Frage von bluestargfx:
Hey Guys,
I have been following now for some time everything relating to DSLR shooting. Unfortunately, I do myself with a change of my present Canon XH-A1 on a DSLR cam very very difficult. Somehow throwing the search for answers to more questions.
My claim s.das medium is more artistic. So it's me in the first instance to the 35mm-Effect and synonymous to slow motion.
But focal, the tonal question and the actual picture quality also put me in understanding problems.
My question now is:
If I would want to change that Cam should I consider? A 7D - simply because it is expensive? Or is a film-ONLY synonymous with a Canon 60D, as they now come out soon? Or even a 550D? And what lens would make sense?
How do I get the sound via XLR into the Cam? Or better yet capable NEN Field recorder?
Do I still consider anything other than the above score, which confuse me anyway?
Oh yes, and what's with the lack of AF in LiveViewModus the Canons? If the place myself might be a problem?
Wow, I hope someone conjures up to me ne time magnifier into the brain so that I can recognize the important things!?
Schonmal Thanks for the help
me is quite dizzy. :-)
Mfg. The majo
Antwort von Axel:
Unfortunately, I do myself with a change of my present Canon XH-A1 on a DSLR cam very very difficult. Somehow throwing the search for answers to more questions. The Comparison is enlightening to see how you will.
My claim s.das medium is more artistic. So it's me in the first instance to the 35mm-Effect and synonymous to slow motion. Artistically: You want manual control. Do you have with the DSLR synonymous. And even more, and sometimes not, therefore, easier. Thus, this 35mm-effect, ie the smaller focus range, has a downside: The smaller sharp! Slow going with A1 and with DSLR and associated with approximately similar resolution in both losses, this point is felt to neutral. A greater artistic freedom you have with DSLR mainly because of the potentially (depending, not least, synonymous of the Optics) tremendous intensity. One can and should still illuminate dramatic, but it is a huge difference whether I need to 3000 watts or 30 Comparison of a DSLR you have to say, has the A1
no Lowlightfähigkeiten. Basta.
But focal, the tonal question and the actual picture quality also put me in understanding problems. The actual picture quality? The A1 (A1s, G1, H1) is the s.besten resolution HDV camera, perhaps it is close to its nominal 1440 pixels. No DSLR contrast, creates in 1280, let alone their nominal 1920th But what does that mean? The pictures are full of errors. Some result from the fact that the images look
as though they
were much, much better resolved, others have to learn to avoid (moire, clipping). A DSLR-Picture can and is filed under exhausting all means to look better than an A1.
The 550D, the 60D and the 7D (in contrast to the 5D and 1D) have no full-frame sensor. If you go out like that is on full frame (aksKleinbild, aks24 x 36 mmm) a 50mm normal lens, the (what else may be true of the aspect ratio of 2:3 Stillimage - just 24 x 36 - but not for the video widescreen 16 : 9, since it tends to 35mm WW), so would need to be multiplied with a factor of 1.6 would, therefore, for the smaller APS-C - exactly a 80mm sensor, and a 31.5 mm (which is not there) would correspond to a 50mm, because of wide screen but again more of a 24mm. These facts perhaps you should understand and accept just anyway, followed by concrete Lens recommendations.
If I would want to change that Cam should I consider? A 7D - simply because it is expensive? Or is a film-ONLY synonymous with a Canon 60D, as they now come out soon? Or even a 550D? And what lens would make sense? I do not know exactly what improvements a pull-out display means as with the 60D. Let that be certainly said that you will make no usable footage from the hand. You need at least one "rig" that is a shoulder pad. Not all of these rigs to move the display of the camera, of the right, where there is a tendency, if you had the rig on the shoulder recxhten, centered in front of your eyes. Do you but such a rig - the long story short - it does the 550D.
The two recommended lenses (
Tamron this
How do I get the sound via XLR into the Cam? Or better yet compatible NEN Field recorder?
Field recorder, definitely. Give me the Mone
Antwort von bluestargfx:
Hello Axel,
I call once na ne detailed reply.
So I think the trend is clear.
