Frage von Andreas_Kiel:
after switching to Vegas 8 must I file an "m2v" in a Vegas Movie Studio acceptable format. Pinnacle Studio sets the imports in this format. Should actually be MPEG2, GSpot says synonymous, but "codec not installed".
VMS eats the file directly after rename in mpg as synonymous as GSpot "codec not installed".
The file is perfectly fine and runs in VLC, WMP, Showtime (despite allegedly missing codec!) ... I do not even need the O-sound. Unfortunately I can not re-capture of tape.
What would the conversion reasonably good pace? The best in m2t ...
Antwort von wolfgang:

Maybe go with womble (Easymovie).
Antwort von Marco:

Andreas, did you with the demo version tries?
By Movie Studio or with Movie Studio Platinum?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

MPEGStreamclip costs nothing and makes a lot ...
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
Andreas, did you with the demo version tries?
By Movie Studio or with Movie Studio Platinum?
Marco Moin,
with Movie Studio Platinum, and although full version - newly registered and Update 8.0c synonymous schon drauf. Other tests I have with the VLC-player action: you can transcode video streams synonymous. The file times, I then converted into MPEG4, it will be correctly played anywhere ... VMSP just can not import. In VLC, I have in any case almost all the options.
Now at times I ask Sony to direct.
PS: MPEGStreamclip tried more than one hour at 90% processor load and more than 150 ~ 200 MB of memory needed to open the m2v and then crashed as soon as I am any other window in the foreground pushed. If only the process off.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Strange, that has MPEG Streamclip I have never done, is one of the most reliable tools on ...
Why VMSP actually m2t files?
Most NLE have internal transcoding m2t eh, that this format is outdated. The only situation in which m2t files are needed if one is Sony HDV cameras and the Time Code and certain other metafiles would like to include in MPG format are not stored, it is certainly in OnLocation Manual Page on 63rd
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Sooo ...
it worked, and for those who face the same problem:
The tool, which can convert m2v, so VMSP 8.0c the synonymous eats, reads MPEG-VCR 3.14
hierEs scheint so, als ob die File genauso gut erhalten ist wie das Original, ist aber ein klein wenig größer geworden.
Mein Dank also s.Wolfgang, (the tip was worth its weight in gold (especially when the tape is no longer available).
PS: Here are three stills from the smaller file - in this weather I once waited two months:
zum Bild
zum Bild
zum Bild