Frage von Satya: hello everybody,
'm stumped again!
I use newest Sorensen squeeze 5 to encode my files and had very good results synonymous so erzielt.nun however, I would like more picture from my videos rauskitzeln and therefore experiment with the main concept h264 advanced einstellungen.leider I did not what the individual rausgefunden regler real effect.
after 4 hours of reading various articles on the topic i-frames, b-frames, slices, quantization, etc. I am so clever as vorher.nicht times my 280-page manual strong Sorensen squeeze has led to the advanced settings are somewhat.
perhaps there is here in the forum of the wide main concept experts who can explain to me what this controller to affect my videos about the image quality haben.hier the regulator
Antwort von tommyb:
AVC Profiles
Select a profile here. This determines which devices can run the video. Depending of the hardware performance, features such as CABAC and B-frames is limited.
Interlace Mode
Interlaced (bottom field first at DV)
Encoding Effort
Best is good, if what is better, then choose (according takes longer to encode)
If only the better s.einigen AVC profiles possible. Good value is 2-3 However, even 5 no problem, it selects the codec itself.
What is the Choice?
Antwort von Satya:
thanks for the reply tommyb!
So should I just take progressive 25p material if I have or can I take synonymous with deinterlacetem material?
So in the profiles can I set baseline, main, high.
which profile is because of what device?
in slices of I can adjust from 0 to 16.
what exactly happens when I use the b-frames set up?
Antwort von tommyb:
So should I just take progressive 25p material if I have or can I take synonymous with deinterlacetem material? Yes, it is.
So in the profiles can I set baseline, main, high.
which profile is because of what device? High or sometimes synonymous Unrestricted offers really high-quality features and is s.PC / Mac playable without any problems. Some devices such as MP3 player, the videos represent synonymous possibly come only with a clear baseline - but that is of one device to another variable. High is basically not a big problem.
in slices of I can adjust from 0 to 16. Then perhaps the so called reference frames. 16 may in this case, very efficient.
what exactly happens when I use the b-frames set up? There are more space-saving B-frames are used. The cartoons can be very small files with very good quality.
How B-frames just work, you must however ergoogeln.
Antwort von Satya:
tommyb huge thanks!