Frage von Jürgen_Jänicke:
Hello, one of the software in use? Is this one of the
Panasonic's DVD's capture? Have yet no program
found that this creates.
It is not:
Nero, TMPGEnc, ProjectX, PVA-Strumento, DVD2AVI, VirtualDub,
Ulead DVD MovieFactory 6, and none of the known synonymous
Copy bzw.Rippprogramme
Only with VOBrator can I 1.VOB demuxer. Therefore, it would be well in advance
to know whether these Panasonic's own software is appropriate.
Thank you for a few hints
Greetings Jürgen
Antwort von Joachim Bussmann:

Hi Jürgen,
> Hello, one of the software in use?
Jain, this is only the 3-version.
> Can they created of a Panasonic DVD's capture?
If you're actually 'DVD' mean and not the VRO format, for
DVD-RAM is used: No. Most likely, the program serves
primarily for editing video on DVD-RAM ...
> It is not:
> Nero, TMPGEnc, ProjectX, PVA-Strumento, DVD2AVI, VirtualDub,
> Ulead DVD MovieFactory 6, and none of the known synonymous
> Copy bzw.Rippprogramme
Look at times' TMPGEnc DVD Author ", it IMHO is synonymous with the
DVD-compliant data.
Antwort von Jürgen_Jänicke:

"Joachim Bussmann"
wrote in news post
Re: someone knows Panasonic Movie Album SE 4.0 # # #
> Hi Jürgen,
>> Hi, one of the software in use?
> Jain, this is only the 3-version.
>> Can they created of a Panasonic DVD's capture?
> If you're actually 'DVD' mean and not the VRO format, for
> DVD-RAM is used: No. Most likely, the program serves
> Primarily for editing video on DVD-RAM ...
Good, so it demonstrably works with DVD-RAM? A RAM-compatible
Panasonic burner and the software will help, I would invest. It is
unutterable mühsehlich the DVD's (yes DVD!) in the calculator to work on, in
Most advertising sites rausschneiden to get.
Have s.Wochenende after lengthy trials still following way:
1. With VobEdit demuxer (can tartsächlich synonymous to 1.VOB read correctly!)
-Because of these files Cattermaran or Mpeg2Schnitt not properly
read -
2. Again Muxen to *. mpg with mplex
3. Reconnect with PVA demuxer Strumento
4. Cut with Mpeg2Schnitt
5. Authors with MuxMan (or, failing IfoEdit)
6. finally burn with eg Nero
But how will I survive with currently almost 40 shots? Thus
Alternative DVD-RAM? Since then only with the cumbersome Fummelei
DVD-RAM. Rein in Cartridge for recorder, leave cartridge for burners.
Will probably be the lesser of two evils.
Again thank you, I try it.
Gruß Jürgen
Antwort von Joachim Bussmann:
Hi Jürgen,
> Good, so it demonstrably works with DVD-RAM? [...]
Under the premise that the Panasonic recorder, the VRO format on
DVD-Ram and writes Movie Album 4.0 is not significantly different
than the 3 version, then you can get the software with the recordings of the
Recorder directly to the DVD-RAM editing.
Completely useless, at least in the 3 version, however, the
MPG-export for further processing: Somehow there is the whole stuff
Coded from scratch - good lasts forever and as a result somehow synonymous
nix :-(
> [...] A RAM-compatible
> Panasonic burner and the software will help, I would invest. It is
> Unutterable mühsehlich the DVD's (yes DVD!) In the calculator to work on, in
> Most sites advertising rausschneiden to get.
Nope, not really, you can not just switch to DVD-R/RW
write, because it appears from the recorder DVD authoring
made. If you leave the recorder on DVD-RAM write, you can
The VRO file is relatively easy on the PC and then with
'TMPGEnc DVD Author' cut, "Authors" and then burn.
> Have s.Wochenende after long trials still following way:
> 1 With VobEdit demuxer (can tartsächlich synonymous to 1.VOB read correctly!)
> Since these files Mpeg2Schnitt of Cattermaran or not properly
> Read -
> 2 Again Muxen to *. mpg with mplex
> 3 Reconnect with PVA demuxer Strumento
> 4 Cut with Mpeg2Schnitt
> 5 Authors with MuxMan (or, failing IfoEdit)
> 6 finally burn with eg Nero
Uh, yes ... Just why, if it is synonymous complicated :-)
BTW: Why demuxer - Muxen - demuxer - Mpeg2Schnitt --
Authors? Where PVA Strumento the Files of VobEdit not?
> But how will I survive with almost 40 shots up to date? Thus
> Alternative DVD-RAM? Since then only with the cumbersome Fummelei
> DVD-RAM. Rein in Cartridge for recorder, leave cartridge for burners.
Nope, why? There are synonymous DVD-RAM without cartridge ... or PC with the burner
Cartridge Support (added: Only the very expensive and difficult
Panasonic obtainable). The recorder can Panasonc principle with
two media types around.
Hint: Look at the times' TMPEnc DVD Author 'of Pegasys in ... if
You the price and the annoying, regular license renewal is not
disturbing, it could be the solution to your problem ...
Antwort von Jürgen Jänicke:
"Joachim Bussmann" wrote in news post
Re: someone knows Panasonic Movie Album SE 4.0 # # #
> Hi Jürgen,
> BTW: Why demuxer - Muxen - demuxer - Mpeg2Schnitt --
> Authors? Where PVA Strumento the Files of VobEdit not?
Where PVA Strumento because * some * files? I thought the only PVA Strumento
to the demuxer and 'fix' may ...
> The Panasonc recorder can in principle with
> Two media types around.
My EH56 recognize DVD-RAM without cartridge's always DVD-R and the
does not ...
An error, defect?
gruß Jürgen
Antwort von Joachim Bussmann:
Hi Jürgen,
>> The Panasonc recorder can in principle with
>> Both media types around.
> My EH56 recognize DVD-RAM without cartridge's always DVD-R and the
> Does not ...
For me (DMR-EX77) is correct 'DVD-RAM' detected ...
> An error, defect?
Mmmh, our old Recorder (DMR-E50) had concluded a significant
Problems of recognizing DVD-RAM, no preference whether with or without cartridge.
Since the device but in time with us almost every day went,
guess I just wear, enhanced by the fact that it
in a smoking lounge stood.