Frage von flex78:
I hope I am with you with my question correctly, since its so avc professionals since ...
have several movies with the PS3 AVC mp4 converter to convert, then I have it umbennent (same file extension).
when I do, however, on the Twonky media server on my PS3 to watch, I see there is still the old name of the film and not like the file wircklich means.
where is this bez. deposited at AVC?
freu me your feedback ..
Antwort von B.DeKid:

In the meta tags, perhaps?
Have times compatriots?
Antwort von flex78:

stupid question .. where can I find?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

There are tools the meta tags / information that is in the Files of shooting or Music can change. Sollche tools you need to test times ......
Because most of whom are created when making and etc.
Google times as find lots of tools should chen data tend to be uniform, or better SOTI.
Antwort von flex78:

sorry but I must ask again.
googel find nothing, or maybe I'm looking with the wrong words .. metatags come under only the HTML metatags.
Antwort von flex78:

I have one thing:
Antwort von flex78:
the good is synonymous, is directly integrated in Windows Explorer ..