Frage von bavi:
I would now like old movies - some of them over 10 years old - digitizer.
With horror, I have noticed that the very poor sound is heard.
When a recording is as good as nothing more to hear.
Is there still the possibility of rescue?
Antwort von Markus:
Is there still the possibility of rescue? Possibly. How does the Tonkopf in the playback device? If the heavily polluted or simply worn out?
Were the tapes in question may be in hi-fi stereo recorded and now they give you with a mono unit again? Even then the sound level is low and the sound quality worse.
10 years is for a VHS video tape is not really age. I was already far older recordings here.
Antwort von SyDon:

If the tapes actually "break" should be, you have to stop with audio tools and ran to try, as much as possible to save: noise, EQen, normalization and for the transparency / Exciter or similar brilliance (there's the vielfältigstens names - often means synonymous BRILLANCE Enhancer or something). If the sound is extremely bad, I would in front of the Exciter EQ drüber run again so erstmal harmonics added. Otherwise, the EQ is not much meat on Preparation.
Best of the digitized video, the audio track separate, with appropriate audio and software to supplement the audio track back to the video board.
Antwort von bavi:

"SyDon"] .........
noise, EQen, normalization and for the
transparency / Exciter or similar
brilliance (there's the vielfältigstens names - often means synonymous
BRILLANCE Enhancer or something). If the sound is extremely bad, I would
in front of the Exciter EQ drüber run again so erstmal
harmonics added. Otherwise, the
EQ is not much meat on the Preparation ...........
ups! so, so - as easy as that is - really, thanks for the trouble - but I think I on the wrong film (forum) am.
Yet again truly thank you.
My question was actually in such a way
is synonymous as a lay person can do what. Appears not to be the case.
-Bavier -
Antwort von bavi:

answer of Mark:
1. The now existing VCR is a
Grundig SE 7120 VPT --
- It is 3Kopf technology and digital tracking drauf --
2.Ob the heads are dirty or worn, I can not say because I do not know where they are.
3. I already have a (very old) cleaning cartridge - there was a bottle with the liquid, which I felt had geträufelt --
can undergo
4. Whether or HiFi Mono - I do not know;
my husband had a Blaupunkt camcorder - video that was 8 - then the films he has edited, and dubbed on VHS cassettes dubbed --
- Bavier -: (
Antwort von Markus:
4. Whether or HiFi Mono - I do not know ... If it is a hi-fi device, which is usually synonymous drauf front (eg in the cassette slot). If in doubt, but should the user know if any still exists.
This aspect seems to me according to your further description, but not more important to be synonymous to what extent might the tape heads are dirty.
... video 8 - then the films he has edited, and dubbed on VHS cassettes dubbed -- Video8 was meant to edit the recordings selectively on another tape copy. The soundtrack could be depending on the existing equipment either on the same tape is made, or yet another copy of itself have withdrawn. Then, the transfer to VHS, which is then the sum of either second or even third-generation copy would. As can be underway so much lost, not just the sound. :-(
Would you maybe Video8 the originals? If one of the digitized, you can cut VHS movies thus imitating receives s.Ende but a
much better picture and sound quality.
Antwort von MK:

With 3 heads, it is definitely not a hi-fi equipment.
Antwort von bavi:

yes, yes --
then, my husband 8 of the video camera in the video - perhaps someone else was - and is dubbed by mixer with the addition of spoken text by Microphone and Music from the ongoing Audiocassetenspieler - cut;
then what was the existing 1.Kopie. But the sound was ok.
other --
the original Video8-tapes are still there - ok;
but if the camera is still there to play it because I have to look --
or where and how I could play these little cartridges? order s.DVR PC or digitizer?
Antwort von darklord77:

For little money can I give you "Magix Samplitude Music Studio 2008" recommend. For little money you get here relatively good quality of the sound effects. (Less than 100 ¬) With this software you can edit the soundtrack.
Depending on what you do but you want to achieve with this software, but quickly synonymous border. Depending on how detaiiert and exactly the sound you want to edit. For these cases, there are "Magix Samplitude Pro," the quasi-MHR no wishes unfulfilled, but synonymous with slippers thousands of euros to account for.
Sensible Sound editing is eigendlich as complex as video editing. I would say even the sound-editing eigendlich is much more complex!
What you always make eigendlich Should be:
Low Cut (High Pass)
possibly Dehisser
[/ list: u: f88e480844]
Antwort von bavi:

Low Cut (High Pass)
possibly Dehisser
[/ list: u: 3feb43aaad] These terms I do not know - this is too high! - I think my question was misleading:
[/ i] The sound is very quiet! I want nothing next change, the times are now old amateur videos leave my husband - but I would like the sound at least somewhat h ö ren!
Antwort von darklord77:

