Frage von Roland Schweiger:
'm Somewhat demoralized .... can someone perhaps tell what I did wrong
have made .....
Have a 2 1 / 4 hour home video of a London journey, which is based on
miniDV tape existed
(PAL 720x576 about 28 Mbit / s ie about 11Gigabyte per hour).
Have captured the first and on an external HDD as a single file
saved - about 33 GB.
Now with Pinnacle Studio 9 cut off all sorts of scenes, Music
udgl recorded.
Then the whole again in the MJPEG format with the PIC Video Codec saved
are still about 33 GB.
Now with TMPEGEnc in MPEG2 changed.
Since I use the 2 1 / 4 hours on a 4.7 GB DVD have wanted
I TMPEGenc in the following set:
- Variable bit rate (2-pass)
8000kbps max = min = 300 kbps = 4100 kbps Average
min = 300 kbps
- The sound at 256 kbps mpeg2
--- Motion search precision = best quality
- Dc component precision = 10 bits
Accordingly laaaaaaaaange has TmpegENC expected because of the exact
Preview - about 24 hours.
With the average bitrate of 4100 kbps which was almost synonymous with Enddatei
4.7 GB.
Now even more quickly with a few DVD Author Title / menus / chapters for the
TV DVD player, and the thing burned.
The Disappointments:
On TV DVD Player snd the single z was nice but it jerky at
Movements such as in an old movie.
As would be quite hard transitions ziwischen each Picture.
Similarly, synonymous with the play with media player, etc. out.
Furthermore, I noticed that even the apparently interfered Music
not stereo is playing but everything down to mono mix was, it could
but at the player is.
Weis why someone so jerky images may be --
with the exact approach and the best possible conversion?
Notes should be grateful about.
Roland Schweiger
Antwort von Günter_Hackel:

Roland Schweiger wrote:
> I'm somewhat demoralized .... can someone perhaps tell what I did wrong
> Have done .....
IMO You have just made too much. The easiest way would have been you
Studio 9 would have fully used and not more than one program for the
same Project:
* Of the DV tape as an AVI capturn
* Edit (cutting, dubbing, title, menus, etc.)
* Render and burn to DVD.
Antwort von Roland Schweiger:

> IMO you've just made too much. The easiest way would have been you
> Studio 9 would have fully used and not more than one program for the
> Same project:
However, the MPEG2 encoder Studio9 of my knowledge, no
Preview correct make (motion search prediction)
and because I thought just now that it would be better with TMPEGenc ...
The actual "choppy error" I can not explain in any case .....
Roland Schweiger
Antwort von Alan Tiedemann:

Roland Schweiger wrote:
> The actual "choppy error" I can not in any case declare However ....
Probably the wrong field order.
FÃ ¼ r the next test will not render the whole video, but
only one critical scene of perhaps 20-30 seconds.
Oh, and if you have Studio 9 from MPEG2 exportierst not, then please
at least one DV-AVI, not a * third * format. The Muay yet
Simply go wrong!
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Antwort von Roland Schweiger:
> Oh, and if you have Studio 9 from MPEG2 exportierst not, then please
> Least one DV-AVI, not a * third * format. That must be it
> Just go wrong!
That I've actually done - with Studio9 again with the PIC codec
gerendered and that was a DV avi, synonymous with the settings
"same as project".
Klar werd ichs the next Test with short scenes try.
How can you actually adjust the Halbbildreihenfolge?
Roland Schweiger
Antwort von Jürgen_He:
Roland Schweiger wrote:
>> Oh, and if you have Studio 9 from MPEG2 exportierst not, then
>> Please at least one DV-AVI, not a * third * format. This must
>> Just go wrong!
> That I've actually done - with Studio9 again with the PIC codec
> Gerendered and that was a DV avi, synonymous with the settings
> "Same as project".
The AVI was whether it was DV-AVI is not so sure, I know
This "PIC codec" not. You should be in the studio for export but synonymous
explicitly "DV AVI" offered, try it.
