Frage von tomy:
Hello dear Forum
I wiedermal a problem and that your thinking caps because I hope to raushelfen.
I angefärtigt for a film with a graphic in Illustrator Text (films) and those exported as a PNG with alpha channel. The png's have a dimension of 720x576 pixels. Then I imported the graphics into Vegas and incorporated into the composition. I have rendered the entire film as mpeg2 and burned it with DVD Architect.
Now the real problem:
I then with different media settings, which you can make in Vegas, tested with both the computer and the television with ... Here are the results:
Setting: Pixel aspect ratio: 1.0926 (NTSC DV)
-The Project Preview window: Perfect
-With the DVD player on your computer: Perfect
-The Television: The graph is enlarged, and cropped somitam left and right edge
Setting: Pixel aspect ratio: 1.0000 (Square)
-The Project Preview window: The graphics are too small and is centered
With the DVD-player of the computer: The graphics are too small and is centered
-The Television: Perfect
Anyone of you know where this problem had its origin and what can I do about it? Would like on the computer and television can be seen the same result.
If you still need more information on the project settings, you simply report, then I can add more.
schonmal Thank you for your help
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Thomas,
I type in the usual overscan history.
Learn More:
Overscan ... The problem there is probably synonymous in the professional area ... "
TV-out not true
Antwort von blogGreen88:

huch ... like I've still never heard so what. Have never produced until now was for the Television ...
I have read and browsing the posts that it can be shown in some programs, beschnittsichere zone of the image, so you certainly nothing auserhalb the visible viewport placed. Can you run the show at Vegas synonymous?
Thanks for the links more useful data:)
Antwort von Marco:

Yes, click above the preview window of Vegas to the "Overlays" symbol, as in the central region. About this symbol synonymous to open a drop down menu to select different display formats. Save Areas "is what you need.
The outer frame is probably the most relevant for you. This is based s.der TV-safe representation. The inner frame is designed for text alignment, since the text should be placed s.Bildrändern generally not too close.
Incidentally you should - if you already own graphics and specially manufactured for use in Vegas, with a pixel ratio of 1.0 s.besten to choose the format 787x576.
Before breaking back above discussion: Yes, that is correct. Why, that can be found here:
Antwort von tomy:

THANK YOU ... man I love this forum:)