Frage von godi:
I have here can do pretty smart about overscan.
because the problems are very individual case I would ask you to help with my special.
how can I create in premiere pro safe margins. I want to cut a slideshow with pictures scanned and can watch via dvd, without the hassle of cut images to have. think it is better to ask in advance of practice before I scan the photos and there blödsinn already doing.
in what size should I scan the photos. Of what did read 720x576 then 768x576
in premiere pro gibts following function: "Add to the clips sequence on projekmasse scale" - that is synonymous got pictures of other relationships where complete other side (there are two pages about 1000)
how do I create project in my primers per so sure nothing is cut off? I have to shrink the photos in the project or set any rahemen so.
I hope to respond in a constructive and excuse my ignorance.
thank you in advance, godi
Antwort von jasmin61:

Hello Godi,
Click with the right mouse button in the Monitor window on the sequence window, then make the check mark to secure borders. And now is the pictures that are not located on the edges. Done :-) The photos you can easily scalable to any size.
720x576 meets the requirements of the PAL-television and thus synonymous to the DVD.
Antwort von jens:

Hi godi,
I would choose 720 * 576th The only question is whether the images of this format (4:3). Normal photos're usually in the ratio 3:2. I would scan the pictures later quietly disintegrating. So you have in Premiere, then the ability to scale images to determine the desired Full Resolution Sample and possibly working with zooms too.
Under the preview window the way you have the option "Secure borders" (next Wiedergabeleisete, between the "Loop" and "Issue"). What is there still visible in the outer edge, as will become synonymous nor s.TV device.
* edit *: when the jasmine was probably faster ;-)
Antwort von Markus:

Hi All,
if the photos are simply placed only after 720 × 576 or converted to a background of this format, then the images appear s.Television too wide. So the pixel aspect ratio still needs to be included.
4:3 or 5:4
Antwort von Jörg:

... and if you have then check your results on five different television monitors, comes the realization: all in vain, 5 different
scanned Greetings Jörg
Antwort von godi:

Good morning!
with the tick "safe margins" I see the areas over which should not extend the images. the synonymous agrees with the rand is truncated.
Now the next question: how can I scale down) to adjust the images to this size (? I have to adjust every single image or can I make a general setting for every 200 images. would be much easier. synonymous if it did not work for all images with a setting, please tell me how shall I adapt at least an individual can.
I thank you for the effort and hope for solutions, because next week I should.'ll present lieben gruss godi
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Wow, check out the following:
Put a new sequence s.and all there, insert two hundred images (all should have the same dimensions). Then open a new sequence, import the sequence with the pictures. You then select an area on which you can apply all effects. Here, you can now scale the effect of setting on your actual size you want. Should work ...
But Is synonymous determine other possibilities.
Antwort von jasmin61:

Hey, got here in the Help file ...
You can drag manual fades in the Timeline and insert directly the standard überblendung between the clips, by adding the option to choose to use or apply überblendung Video Audio überblendung. Adobe Premiere Pro uses the "soft aperture" as the default - Video überblendung and "Constant Power" as the default - Audio überblendung. The symbols for the default transitions are marked in the effect window with a red frame.
If you frequently use a different blend, you can set this as default. Changing the default überblendung affects all projects. However, this change does not affect transitions that have already been applied to sequences.
If you want to insert clips in the Timeline and the standard überblendung for most or all the clips to use, select the menu command automatically convert sequence. With this command, the default transitions for video and audio clips are inserted between all added. (For more information, see auto add clips from the Project window.) ______
All video effects, both fixed effects as synonymous standard effects are clip-based. This means that they change individual clips. Since each clip to include fixed effects have only standard effects are actually assigned to a clip in order to achieve a result.
You can add a clip-based effect multiple clips at once assigned by creating a nested sequence (see nested sequences).
good luck * Edit *
Have just the second try. I do not know what effects you want to apply, but if you want to insert a transition between all 200 images. The second is a very good method.
You import the 200 pics in the project window, and then go all makierst top right of the little play symbol, where you choose reconversion> Automate to Sequence. Then you give the settings as you want to have to try (perhaps a little) and you have between all the 200 images the same effect. Can this default überblendung course, synonymous change.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

The question was not how he can scale the size of all the clips to DV size? With as little effort?
Antwort von Wiro:

Here, several challenges must be done.
There are 200 photos that have seemingly different sizes are available and not all synonymous in the 4:3-format. They would then be reduced to a still synonymous slip to 90% in order to fit in the Action Safe area.
This will scale with "clips when adding mass will not work on the project. Since the work of preparation is very important, otherwise gibts nothing but absurdities.
I would first cut once in an image editor resize all photos to a degree videogerechtes /. Since it is on photos to square pixels 768x576 is the correct measure. Premiere will recognize when you import that it is square pixels, and sets the internal photos from car in DV 720x576 ratio.
These images can then (decrease in the timeline in one go to 90%) as described. Then it fits, chaos is avoided, and the images are later on the TV is not distorted.
About the meaningfulness to shrink a video on the safe margins, I'd say nothing. The next top Jorg has already hinted at.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Wiro:

Hello, noch'n lookup.
Theoretically you could put the photos in the photo editors synonymous equal to the desired 90% and then import it into Premiere. It should of course not be scaled to project size.
90% of square pixels would be 691 pixels in width.
Just a suggestion, how to hire is even faster to the goal. Did it myself but have not yet tried. Mglw. lurking there in subsequent screens for a few dangers that can not be predicted.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von godi:

Hello dear people!
I'm already an entire piece next, thanks to your help.
it really makes all the images with square and rectangular pixels and import side and the functional relationships of various sensory interpret footage "should be used? have here the possibility to use pixel selection between "file from seitenverhältins square pixel (1.0)
or approximate s.D1/Dv PAL (1,067). Here the always adjust the original and then "clips on adding new dimensions to scale on a project to use". Decrease after - the shrink with whom I've mitlerweile strapped. super sparks with nested sequences, and thus lie exactly in the range of safe margins.
once more with the anregungen to analyze and ask! thanks you warmly