> Ichs clear in the next Test with short scenes try.
> How can you actually adjust the Halbbildreihenfolge?
If it is in the properties of the codec is not offered, decides
probably the most ignored and seemingly arbitrary "same as project". : - /
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Bernd:
Must unfortunately disappoint many, namely that synonymous jerky pictures,
especially in heavily moving pictures! And have been many attempts
made. Here is the list:
With Studio 9
- DV cam recording in AVI
- Complete editing in the studio
- With DVD Studio generates
=> Jerky
- I also synonymous with Studio
an AVI file (DV codec) is generated.
With this AVI file, I next test:
- Magix Video purchased
This AVI file is generated DVD
=> Jerky
- Adobe Elements purchased
This AVI file is generated DVD
=> Jerky
But now
AVI file to MPEG2 with TMPEGEnc changed
and this MPEG2 file on DVD player
=> NOT choppy
Can someone tell me WHY?
Jürgen He wrote:
> Roland Schweiger wrote:
>>> Oh, and if you have Studio 9 from MPEG2 exportierst not, then
>>> Please at least one DV-AVI, not a * third * format. This must
>>> Just go wrong!
>> That I've actually done - with Studio9 again with the PIC codec
>> Gerendered and that was a DV avi, synonymous with the settings
>> "Same as project".
> The AVI was whether it was DV-AVI is not so sure, I know
> This "PIC codec" not. You should be in the studio for export but synonymous
> Explicitly "DV AVI" offered, try it.
>> Ichs clear in the next Test with short scenes try.
>> How can you actually adjust the Halbbildreihenfolge?
> If it is in the properties of the codec is not offered, decides
> Probably the most ignored and seemingly arbitrary "same as project". : - /
> Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Alan Tiedemann:
Bernd wrote:
^^^^^ A Full Real Name is considered hà ¶ Fliche. Thank you.
> Muay here, unfortunately, many enttà ¤ uschen had na ¤ mlich synonymous jerky pictures,
> Especially when strongly moving pictures! And have been many attempts
> Done. Here is the list:
> But now
> AVI file into MPEG2 with TMPEGEnc changed
> And this MPEG2 file on DVD player
> Views
> => NOT choppy
> Can someone tell me WHY?
Halbbildreihenfolge wrong.
Oh yes: please heed. Thank you.
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Antwort von Bernd Strobl:
Hello Alan,
which would mean ¼ rde Studio 9
makes Halbbilderreihenfolge wrong!
Can I change the setting somewhere in the studio?
Alan Tiedemann wrote:
> Bernd wrote:
> ^^^^^ A Full Real Name is considered hà ¶ Fliche. Thank you.
>> Unfortunately, many Muay here enttà ¤ uschen had na ¤ mlich synonymous jerky pictures,
>> especially with strongly moving pictures! And have been many attempts
>> made. Here is the list:
> [Snip]
>> But now
>> AVI file into MPEG2 with TMPEGEnc changed
>> and this MPEG2 file on DVD player
>> viewed
>> => NOT choppy
>> Can someone tell me WHY?
> Yes.
> Halbbildreihenfolge wrong.
> Oh yes: please heed. Thank you.
> GruÃx,
> Alan
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:
Bernd Strobl:
A simple "I do not want rates to learn, please take me in
filter on your "would be synonymous done and less time spent in reading
Antwort von Rainer Ostmann:
"Bernd Strobl" wrote
> Which would mean ¼ rde Studio 9
> Makes Halbbilderreihenfolge wrong!
Not necessarily. There are cameras that first the lower
Field record, otherwise the top first. You have to be
Your source material already know. If not, you must
with it to try all combinations.
> Can I set somewhere in the studio?
That should allow the program. If not, it is
unusable. With TMPGEnc does it well. Whereby
I now no longer knows whether Field "A" or the lower
upper is. Try it.