A two things are still unclear to me:
Suppose I WILL necessarily in all the film layers of close-up to 1080p with Total and synonymous with slow motion film with at least 50fps - and this in 16:9:
Will I stay then the 550D or do I have to resort to 7D, because I simply make fewer difficulties in the post-Pro? By that I mean an intricate Adobetracker and a slippery noise-black in night shots.
Oh yes:
I once went to the thread in which you have made because of the two Lenses. But somehow when I see through. Could you write me again exactly which two would you use as the basis Lenses?
Otherwise, I see the world again a little clearer and hope I come Nich all too much as a fool who has no haze over. :-)
PS: The solution for the zoom ring, I find great. This makes great sense.
PPS: As far as Rig and sound, I see it the same way. I would then do so devinitiv Sun
Thanks again
Antwort von B.DeKid:
550D extends completely, as there are no probs or any other probs as synonymous with the 7D.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:
... because of the two Lenses. But somehow when I see through. Could you write me again exactly which two would you use as the basis Lenses?.
The Tamron is as all-round (a not-aperture, but not synonymous light of weak zoom. Lichtverhätnisse If permitted by, do you have in the wide angle position with a kind of fixed focus s.etwa Aperture 4 - small consolation for the lack of AF.
The 35mm f1.4 because of the light intensity. Do not buy cheap brands. Take Canon or Nikon. For Nikon you must use an adapter (differences of a 10 ¬ - part from China via ebay a 50 ¬ - parts? Feather is probably at the billo-part wear out quickly if he is often changed - you do not, however, as the Optics only for the Canon).
Suppose I WILL necessarily in all the film layers of close-up to 1080p with Total and synonymous with slow motion film with at least 50fps - and in the 16:9
Nah? My buddy has a near-Optics (never seen before, just the shots), with which he was the head of a bee on it Extents - or himself with the camera in a black, curved mirror as the pupil of his father turned out to be ( the medical and the photographer is the one schweineteure Optics). slow motion? Only goes to 720p. The camera then just shoot 50 pictures, which you interpret the NLE than 25 images. Even the 25p slow motion footage from 50i with the A1 has comparable resolution losses. Even the 60 fps slow motion of the EX only has 720p. There's only 50p in 1080 as AVCHD version - second camcorder?
Antwort von Mink:
What is there against the Canon 28mm 1.8 to say? After all, only costs a third of the 1.4 L 35mm ....
I still rate a Cokin (P) filter system .... because the built-in ND filter XHA1 you are missing.
Antwort von Axel:
What is there against the Canon 28mm 1.8 to say? After all, only costs a third of the 1.4 L 35mm ....
Almost half as bright. The Prices for larger screens do not rise more proportionately, but exponentially. If there were the famous f0.7, I would not necessarily want to have anyway, because the right to this speed blur, I do not want to have more. The 28er is but at some point in the collection because it's synonymous wide-angle. On closer reflection you're probably right: For a beginner, perhaps just as good as the 35s.
Antwort von bluestargfx:
I'm shocked, shocked:
So I just looked up times. About the Tamron Standard Optics would think s.das here:
Well, and then I sometimes am looking for the Canon 1.4 and almost tipped out of the sandals. So expect genuine, with such a result I did not. 1300 already seems to be a really good price for it. N is a real bit much.
Nich's still a little less bright ne variant, which we say, it costs only 500 na? Please please please. :-)
Have not found that here, certainly not Canon WW and bright but is not it?
What do you mean this as a first entry?
Oh yes, and the Cokin filter:
Well yes is the one wanted. Since I still see through even Nich. But since I am already fuchs pure. Thanks for pointing that synonymous.
Antwort von Mink:
At Tamron standard is rather meant the 17-50mm 2.8 .... that there is a large Klopper with image stabilizer (VC in the name) for about 380 ¬ or without an image stabilizer ... slightly smaller and cheaper .... how do I find more pleasant ....
... That's synonymous 70-200 but fun:) .....
I still had the less bright and wide-angle Canon 28mm 1.8 USM (450 ¬) is proposed.
Although I always synonymous s.einer Cropkamera (550D, 7D) slightly telemäßige Canon 50mm 1.8 (100 ¬) or a Pentax 50mm 1.4 with adapter for about 100 ¬ (Superobjektik) Bedenkenswert think.
