Frage von Set_TiGer:
Sun Hi Leutz,
ich hab da mal an issue. I've got a video with Avid Xpress geschnitten. Everything beautiful and good, but I would imagine the sound s.einer slow, so it is deeper. (The picture will of course be synchronously mitverlangsamt). Xpress Since this function does not possess, I would like to After Effects time distortion back. Now the question is just how I s.besten material being created. In AAF? better different format?. Gibts da plugins or how would you make the s.besten?
If I'm already in the process, I have a few general questions about the professional post-production. In what way are actually composite capabilities and other features of editing programs are exploited or editing programs in the professional field only on the cut out and everything else as color correction, titles, composites, etc is of another Progs over?
How does the exchange of material? AAF? how are you doing this?
Antwort von Jörg:

export your footage as a single sequence tif / targa / png
after AE of back.Denk out there just to export audio separately and in AE with the BildSeq to a precomp to make.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Genevare:

Oh cool .... I'll try.
Thanks in advance!