GruÃx, Rainer
Please only reply in the NG. My mail here
Address rarely do I get from. If you look to be:
RpunktOstmannBindestrichDetmoldatgmxpunktnet ;-)
Antwort von Roland Schweiger:
Here is the initiator of this thread, which is still a bit desperate
is ...
My video camera is a
SONY TRV 17e with miniDV tapes.
The Camera "spits" on the fire wire. Avi files from their name
DVSD is.
Bitrate = approximately 28 Mbps that is about 12 gigabytes per hour.
Already the capture but the problem seems to be that the Programs
different capture.
Eg NERO makes an avi type I during an avi Pinnacle Type II makes.
In any case back to the original Trouble:
Did my video in Pinnacle captured, processed and one of Pinnacle
mpeg2 file created - still jerky!
If I DV files ertelle bucking them.
In tmpegENC interlace / non-interlace and tried tmpegenc are "fielt
B "as the order.
Jerky but synonymous ...
That's all very annoying because I really thought all
Care for you.
Has anyone yet SonyTRV 17 e, and a similar problem?
Roland Schweiger
my real name is the real,
quote'n I can actually synonymous,
and if it bothers anyone that my email address at another
Providers than the news-server,
then everything is ok.
(tiscali sent me an address synonymous habs gift but never used)
Antwort von Alan Tiedemann:
Roland Schweiger wrote:
> As soon as you capture, but the problem seems to be that the Programs
> Different capture.
> ZB NERO makes an avi type I whereas Pinnacle an avi type II makes.
That is up to at least a few details from the * content * absolutely ago
> In tmpegENC interlace / non-interlace and tried tmpegenc are "fielt
> B "as an order.
"Field Order B".
> Jerky but synonymous ...
Then try "Field Order A".
In no case "Non Interlaced"!
However, it can be daÃx you geschickterweise Your Camera on
"Progressive Scan"'ve converted that goes with many cameras and
Many people find the synonymous erstmal ganz cool. Disadvantage in the matter:
behind the jerky * always *.
Oh yes: it just skips on the PC monitor, or jerky is still synonymous at
Television? DaÃx interlaced material on a PC looks bad is actually
known, however, you can nix it. Mainly on TV it looks good!
Please only reply to newsgroup! Re: mails, I call only rarely from. ~
Mail: at__0815 hotmail com ~ news-2003-10 wane de
Antwort von Roland Schweiger:
> However, it can be that you geschickterweise on Your Camera
> "Progressive Scan"'ve converted that goes with many cameras and
> Many people find the synonymous erstmal ganz cool. Disadvantage in the matter:
> Behind the jerky * always *.
To my knowledge, my SonyTRV17e offers * no * possibility to
progressive_scan switch
So I assume that it is interlaced.
In TMPEGENC so you can both encode the source as synonymous to interlace
/ Non interlace make ...
> Oh yes: it just skips on the PC monitor, or jerky is still synonymous at
> Television? That interlaced material on a PC looks bad is actually
> Known, but can do nothing. Mainly on TV it looks good!
Unfortunately jerky is synonymous to each Dorfer Cheap and Expensive Dorfer Standard DVD
Player for TV!
I have another suspicion:
If I were in my Virtualdub DV files open so he gives me a video
A decompressor
"Panasonic DV CODEC" at.
Where synonymous always comes from, it seems not the right to be.
The codec administration of WinXP is not exactly great at least I know
not as though I can say that he had a different take --
in any event, after I
pdvcodec.dll geguckt times and the stuff was renamed and now comes a
"internal DV codec" which already sounds better.
Must now try everything new - but that is quite annoying ...
But the thing seems to me Panasonic is definitely wrong ...
Roland Schweiger
Antwort von Volker Schauff:
Alan Tiedemann wrote:
>> In tmpegENC interlace / non-interlace and tried tmpegenc are "fielt
>> B "as the order.
> "Field Order B".
A and B is always bad, I hate the program so indicate.
Standardized the na ¤ mlich not. For Media Studio Pro is Bottom Field
First na mlich ¤ A, in other applications it may be B's. Since lobe ich doch
Vegas and Procoder it to write explicitly.
