushonold:
have directly allocated when bedent fairly good camera otherwise almost twice
Antwort von Johannes:
? nice that you've bought something cheap. And the world can participate. ?
I have today synonymous 6er Pack socks purchased and have 1 / 3 savings in contrast to the 3-pack
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Your enthusiasm in worship, but if you do not mention what camera and what it does offer is plenty of contributions pointless ...
Antwort von tommyb:
Either unsuccessful attempt to spam or "New Topic" instead of "Reply" button. Ha. Has a Sanyo Xacti VPC-HD1010 gekooft.
Antwort von Shiranai:
Schade already sold out, it was really cheap, 339 euros for the latest Xacti, which iss a good 200 euro under the best Internet service providers :-(
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Cool, Where because .... I want my "i" collection made entirely synonymous
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Since missing my stop just ne iBood Camera, so where did because DINGSBUMS bought?
MfG B. DeKid
Property, it should not give iBestThreadPreis NEN?
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