Frage von memphis:
hi people
I have a few questions regarding this kameras.1.wie is the quality of the night recordings with them? not just for indoors but synonymous for outdoors because of light and so, what is better? or are the same eh? (there are actually other synonymous beherschen tech cameras the nod as sony night shot?) 2.bekommt If these cameras still in employments? 3.wieviel they cost originally?
Antwort von MiXMaster:

The SonyVX2100 is better!
Antwort von memphis:

yes but I think that costs 5 times more synonymous, if I would buy a sony price then just a night shot with for about the same as the Panasonic
Antwort von Markus:
The SonyVX2100 is better! Sony
Antwort von memphis:

I hope so synonymous, I only just beginning s.with the film and therefore need not have any super mega kamera.darum I auhc not want to spend too much money! so until about 700 for the camera, I passabel.ich fänd just looking for a camera But the 3ccd's hatt synonymous, it should be filmed in the dark! but that is I think at the panasonic's a problem.aber there are cameras that have 3ccd's and otherwise synonymous to the same level as the na GS 140 and 150 are but a feature like the Sony's have the night shot (or is there anyway a Sony camera with night shot and that these criteria will cost around 700 euro?) I need any special camera for night shots, but will certainly be times ic the film and this is supposed to work synonymous.
Antwort von Markus:

When the shoot is in darkness, a criterion, I would not pin too many hopes of a night vision mode (green Picture or / and use due to long exposure time only by Tripod from film bar), but rather have a proper video light.
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Antwort von Hotte2:

I had put on me recently, the 140s. The camcorder is Panasonic and according to some test reports I have read completely identical, except for the small difference that the 140s has no DV in.
Quality of the 140s, I am more than satisfied. Although I am not (yet) so the freak like others here, but I think the thing class does in daylight shots. Of these, incidentally, synonymous of others here in the forum already reported, which probably has more idea than I do.
As night vision function: has the 140 synonymous, one can see even in nearly total darkness or something. The whole even in color but with the drawback that the images are very choppy. So as a loan, I would say that makes in a second, not the usual 25 frames but maybe one or two.
So the function is not really need to, but I can not imagine that it works for other much better.
Antwort von memphis:

And are these LED lamps can be used in all Panasonic's? and how much cost?
Antwort von Markus:

LED lamps with visible light fit on all camcorders, but it is not recommended of these things again and again. Look again after my previous link to the article with video link to the local lights and LED lights ... ;-)
Antwort von Jan:
LED lamps with visible light fit on all camcorders, but it is not recommended of these things again and again. Look again after my previous link to the article with video link to the local lights and LED lights ... ;-) But do not normally have on Sony's with the Active Interface Shoe, or models such as 53.55, the PC no boot. One can, of course, in the models to fit an extra Zubehöschiene the lamp set on it.
The "night" pictures, I say only this much, although I'm Panasonicfreudig set.
A customer brought me his "Christmas movie" by candlelight (And a few small lamps turned on) with a GS 35 (Ok is a less weaker than GS 140) before, after seeing the pictures I was ready and not when, but the model to . Swap Such vergrieselten images without any details, people were scarcely be recognized, I had only ever seen of a Samsung
The customer wanted to buy a lamp synonymous, quote: If there 5.3 or 0 Lux is on it then I can shoot pictures by candlelight, and TV-like ....
Of course, the picture with reinforcement, larger aperture or slower shutter speed (why are so jerky yet) to improve a little.
Led Lamps I am not so enthusiastic, though normal bulbs emit more heat than gedachterweise pure brilliance. The LED lamps will be very economical, convincing LEDlamp but I have not seen before.
Antwort von Markus:
The customer wanted to buy a lamp synonymous, quote: If there 5.3 or 0 Lux is on it then I can shoot pictures by candlelight, and TV-like .... Uh-oh! This customer has not yet internalized obvious that the television while working with a very expensive professional cameras, but still sometimes uses dozens of spotlights. A camera can just see only the available light and where there is no light, there is no picture. * * kopfschüttel