Frage von Thomas Steinbach:
Hallo NG,
So now I have these two tools
"mencoder" and "ffmpeg" as "the" ultimate
Tools to "To / Re-encode", ie convert
of videos in a different format identified.
At least there are these tools synonymous for Win32
Platforms. Is there any other qualitative
equivalent or similar powerful
Tools? I still Transcode identified, but
that is probably more of a pure Linux solution.
However, this is all still totally slay
and so I have some questions ...
On the net I always find the expression
the mencoder to ffmpeg the bervorzugen was.
I can here at my (still) simple
Conversions after mpeg1 video and mp2
Audio no real differences.
Only when mencoder example in the stands
Windows Media Player: Audio codec "Unknown"
btw: How can I change and mencoder
instruct a corresponding synonymous Info
into the mpg file writing? Hear the sound
I despite the lack of info / specifying a
Audio codecs?
I find on the net to claim the synonymous
pass2 method was better. But I can
not quite understand how this works?
Both tools read the logs at the 2nd Run
car or why the second
Runs better then? In principle it is
the same command - not? Writes About
Is not? I think for example fmpeg
The file "ffmpeg2pass-0.log Ask" in the
current directory ... how does
mencoder at this and how do I enter the
explicitly (if ever) to?
One last question about my being
used command lines. What do the
Multimedia experts and enthusiasts about this:
Task: "Maximum" Picture quality at
_einer_ CD (~ 700MB) and an appealing
Skalierungsgroesse (~ 720x540 at 4:3)
Sowei truncated empty margins and Use
of mpeg1 video (~ 800kb) and mp2 (max.128kb/44100khz)
Audio mpg1 in standard containers (one
Video track and an audio track in stereo or Language)
in relation to the size I have to
now and always erhoehen down the
Video Bitrate approximated ...
For ffmpeg I:
--- snip ---
IFIL set file.avi%
set oFile file.mpg%
set VCOD% mpeg1video
CROP set croptop =- 0-cropbottom 0-cropleft 0-cropright 0
set SCALEr0x540
set SPC = 4:3
set FPS%
set VBIT ¬ 0000
set ACOD% mp2
ABIT set 8000
set SRATED100
VOL% 6 set
ffmpeg-i%%-IFIL vcodec VCOD%%%% CROP-SCALE% s%-aspect% ASP% r% b% FPS
%%-Acodec VBIT ¬ OD%-ab "IT%-ar%-vol ARAT%% VOL% sameq oFile%%
REM for multi-pass 1 / 2:
ffmpeg-i%%-IFIL vcodec VCOD%%%% CROP-SCALE% s%-aspect% ASP% r% b% FPS
%% VBIT-pass 1-acodec ¬ OD%-ab "IT%-ar%-vol ARAT%% VOL% sameq
ffmpeg ... Pass 2 ...
--- snap ---
And for mencoder, I have so far:
--- snip ---
IFIL set file.avi%
set oFile file.mpg%
set VCOD% mpeg1video
set PASS = 1
CROP set =
set SCALEr0: 540
set SPC = 4 / 3
set FPS%
set VBIT ¬ 0
set ACOD% mp2
ABIT set 8
set SRATED100
VOL = 0 set
mencoder% IFIL-o%%% oFile ofps% FPS% of mpeg-ovc lavc-lavcopts
vcodec =%% VCOD: vbitrate =%% VBIT: aspect =% ASP% vf
crop =%% CROP, scale = SCALE%% harddup-oac lavc-lavcopts
acodec = ¬ OD%: abitrate = "IT-sRate is used%%% sRate is used af -
lavcresample =%% sRate is used, volume =% VOL%: 0
REM for multi-pass 1 / 2:
mencoder% IFIL-o%%% oFile ofps% FPS% of mpeg-ovc lavc-lavcopts
vcodec =%% VCOD: vbitrate =%% VBIT: aspect =% ASP%: vpass = 1-vf
crop =%% CROP, scale = SCALE%% harddup-oac lavc-lavcopts
acodec = ¬ OD%: abitrate = "IT-sRate is used%%% sRate is used af -
lavcresample =%% sRate is used, volume =% VOL%: 0
mencoder ... : = vpass 2 ...
Are these lines still Toppen to all
Contingencies involved? Irritate me when
Mencoder nor indication keyint and mbd = 2 as:
is to be seen ... Are these really necessary and
what exactly?
For tips / criticism about this, I am open and
are / is welcome.
Would perhaps be one or the other setting
better and why a tool the other
was preferable ...
Or whether synonymous exclude certain options
Efekt and no longer in the combination
have ...
What is with the order of options
Antwort von Heiko Nocon:

Thomas Steinbach wrote:
> Is there any other qualitative
> equivalent or similarly powerful
> Tools? I still Transcode identified, but
> that is probably more of a pure Linux solution.
Yes and no. Yes: Transcode is similarly powerful. No: It is
not a pure Linux solution, but may be synonymous with Windows up and running
> I find on the net to claim the synonymous
> pass2 method was better.
2pass. That is not always better, but only under certain
Terms. The main condition is a limitation of the existing
medium bit rate for the target material, eg material's
Streaming by limited network bandwidth or simply because the
generating a data file to specified size is not only
somehow fit, but the available size synonymous nor optimally
should exploit.
If enough bandwidth / space available, it does not
second pass, but instead is compressed in the "CQ" mode. (constant
quality). This has virtually the same beneficial effect for the
Quality as 2pass encoding, just the average bitrate (or
Size) is not predictable, because they examine the content of the coded
Material depends.