Frage von Puls3D:
Ollah dear ones,
Have the task of getting my boss to make myself at times clever, what you need for your own Web-TV Studio!?
Since I was on the field, unfortunately I must say, I am totally ignorant, I've tried to make me a little crafty! However, I am in the vast WWW not really find it!
I hope you can help me here vllt. , Synonymous help if it is of course quite intricate for you to list me here all ...
But I would be very grateful to you ...
Travel budget plays "first" does not matter ... just want to know the equipment and conditions in order to launch a Web-TV Studio!
The whole is to run over Live stream!
I hope you can help me ...
Until then, a beautiful Tuesday and Schonmal thank you in advance for your efforts!
Antwort von markus-s:

Webcam, laptop, Internet access + (or: iPhone + App .... finished.
Or synonymous (once for two studio guests + leader) 4 studio cameras, vision mixers, microphones with radio links for all (and a little more), audio mixers, lighting for as ¬ 10,000, an intelligent server (in a separate room for picture-and sound control room), players pp for outside material, ne fat Internet connection, etc.. Oh yes, and then of course a studio, props, masks, ... And for every camera a camera person (and possibly an audio connection to the Directing each), plus a picture-and sound control room, a moderator - well, so s.100.000 ¬ up we can discuss then. Maybe you want synonymous Blue-/Greenscreen! Background lighting effects? Or even Live-Music/Show-Events stream?
What I want to tell you that? Without knowing what you want to do, whether it is "only" a moderator before a camera, or a discussion with studio guests, whether pre-produced material with to be involved or not and what do you expect for a quality and a result that is hard to something useful to say.
Antwort von Piers:

Travel budget plays "first" does not matter ... just want to know the equipment and conditions in order to launch a Web-TV Studio!
The whole is to run over Live stream!
Budget abundant, scarce knowledge. Then it must be foolproof what, sorry for the expression.
SonyEX-2x-1 over HD-SDI
-1x TriCaster !" TCXD300 connected. Since it has a Streaming and Directing in.
SOUNDCRAFT EFX 8-1x audio mixing console to
Od-1x 2x SENNHEISER EW 122 G3 / C-BAND connect wireless mics
-Mind.6x good headlights eg, 2x ARRILITE Kit 600 / 3 to
-1x large studio illuminate fairly clean
Power scarce ¬ 40 000, which is a small, fully equipped studio not much.
Is of course synonymous cheaper, only then you should know really really well and consult an expert.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ne big fat UPLOAD line must be present.
Then you can use as "Justin TV". That with the simplest.
Anything else means we must first set up a streaming media server, which is much more complicated and more expensive of course synonymous.
B. DeKid
Antwort von jwd96:

For live Internet TV I think
Antwort von joe11:
Have the task of getting my boss to make myself at times clever, what you need for your own Web-TV Studio!?
In the beginning you should try something simple. Circus children to practice juggling with tennis balls and only time to catch only then with ax throwing.