Frage von isi:
I know that these terms have often fallen, but I've read a lot (eg but my problem still exists.
have xp on a 1 GHz computer.
have a dvd ripped partially on disk.
then did with VirtualDubMod and the Panasonic DV codec from an AVI vob created.
which runs in all players (winmediaplayer, PowerDVD, etc).
only premiere creates it's not the file to import.
he's simply nothing more important in the experiment!
I can
1. with vdub something set that the file is detected in premiere?
2.When premiere set something that it created the dv-avi file recognizes?
or knows someone superdupersimplen away to rip dvds partially, then
in dv-avi then convert it into premiere to edit?
'm just about out of the window to jump, but unfortunately, I have grid before, so please save me climb onto the roof ... :)
grüße, isi
Antwort von Steffen:

if you have a VOB on HDD MPEG2 and renames them, I could at least in my Premiere Pro 1.5 easy to import ... not a bad way ..!
Antwort von isi:

danke erstmal.
I will try.
you have a proposal as synonymous is not the whole vob on hard copy must, but only a part, that is when only a short scene will want to have this on dvd of plate to get?
gruß isi