Other sites:
- Ripst you video clips of DVD with DVD2AVI (may be yes no
¼ kopiergeschà Features, say so original CSS-free DVDs, or even
recorded from DVD recorder or DVD Camera) by DV codec, it can
be daÃx TFF is the DVD. But DV is BFF. Many programs recognize
BFF DV halt because the material is, however, as the TFF source - we need
of hand converted. Possible, daÃx the synonymous in other situations
as occurs
- Là ¤ sst a video rà ¼ ¤ rts ckwà must run the Halbbildreihenfolge
be rotated otherwise it jerky. So a BFF video ckwà rà ¼ ¤ rts TFF,
Vegas in 5 must I use the example of hand switch, 6 it is alleged
car you can.
- LÃ ¤ sst videos you run faster or slower, or you are a frierst
Still a debit you need to deinterlace the clip, each
Program mà ¼ sste deinterlace individual clips anywhere you can (mostly to
looking at right-click> Properties). Some make the car
(Vegas and Edius for example), others do not (Media Studio Pro, for example)
Tip so you do not always have to burn: The Free Media Player
Classic (looks like Media Player 6.x of Microsoft but more)
is suitable for control. Bob deinterlacing to make it then it
exactly what happened on television in the interlace playback happens, he
Picture a split into two images so that the clip has 50fps. And here is
the Halbbildreihenfolge do you get it wrong the same Ruckler already at
Pure PC (other player deinterlace garnicht - then you have the
Displacement artifacts from which one can see nothing - or to hide, then
you get ghosting ineinandergeblendeten of two movements, but
synonymous only 25fps, the player must Bobber)
GruÃx ... Volker Schauff (thunderbird.elite @, ICQ 22823502) - About Saber Rider and other 80s series - Forum fà ¼ r ¤ t70er Spa - Frà ¼ h-90s TV nostalgists - FÃ ¼ r fantasy / medieval and everything possible creative
Antwort von Alan Tiedemann:
Roland Schweiger wrote:
>> However, it can be daÃx you geschickterweise Your Camera on
>> "Progressive Scan"'ve converted that goes with many cameras and
>> Many people find the synonymous erstmal ganz cool. Disadvantage in the matter:
>> Behind the jerky * always *.
> To my knowledge, my SonyTRV17e offers * no * possibility to
> Progressive_scan switch
> So I assume that it is interlaced.
> In TMPEGENC so you can both encode the source as synonymous to interlace
> / Non interlace make ...
Muay both stand to interlace. And of course the right
Half-order, so just search on all combinations.
>> Oh yes: it just skips on the PC monitor, or jerky is still synonymous at
>> Television? DaÃx interlaced material on a PC looks bad is actually
>> Known, but can do nothing. Mainly on TV it looks good!
> Unfortunately, jerky is synonymous to each Dorfer Cheap and Expensive Dorfer Standard DVD
> Player fà ¼ r the TV!
Then only half the order wrong.
> I have another suspicion:
> If I have my DV files VirtualDub à ¶ ffne so he gives me a video
> A decompressor
> "Panasonic DV CODEC" at.
This is synonymous rightly so.
> Where synonymous always comes from, it seems not the right to be.
But however, the paÃxt already.
> The codec administration of WinXP is not exactly great at least I know
> Not as though I can say that he had a different take --
> Any case I referred to
> Pdvcodec.dll geguckt times and the stuff was renamed and now comes a
> "Internal DV codec" which already sounds better.
Not necessarily. The Panasonic DV codec is regarded as one of the best.
> Must now try everything new - but it is quite Schà ¶ n à ¤ civic ...
> But the thing seems to me Panasonic is definitely wrong ...