I understand what you want to do. Only the non ebendso times.
If you have a reasonable outcome you want to have a little auseinadersetzten.
Low Cut - Filters all unörbaren depths töne s.einer some Freuenz out. So you give the whole a little "more space" and avoid "buzz, etc."
Compressor - This quasi-limit you to something Dynamics. What causes the peaks no longer so far auseinaderliegen and thus it is now for the human ear louder.
EQ - Should be clear. The thing almost every Sereo plant. Thus you editing the individual Freuenzbereiche.
Dehisser to possibly interfering rauszufiltern rushing.
You can not just raise the volume because the stereo-sum above 0 dB (decibels) and it is eaten. So you have such equipment / Effects such as the compressor to operate so that the whole of "volume" increases.
But a limit synonymous (belongs to the quasi-family of compressors) can be used for the audio recording for the menchliche ear "louder" to make.
I hope I have expressed myself somewhat understandable.
As I have said. Audio is extremely complex.
So give it a try. There is even a free program with which you can do something. I do not know what the thing already Effects of house with s.Board has. There are thousands of free VST effects (compressor, expander, limiter, EQ et.c) to be able to get there.
Antwort von bavi:
So I have installed
audacity 1.2.6 - and now?
If I use the calculator stored on the Title (from the old to the new VR DVR over and plays with a DVD + RW on the PC) - So if I file this folder open,
then there are 2 more folders, the following names:
and behind them are several files of type: DVD movie and BUP File
Where is the soundtrack?
I must then audacity after import?
But leave it, I think that is all too high for me - thanks to you for any event, the answers --
one is old as a cow and still learning about this ..... grins ...
Antwort von darklord77:

Well you have to predict the course of your video Tonspr "disconnect" and as. WAV file saved. That is eigendlich in any editing program.
The. WAV file which you then later you can do with the audio editing program. If everything is what you want. Can you find them. WAV file back with the editing program to add your video.
But what editing program did you eigendlich?
Even the most favorable offer Scnittsysteme now have relatively good audio editing capabilities. To save you the way you have an "external" audio program.
In Sony Vegas Movie Studio, you can you relatively good audio editing.
I think it is for you if you s.einfachsten all in one program can do.
Review of the program at times. That is very good. The premium version costs around ¬ 75 as far as I know. studio
Antwort von Quadruplex:

A three-head VCR has definitely not hi-fi stereo - so clever the first time a VHS or S-VHS recorder care. Probably the problem is already done.
Antwort von Markus:
or where and how could I [video8] play cassettes? order s.DVR PC or digitizer? Video8 recordings with the following devices may again be passed:
[list] 1) Video8 camcorder or recorder
2) Hi8 camcorder or recorder
3) Digital8 camcorder with analog playback function [/ list: u: 368bc06ecb]
then, my husband 8 of the video camera in the video - perhaps someone else was - and is dubbed by mixer with the addition of spoken text by Microphone and Music from the ongoing Audiocassetenspieler - cut, then what was the existing 1.Kopie. But the sound was ok. On the subject of sound at the VHS master tapes (the so-called first copy): First attempt should be made to sound as good again. If the DV editing time with a hi-fi recorder is made (perhaps your husband know that yet?), Should be synonymous for the playback audio recorder can be used. Your description is the chance that the soundtrack directly available in better sound quality and the problem has done so - as already Quadruplex wrote.
The detour via the DVD, I would not go to the digitizing, because the images are heavily compressed. This makes the post much.
See synonymous:
Six ways to Video8/Hi8 to Digitizer
Antwort von bavi:
A three-head VCR has definitely not hi-fi stereo - so clever the first time a VHS or S-VHS recorder care. Probably the problem is already done. hallo quadruplex - your tip, I would pick up times - all other things are too complicated to me --
what is now a clever video?
So what am I to do? It should not only be expensive.
Perhaps it would be really the easiest solution first, because I found that my old unit synonymous already has other quirks.
Greeting of Bavier
Antwort von Markus:

Now this is next:
Antwort von Schlafsack:

