Frage von christoffer:
I wanted to illustrate in my own film is a metaphor. And since I had the same scene in the ne of matrix head.
Now it could be that the protagonist, as he hears the words, just exactly s.das Picture from the film thinking ...
I've found the following:
Short sequences from other videos, you can only play without a license, if this is a quotation purpose. You can support with the strange pictures his own view, the cited work or critically examine the evidence with alien images vividly different views.
Not having the right to quote your work falls when it is nothing more than a puzzle from other music or film clips to spice up their own film or illustrate. It must be synonymous without the quotation to be a stand-alone work protected yet.
However, I am not sure if this is a quote.
I mean, on the one Page used it so the illustration. On the other hand, the protagonist, cited the scene in his head.
Let's just say I need a license. What will it cost me one seconds of showing the film in my matrix?
I think anyway mean that the money want it. In effect, one makes the film so that only advertising. And then somewhere else give the money for advertising. At the same music. You pay money in order to advertise artists. Already twisted world ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... However, I am not sure if this is a quote ... What type is because your video at all? The quote would in this sense does especially in scientific, journalistic or satirical purpose - but not if his hobby Filmer Meyer Youtube-work "My dachshund playing in the garden" spice. And if you the whole thing for your own private pleasure doing it and nobody gets to see except your family, you can use everything anyway, without having to look after shares must.
... Let's just say I need a license. What will it cost me one seconds of showing the film in my matrix? ... Without personal experience with this issue to have, I predict times that it would be far more than you'll ever be willing to pay. And therefore I say "would", because you'll get with 99.999% certainty not only be authorized to use a scene from "The Matrix": The question of the price is because less secondary.
... I think anyway mean that the money want it. In the end, you do so only advertising for the film ... In music the same ... Is really shameless of the people who create these works, they still synonymous for Money demand! BMW and Mercedes would have to give away their cars synonymous, because after all you do indeed promote the Manufacturer, if you are going to ... At this point you should reconsider your views, perhaps something else.
Antwort von christoffer:

first it is private. But with songs, you have to pay so synonymous GEMA, if you want to upload it on youtube then?
well ... what advertising does then when the car is free anyway. So far a bad example. And I will not synonymous, the whole song or the movie but only a snippet. 1 sec. Film from the complete works are like a car for an hour, so a test drive and is synonymous with BMW and Mercedes so vain.
So the match again;)
Antwort von Manuell:

Well so if you upload it on youtube you do not find out more private :-)
Antwort von christoffer:

yes, true. But
when amateur filmmakers Meyer his Youtube-work "My dachshund playing in the garden" would spice. And Here is trapped youtube-werk.
Let's say if it serves s.einer film school to be included.
For example, if the film would go to someone who sees all the time in his life analogies to shoot, because he looks all day and only in shooting films thinks, because all other exceeds his intelligence. Then could enter into the movies at all Risch, because you acquire a license for dozens of shooting would have only to show that history.
And that I find really stupid. Soon you would have to buy even a website for a license if you want to link to it. Because otherwise it is yes. And movie trailers show footage from the film is truly more than I need, but are free to watch.
A film so synonymous pays no license for a BMW when the plays in the film, but the film still gets BMW of Money, because it's ADVERTISING. If I import a few seconds of a different movie, because someone thinks about it. Then it's just as ADVERTISING. Or do I lie there so wrong?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... First it is private ... Then you need to you through shares or costs of making advance no idea, BUT: It depends on the definition of "privately to"! This here is not the opposite of "commercial" meant (fallacy number one: I deserve so that no money, so I can use someone else's material), but really the audience circle based within the meaning of "not public". The sound legal limit, I just not in the head, but to put a video on Youtube, is perhaps the greatest possible public form of publication and so very far away of "private".
... So far a bad example ... one sec. Film from the complete works are like a test drive ... and yes ... that is synonymous for free. So the match again ... Not really: The test-drive would be more likely to determine whether this film clips would fit into your film - you must anyway for free and with no one to ask. Only after you have decided to use the scene to actually synonymous (or to drive the car just over an hour), you must reach into the purse.
But comparisons always lag a bit, I give you right. Nevertheless, it is very easy to understand why the author or rights holder of a work it does not look quite so happy when someone else uses that work and diverted for their own purposes.
So completely foreign to you may not even be this thing when I look at your second thread of today: Here plädierst for free use another person's property, and in the other thread you are looking desperately for a way how you can prevent it, that your intellectual property of others is simply used so ... not without a certain irony ;-)
Antwort von christoffer:

