Frage von cisco-2k:
HBE recently published two SonyHC 47 had strange as I have I broken link interfaces (when connecting s.einem PC) now I do not know whether it is s.PC or just s.den Cams.
Synonymous Cam had the father of my system (Sony synonymous) everything OK Well I ordered the Panasonic 320, but I fear this s.zu close. Now my question is the quality exactly the same if I connect via USB as I would the cam via firewire to run? Have read the forums is not quality. Loss at the Cam is this true?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Panasonic 320th ... .. the quality is exactly the same if I connect via USB as I would the cam via firewire to run? Have read the forums is not quality. Loss at the Cam is this true? If it's in the forum is, but it must be true! ;-) In fact, the GS320 is one of the few camcorders, USB 2.0 HighSpeed and thus has the video in full quality data can be transferred. Losses you have in comparison to Firewire is not to be expected, only allowed you to choose the capture software to be restricted (or limited to the camera attached) as these programs usually are designed to Firewire.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von cisco-2k:

Good. Thank you for your expert answer.
Be the camcorder with the USB then s.PC operate.