Frage von masterkillmore:I made with my SonyHDR-HC1 some shots.
The problem is a 60Minuten film about 10 - 11,000 MB eats
So I'm looking to watch a splitter with the MPS to the video and (s.besten cut frame accurate) can.
(I just want to burn the raw parts to it on several DVDs would be nice if there were such a thing as freeware Maybe.)
Gruß Benny
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Antwort von MiXMaster:
I think it would have to go with ProjectX.
Antwort von auril:
have no experience with HDV, but why not simply with Premiere Pro 1.5 or other HDV capable editing software into two parts and re-save it?
Antwort von masterkillmore:
How then does the ProjektX anyway??