Frage von gormhorger:
Hello. my problem is that I render the list in the course of the format options in the lots can select video codecs, but for no audio output format options available. So I have my videos always fed with uncompressed sound. there is still hope that what lazy ...
Incidentally, I have after effects cs3 master as part of the collection under windows vista in the deficient. I would like to "video for windows" and tinker as divx video codec used.
how can it be that I have no audio codecs to choose from? and it is assumed - you can somehow post audio codecs for after effects to install? there is who are well-suited? over the money comes from is not really - will prefer that it works and sounds good, that I spent three days rumfrickeln need to ever listen to what ...
danke schon mal!
Antwort von Wagas:

Perhaps this is because after effects for visual-kompositing is responsible, videos and more generally in other programs to be mastered?
Antwort von gormhorger:

exactly. and the adobe people have thought: we build the format options button look, because he looks so beautiful.
but thank you for the very nice idea you introduced. is still sunday - did not really expect more ...
Antwort von Mylenium:
exactly. and the adobe people have thought: we build the format options button look, because he looks so beautiful.
but thank you for the very nice idea you introduced. is still sunday - did not really expect more ... Jaja, nu still yells at you. Your student Schlau Meierei kannste omit. This would have been with me verschissen if you're my intern.
For AVI, there's no compression options, and quite moving. Is synonymous in the manual, BTW. And times like this except it is megadämlich, aus'nem Compositingprogram that no multi-pass analysis can export to DivX want. That should put a media technicians really know better - as you can with your "full video" slap on the shit, as you want.
Ergo: Uncompressed export from AE, then with VirtualDub or SUPER © to convert.
(who knows where the HTWK and is always because vorbeiradelt)
Antwort von robbie:

Jau, the host hats anyway to the point taken.
After-effect is simply not meant to and capable of offering something somehow compressed ..
Antwort von Wagas:
(who knows where the HTWK and is always because vorbeiradelt) I'm Gone dangers synonymous ever. Is that für'n diploma? :-)
Antwort von Wagas:

Antwort von Wagas:

I am amazed what is a simple link in the signature enjoyed for some time can make a difference. rausgefunden if you did, whether as a media technician s.der HTWK Leipzig diplom by bicycle can get, then let me know.
but thanks for the reply. do you know which video formats you s.den may play audio settings?
Antwort von Mylenium:
I am amazed what is a simple link in the signature enjoyed for some time can make a difference. rausgefunden if you did, whether as a media technician s.der HTWK Leipzig diplom by bicycle can get, then let me know.
but thanks for the reply. do you know which video formats you s.den may play audio settings? Jaja, ich hab 'dich lieb synonymous ...