Frage von meawk:
Meanwhile, I wonder if it even exists a program with which one can "lossless" (BQ) continue to edit.
The question now poses new on for me because of the 1080/24p GH2 see in the original fantastic, but I have not found a program that does not crash constantly, first and second rausrendert without loss of a BQ movies (With Vegas is because at present not much and before I spend money I ask them but sometimes the community...)
Did not even ever before to render my 1080p material only in 720p. . .
Who knows a program that renders real loss and also liquid and without constantly crashing??
Antwort von Axel:

Have you even looked Edius? pils head used with the Lumix Vegas and is apparently satisfied.
We have talked about loss schonmal. Nice if the software for cutting the footage natively import and not synonymous crashes. For losses is either the encoder or an unfavorable responsible workflow, most both. to render 8-bit video with integers of 0-255, if one turns a little synonymous s.der brightness or color, resulting in drastic reduction in quality. Rendering to a higher bit depth results in longer rendering times. The dilemma can not be avoided.
You can try to spend a few minutes of video uncompressed. The file is huge, but quality does not stop's better. View this file as a master, of which you create your output file. AVCHD to AVCHD, which is only hard cuts "visually lossless".
Antwort von meawk:

Thanks Axel,
have not the latest Vegas, but that it does not work: The way I purely put more clips and then out to render just like (... to change for testing purposes even without cuts and without synonymous just anything), put down the shit-sorry-off .
Eduis I had it already in the short time trial - let's see if I try that again.
Strangely, I can render out my original 550D or 5D II files in 1080p relatively problem-free. . .
Antwort von tommyb:

How current is your for Vegas?
Antwort von Tiefflieger:
Bzw. wenn es darum geht einen Film zusammenzuschneiden ohne Effects, Übergänge oder Zusatztonspuren, geht es direkt.
Bzw. Übergänge könnte man als separate Bildfolgen einfügen.
Ich verwende /
Antwort von cantsin:
AVCHD to AVCHD, which is only hard cuts "visually lossless". The quality drinks quickly, in fact, if you AVCHD material visually in any way edited (color correction, compositing, panels, effects). This is the price of the high compression - just like 75% quality JPEGs that look for synonymous Although very good, but are already at minimal editing in Photoshop & Co. artifacts.
Even with pils head bathroom video, I noticed some color banding.
I know not with Vegas. Final Cut would be a High-Quality Workflow: put files without re-encoding in Quicktime container (ffmpeg-i-acodec copy-vcodec foo.mts copy), just put it on the timeline, without hard color correction, aperture and overlays and then cut with a lossless codec render (QuickTime with PNG compression).
When you do color corrections and other edits with Magic Bullet Looks, the effect mitigated somewhat, because the internal program in higher pixel count and bit depths interpolated missing or frayed color values. Here, however, I lack the knowledge, like other software does this.
Antwort von tommyb:

Even in Vegas you can then render something lossless. The mere fact that one does not auto cut AVCHD natively loss of quality when exporting.
Antwort von beiti:
Who knows a program that renders real loss and also liquid and without constantly crashing?? Truly lossless (just as we knew of DV) deals with image compression method does not cross on principle. At least be around the cleavage site must be rendered anew ("smart rendering"). This should not normally see. Even if the entire video is compressed in the meantime uncompressed or stored in an intermediate codec and only later is high, the losses kept very limited.
There are certain pitfalls. One of them, I've come random times, concerns the frame rate: When Your Camera 24 fps makes and you, the material in a project with 23.97 fps import it (or vice versa), the editing makes it a very unpleasant frame rate conversion program. Contrary to popular belief, are 24p and 23.97 p that is not identical, but there is both types.
Antwort von Axel:
Even in Vegas you can then render something lossless. The mere fact that one does not auto cut AVCHD natively loss of quality when exporting. Edit in Vegas, where export of the same in> neoscene. Create From File neoscene-smaller, more compressed versions of Web and Blu-ray.
I was not 100% sure whether the workflow works because I am of Final Cut Pro. Have it but just googled and it is. This is the ideal solution.