Frage von jut:
Dear Forum,
I must be in North and South America over longer periods with dv film. Can someone tell me whether the dv cassette, which I then buy on the spot, already ntsc, or decide the question pal / ntsc only by the camera or adjusting the camera?
Thanks for answers
Antwort von Markus73:

Can someone tell me whether the dv cassette, which I then buy on the spot, already ntsc, or decide the question pal / ntsc only by the camera or adjusting the camera? Latter. There are no "Vorkodierung" of the tapes. Only the nature of the recording camera decides whether PAL or NTSC it is.
Antwort von finne99:

how do I know my camera is PAL or NTSC?
many greetings
Antwort von Axel:
how do I know my camera is PAL or NTSC?
JVC DV GR 23E The "E" means s.Schluss
Antwort von finne99:

and "Europe" means PAL or NTSC
Antwort von finne99:

and "Europe" means PAL or NTSC
Antwort von Nacho:
and "Europe" means PAL or NTSC
Antwort von finne99:

So I have to capture in Adobe Premiere adjust the following:
Video Standard: PAL
Device brand: JVC
Device Type: Standard
Antwort von WoWu:

.. if you want to film in South America, remember that for 60 Hz mains frequency are .... so be careful in artificial else do you have when you do that in Europe anschaust the flickering on your video!
NTSC and PAL so you may still need to convert .... But the flickering you do not get away.
Antwort von webrider:

I have already cassettes, there is NTSC and PAL on it.
Antwort von Lena:

How would you avoid this flickering?
Antwort von Quadruplex:
How would you avoid this flickering? It takes camcorder with adjustable buckle - the one then adjusts so that it no longer flickers.
Antwort von Lena:
It takes camcorder with adjustable buckle - the one then adjusts so that it no longer flickers. do you think a particular shutter setting - what?
lg Lena
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... a certain shutter setting - what? Usually this means setting "Clear Scan", but is only of semi-professional camcorders (like the Canon XM2 eg) s.aufwärts available.
Gruß Bernd E.