So that is why I would not buy a VCR. I would be relatives, friends or neighbors to ask whether the time a tape in their VCR can try. Is then the sound on the television to hear, chances are good, all useful to digitizer.
Is there sound synonymous bad times, I would ask if anyone else because a "good" VCR and has since taste. Helps's nothing, then is the original bad, then you could by an audio program is what rausholen, but it can be synonymous verschlimmbessern. Often sounds a more natural sound worse than a false through and mainly to strong effects "improved" sound.
Yes, and when it's tested on a VCR works well, then you could maybe borrow it, or your DVD recorder to connect.
One question I have: Is the sound on your television already synonymous quietly? - If not, I would look at the connection from VCR to DVD Recorder check (leave). Another Scart cable might have something.
You will not be happy with this, the original Video8 tapes to digitizer, because you like the music and the commentary of your husband is missing, or because I misunderstood what?
Antwort von bavi:

hallo sleeping --
first time thanks.
1. times I will go for free if I am someone with a good V-Rec.finde
2. I will another time (synonymous older) Scart cable try - the sound is actually synonymous s.Television silently by when I play vhs recorder - zb synonymous, as I now had what.
3. because of the Video8 originals - well, because I had thought garnicht - clearly, yes they are without the post :-(
- Ie we need / can I use the synonymous einstampfen.
I come gradually closer to the thing --
thank you - and of course next to as Mark wrote.
I will stay tuned --
Antwort von Quadruplex:
what is now a clever video? A model, on the big "hi-fi stereo or Sechkopf draufsteht. Older models (up to about 2004) of JVC and Panasonic include.
Antwort von tv-man_sh:

From the camp, "S professional will Mazen, the former DM 15.000-20.000 have cost the people now nachgeworfen. Feed (import) of this material are Mazen against Konsumermodellen terms of signal processing of Picture and Sound anyway superior. In seeking the Ebay search will be a whole series of articles found. This is just one of many:
Antwort von bavi:

hallo tvman --
Hot Tip!
Yes, I really need the device only to play in order to burn to DVD.
That No on ebay but refers to S-VHS - but I have only VHS tapes!
What should I be looking for - as is called such a thing?
And - I can probably benefit with such a device synonymous bypass? If yes, only to "play" press somewhere, is not it?
I'm a dummy! :-(
lg Bavier
Antwort von thos-berlin:

S-VHS-Mazen can (obviously) synonymous normal VHS recording and playback. The treatment is largely a standard VHS recorder the same (with the exception of the missing TV section).
Antwort von Markus:
Kurzfassun g: Used by a large purchase, I would advise against MAZ.
Lan g e version: To get started, please contribute to the
Council for Faster [...] eBay Purchase
Antwort von bavi:

Hi Markus,
Thank you!
I'm an old Greenhorn - but persistent.
Today - coincidentally - my neighbor came and brought an old VCR that still works is --
Mitsubishi - HS - M23 --
Twin Digital / Swift Servo
RM M23 - 41305 --
I was not at home, so I could not even ask if a hi-fi equipment is, etc.
I do not synonymous, how old it is.
lg Bavier
Antwort von bavi:

I just want to try something --
here with these messages --
and while breastfeeding image insert - a very nice young man who I have helped a lot - I hope he is not evil.
zum Bild - We'll see if it works!
lb greetings
Bavier (60 +)! grins
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Mitsubishi - HS - M23 This one is of 1992 (which in principle would be not bad), but makes only simple edge-track mono sound.
Back to the Los ...
Antwort von bavi:

hallo quad ... --
my neighbor wanted the device so synonymous only get rid of * g * --
and my basic problem is, after all the bad or very quiet sound when playing ----
but makes only simple edge-track mono sound.
Back to the Los ... exactly!
But what do you mean with
"back to Los ... ????????????
does that mean in the end: a new
hi-fi stereo video recorder to buy?
So far, we were already out!
Is a
six-head necessary?
lg of Bavier
Antwort von thos-berlin:

If it is old mono recordings is the wurst. If it is old stereo recordings, these are on separate audio tracks, but from kompatibitätsgründen the hi-fi sound is in mono or on the edge trace is written. In so far you can be there (mono) sound have. Now try using the recorder but only once. Perhaps it delivers the desired result ....
Antwort von WideScreen:

Good, then I give my mustard synonymous nor about this:) So when the recording was good then, then they should today still be synonymous. Because only the Picture dies before the robust (because low) Sound dies. And should there ne HIFI track that should be synonymous to each instance prefer. The lies almost in the Picture, and so it is clear that the remaining work, if the picture is there. So Embark on a search for the HIFI track:))) Perhaps you borrow synonymous television business recorder / player ...
In Ebay, I would be careful, because as has already been written many mills are ausgenudelt, and then the connections are XLR and BNC, which is tions "laity" then again too cumbersome, and my two 19-inch recorder anyway, I never give her. Yes you get more for nothing.
Antwort von bavi:
zum Bild I have the cassette, on the fact almost nothing more or just a hint of sound was heard,
Mitsubishi in gift box reingetan --
So - I'm all for these old tapes - actually happy that I can hear everything and on the TV even the sound or turn on full bottle.
Better was the original recording probably not synonymous.
I preserve therefore presumably the original standard.
Again thank you very much --
if it s.die Video8-tapes is, do I sign up again.
Your Bavier