Frage von prem:
my windows media player only plays a certain time, the mpeg format. The files are in MPEG 2 format before. this film he plays every 12 minutes like I ab.wenn it to mpeg then, converts even an hour. why is that? or you can at least tell me where I get updates for media player to fix this problem. I now tell schonmal THANKS.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "Guest"
sorry, but I do not understand your question.
Write 'the text again settled. ;-)
Antwort von jasmin61:

Lad you, if not already present, the latest player.
In the case of the 10 `er
download Media Player 10vielleicht ist synonymous ein Divix codec drauf?!
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Welcome GUEST!
@ HOST (and Markus )------------- FACTS ---------
So you have some MPEG2 video films and the media player comes with each of these video files only up to the 12th Minute.
If you are the MPEG2 video files in MPEG1 and they are converting it with the Media Player to get the videos to about 60 Minute.
----------------------------------- ----- END FACTS
Did you possibly install codec packs (eg, with Lame codec)?
Uninstall it and versuchs again.