Am I to understand that difficult?
One is an excerpt of something and take out point. What I would support. As long as this detail is not an integral part of the story is, so that my characters appear suddenly in a different movie, as they belong to. Good, I think it would be if it were a reference. So you can separate the two film voneinader and acknowledges that this is another film that is playing a role. And may therefore be displayed times.
As in the example of my third Post.
I find it unfair when an idea the other is removed.
For example, "Alone at home" of stealing "Kevin at home alone," If the latter were not so well known that the Klauerei is so obvious that one can find the stolen works poorly, it's common. Especially when the previous work is not ideas, but failed s.guten s.guter technology and financial budget.
We can distinguish but is not it?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
would be if amateur filmmakers Meyer Youtube-work "My dachshund playing in the garden spice up" ... ... Here is trapped youtube-work ... True, but just as example of when you questioned the above "quote right does not."
... If it serves s.einer film school to be included ... Now this is something else again, and this you can certainly tell someone something that has ever tried. In principle, I would guess that it makes no good impression when you demonstrated already in the application on his ignorance of the law in the movies, but this is just a guess: Maybe it is for this very special case, synonymous for special treatment, and you could strange scenes . use
... Movie Trailer truly more video footage showing the film, as I need, but are free to look ... Trailer advertise so synonymous directly to this film or cinema, DVD, etc. Purchase
... A film so synonymous pays no license for a BMW when the plays in the film, but the film still gets BMW of Money, because it is ADVERTISING ... As we speak of another subject (keyword product placement) in a different dimension: from BMW-driving 'James Bond', BMW promises not quite wrongly in fact an advertising effect, but other things as synonymous play a role.
... If I import a few seconds of a different movie, because someone thinks about it. Then it's just as ADVERTISING. Or do I lie there so wrong? ... Since you probably can discuss forever, and still someone will have a different opinion. I personally would not, however, to see this as advertising, the benefit of the rights holder in any way. At best, you can probably zugutehalten that it does not harm the use of synonymous, but this is unfortunately not the whole point.
... I find it unfair when an idea the other is taken away. For example, "Alone at home" of stealing "Kevin at home alone," If the latter were not so well known that the Klauerei is so obvious that one can find the stolen works poorly, it's common ... I'm no film expert, but these two films - and the second part, "Kevin alone in New York" - all come from the same writer and have the same producers. This can hardly be considered "claws of ideas" that are, already more than an attempt, with an idea that has even brought money, now earn a few dollars more.
Antwort von DWUA:

... I find it unfair when an idea the other is taken away ...
Oooch, we are synonymous, even in a double sense
: = (
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Useful but the stuff just if you are the only way that you Meihnung come to your destination.
I know s.un times to get to see the Demo Reels the clear contribute Andrew Kraemer handwriting - I raff directly to 80% and then threw the already synonymous with the job.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Piers:

For example, if the film would go to someone who sees all the time in his life analogies to shoot, because he looks all day and only in shooting films thinks, because all other exceeds his intelligence. Then could enter into the movies at all Risch, because you acquire a license for dozens of shooting would have only to show that history. So the worth displaying this "story" is höherangig as the right to decide themselves about the use of the owner of his work? Very strange view!
To stay with the limping car comparisons, my BMW, Porsche, Ferarri would etc. for free cars are available, because I great movie hero of the day of cars, dream and the story would be for me, poor wretch is not affordable, if I be borrowed for the shooting would have to rent? Geile logic. Because I pay, it can not / will you have to give it to me for free. Then I write a script about the same time an aircraft carrier fetishist daydreaming, which is synonymous times like dreams in a 100m yacht and then with the private Lear jet of hoppst port to port. Why I'm not just come on it sooner?
And that I find really stupid. Soon you would have to buy even a website for a license if you want to link to it. Eieieiei, the healthy half-knowledge. Of course, you must link to a page. You must indicate in your movie so synonymous to it. Your "hero can say" yes, "I just dream of matrix or a script insertion shows:" Warning: This hero dreams of Matrix "
What you must not, synonymous in the non-Internet, is making an image of the linked Page and install in your web page!
Because otherwise it is yes. And movie trailers show footage from the film is truly more than I need, but are free to watch. and again, eieieiei. Not everything that you yourself must be synonymous together rhymes are correct. If you officially material for a trailer by the copyright owner or rights exploiter is made available, then that is a reason: advertising. Such material will then get more synonymous RTL, Sat.1 and as Jane Smith and Fritz sunshine.
Emphasis here is on "will be made available. RTL & Co. is not just rip the scenes, which they use for the trailer down of nerve BluRay. The selected scenes, or get ready Trailer sent. And only they can use these scenes and no other. Otherwise expensive!
If I import a few seconds of a different movie, because someone thinks about it. Then it's just as ADVERTISING. Or do I lie there so wrong? Na and? Even if it were advertising, I was 3.5 in the downloads to any X-any Youtube video network, would not describe what this does, please?
If You create an intellectual work, such as a movie then that is your property. Everyone wants to make of your property with something, you must therefore ask for permission. Or I might me your car for advertising purposes and just like that without being asked to borrow for free? I mean, I'll go so far as here of southern France. What do people think how much your car there, it's not a great advertisement? "
But seriously. Copyright is already important and should be taken synonymous. The modern times, it could adjust a little, but is clearly synonymous. Nevertheless, this is a movie snippets and is the intellectual property of the creator. And since you even in a different Fred for "Branded & idea protection 'demand, but you should be clear.
And in the rest of this license rights are actually not soooo expensive. I was asked some years ago, which cost 30s Lord of the Rings. Since there are D-country firms that manage those rights. They are very cooperative and listen to your concerns exactly s.and