If need be to get away without L lenses a bit cheaper. But no matter which of course are nice ....
Antwort von bluestargfx:
So, and now even a complete newbie question. Is my almost embarrassing:
Does a fixed focal length, such as the 50mm 1.8, that I can not use a longer zoom, but always with the action s.das your subject has ran? And always synonymous to the same distance? The skin go?
If so, then where is the advantage s.der story? Only in the light?
I know, I know, I have no idea but synonymous. sorry. :-)
Antwort von jwd96:
Yes, that's right. With a fixed focal length or "prime lens" you have no zoom, but only one example of a fixed focal 50mm.
The advantage is really only the brightness.
Antwort von Mink:
... The primes are often synonymous of high quality .... lenses less / less (moving) parts .... precise processing ....
... And even though (much) brighter ....
... But I find two primes in a range of areas, the focal length you like (between 20 and 100mm) ... and then a standard zoom like the Tamron ....
... Yet again synonymous often called the Tokina 11-16mm 2.8
Antwort von bluestargfx:
And is the above with all the lenses in the depth range of the 35mm lens? Because that's what I indeed s.end relevant if not synonymous ONLY that.
Antwort von jwd96:
The depths (un sharpness) comes to Aperture on it. The smaller the aperture, the smaller the Schärfeberich, that is, with a bright prime lens you can produce a very small area of sharpness.
Antwort von bluestargfx:
Ok, I think as far as I am almost completely in the picture.
Only one question:
With a 50mm prime lens: How far should the sensor be there away from the subject, so this is just sharp? Can one say that?
If yes n essential purchase criterion for the shooting.
Antwort von gast3:
do not know if you're really in the picture .... synonymous a fixed focal length 50 has a focus ring, or autofocus, so proximity of approximately 50cm to infinity ........ You can only select the image you have to find your site itself .....
Antwort von Axel:
And is the above with all the lenses in the depth range of the 35mm lens? Because that's what I indeed s.end relevant if not synonymous ONLY that.
Then the mention of Mink 28mm f1, 8 for you - for now best-Optics. Significant, but not übetriebene blur, good but not sensational lowlight. Two years ago we have for the Nikon 35mm f1.4 used ¬ 350 paid for, there are now no longer the sure. I recommended in the other thread so explicitly used to buy the precious optics. I guess the quality of the oe Pentax will definitely be better than that of the sigmoid colon, which you have picked out. We had one really crappy Sigma zoom. Such things can certainly be synonymous coincidence keyword Monday device. But with the Tamron or the Tokina not only we, but apparently synonymous others have made good experiences, and more than one zoom you do not really. You will anyway not zoom during recording so that, for various reasons.
... the depth in the range of the 35mm lens?
The time now is Klugscheißerei, but vertically anyway: carry 35mm film cameras using 35-mm film strips, a single frame has dimensions of 18 x 24 mm. Because that exactly half of KB (5D, 1D), is called the half format. The depth is greater than that of KB, ie there is less selective blur. Even less (but enough), there are at Canon APS-C with 14.8 x 22.2 mm.
Antwort von jwd96:
How far should the sensor be here away from the subject, so this is just sharp?
I do not know exactly what you mean, but I think you have there what misunderstood.
With a fixed focal length you can not zoom, but you can of course still focusing. That means it has no preference whether your motive is just 15cm or 100m.
Or do you think perhaps the Naheinstellungsgrenze?
Antwort von bluestargfx:
So I think now I have understood it better than now and did so ne Art final selection, which I will now try to concentrate. So I'll create it first on a zoom and a cheap and a not so favorable focal length lens.
If I've got a compilation, which I'll post here again and ask you for your opinion. But I think now to know that there will be a 550D and the Tamron 17-50 and what is still to come, I will, as I said imagine, then another.
Where have but for now my best thanks s.alle giant, to be launched here today in a few hours of light in the darkness of a half year search. I've learned more than I thought and will need everyone who help lay like this forum to my heart.
MFG The majo
Antwort von Mink:
Perhaps this makes you even more fun: