Frage von jvcuser:
I ask for help ...
I have a new vista pc with firewire interface, pc recognizes camcorder jvc gr-d245, could I confirm that I have time in device manager gegückt (it says "device is working properly"), the camcorder can even taxes, but nothing is transferred sometimes I just get a single bild.ich I can not imagine what could be wrong.
would be very danbar if someone could help me, grüß
Antwort von Flamingoman:

I have also this problem with my GR-D245E.
My personal experience JVC GR-D245E on Vista and XP:
The GR-D245E worked on 2 different PCs and 2 different Lapptops with Windows XP and with different Firewire cable 4 / 4 and 4 / 6 with no problems.
On all the PCs and Lapptops on the Windows Viste, there was the camera was detected and could only be controlled, no picture transfer is possible. With a variety of software tested.
Comparing with the Camera Panasonic NV-GS27:
The Panasonic NV-GS27 has on all PCs and Lapptops and with all the Firewire cable 4 / 4 and 4 / 6 no problems.
It worked on Windows XP and with Windows Vista without any problems.
Have the support of JVC in Germany reported my problem and still got s.selben day concerned reply by e-mail:
Thank you for your inquiry we will be happy to answer.
We regret very much that you actually With our products are dissatisfied.
There is still no update for use for the
Operating system Windows Vista.
By asking for understanding and give you a pleasant day wishing
I remain
With kind regards,
Customer Support
Tel: 01805 6666 1001
Fax: 01805 6666 1002
I have again asked a question s.JVC, sometimes wait what happens.
On my camera I still have a warranty claim.
I hope that even more suffering comrades reported.
Antwort von david-v.1.0:

I've synonymous jvc service center sent a mail, here's the answer:
"from JVC, we can not guarantee function for the system Vista
All JVC products work with standard built-in Windows drivers.
For this reason we offer no special drivers for the transmission
via IEEE1394 for our DV equipment.
from JVC, we can not guarantee function for the system Vista
Please contact in such a case s.die Manufacturer of hardware. and
Software components.
It is a support for the camera by the software. and hardware of the
computer system.
Among the Windows systems: 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows
XP are no known issues. "
Antwort von starbuck66:

Have exactly the same problem with my JVC GR-D245 E.
My new Windows Vista Calculator recognizes the camera.
On demand drivers for the Camera for Vista, I was of the
JVC hotline indicated that there are no drivers for the camera under Vista there. Me I should buy Windows XP and this is 2.Betriebssystem to run the calculator.
I wonder is whether the company JVC has noticed that for some time to complete all the new Vista computers and it is not XP, Vista and especially the current operating system of Microsoft is, and not XP.
Other camera manufacturers do not have this problem. The cameras run without Probelme under Vista and there will be properly recognized.