In my experience, is definitely the right place ;-)
Please only reply to newsgroup! Re: mails, I call only rarely from. ~
Mail: at__0815 hotmail com ~ news-2003-10 wane de
Antwort von Alan Tiedemann:
Volker Schauff wrote:
> Alan Tiedemann wrote:
>>> In tmpegENC interlace / non-interlace and tried tmpegenc are "fielt
>>> B "as the order.
>> "Field Order B".
> A and B is always bad, I hate the program so indicate.
> Standardized the na ¤ mlich not. For Media Studio Pro is Bottom Field
> First na ¤ mlich A, in other applications it may be B's. Since lobe ich doch
> Vegas and Procoder it to write explicitly.
Already clear. But if it is in a particular program with "B" is not
goes, it goes with "A". That is the only thing you know Muay ;-)
Please only reply to newsgroup! Re: mails, I call only rarely from. ~
Mail: at__0815 hotmail com ~ news-2003-10 wane de
Antwort von Roland Schweiger:
> Already clear. But if it is in a particular program with "B" is not
> Goes, it goes with "A". That is the only thing you need to know ;-)
Unfortunately in my case is still not. :-(
As I said, the DV file plays as smooth and easy.
Have now TmpegEnc in all variants durchprobiert, jerky yet.
And if I directly with Studio9 make an MPEG2 file, jerky synonymous ...
At the moment I really do not know Council --
There is actually a good analysis program with all the details of a
DV files can be seen?
Roland Schweiger
Antwort von Alan Tiedemann:
Roland Schweiger wrote:
>> Already clear. But if it is in a particular program with "B" is not
>> Goes, it goes with "A". That is the only thing you know Muay ;-)
> Unfortunately in my case is still not. :-(
> As I said, the DV file plays as smooth and easy.
On PC.
> Have now TmpegEnc in all variants durchprobiert, jerky yet.
All variants synonymous viewed on TV?
> And if I directly with Studio9 make an MPEG2 file, jerky synonymous ...
Again: What does the TV?
> At the moment I really do not know Council --
I assume that you do not daÃx all variations on DVD views on TV
searched. I guess you'll have the results have only viewed on a PC,
and if the DVD player (better: the MPEG2 decoder) is good for nothing,
jerky's halt.
That says nothing about ¼ dara out if it later on TV synonymous jerky! Thus
all variants individually and burn to DVD on TV for free.
> There is actually a good analysis program with all the details of a
> DV files can be seen?
I assume, daÃx your DV AVIs are perfect. The error comes later.
Please only reply to newsgroup! Re: mails, I call only rarely from. ~
Mail: at__0815 hotmail com ~ news-2003-10 wane de
Antwort von Maik Holtkamp:
Rainer Ostmann wrote:
> "Bernd Strobl" wrote
>> Which would mean ¼ rde Studio 9
>> Makes the Halbbilderreihenfolge wrong!
> Not necessarily. There are cameras that first the lower
> Field record, otherwise the top first.
Which DV Camera takes as top field first?
- Maik
Antwort von Carsten Winkelmeier:
Roland Schweiger wrote:
> max = 8000kbps
KÃ ¶ It could have been the whole problem be. Some DVD players come
With such high bitrates on DVD - R is not clear.
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:
Angle Carsten Meier wrote:
>> max = 8000kbps
> That could be the whole problem has been. Some DVD players come
> With such high bitrates on DVD - R is not clear.
Do you have an example as evidence for this rather bold hypothesis mE?
Antwort von Carsten Winkelmeier:
Ralf Fontana wrote:
> Angle Carsten Meier wrote:
>>> max = 8000kbps
>> The kà ¶ could have been the whole problem be. Some DVD players come
>> With such high bitrates on DVD - R is not clear.
> Do you have an example as evidence for these mE quite kà ¼ hne hypothesis?
Only your own experience.
Sorry, I was not the KlugscheiÃxer play, I'm more of a
Anfa ¤ nger in this area, but for me it was so that the
self-DVDs only useful pla ¶ ran smooth after I
the bit rate had decreased slightly. Also, the blanks used to play
play a role in some, the DVD player hà ¶ here Bitrate