Frage von fplatonva:
Good day!
in this forum, I often have great tips to solve my problems
receive. Today I installed a software, namely Camtasia
Studio 4th It's just that when I get a screen capture and
wants to play, the error message:
"No codec is avialable to render this file." What should I do?
How do I know what codec this file and how I needed this
Codec install. For any notice, I am very grateful
Antwort von Ralf Schmode:

fplatonva wrote:
> In this forum, I often have great tips to solve my problems
> Receive. Today I installed a software, namely Camtasia
> Studio 4th It's just that when I get a screen capture and
> Wants to play, the error message:
> "No codec is avialable to render this file." What should I do?
> How do I find what codec this file and how I needed this
> Install the codec.
Hello, Platonva,
I do not know exactly what you are under "a screen capture"
understand, but I can imagine that the solution to your problem
can be found here:
Greeting and beautiful Sunday, Ralf
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