Frage von noraia:
hi people
ahb me so I purchased pinnacle rave, and will thus burn for my parental their old holiday videos on dvd. But every time I try to incorporate some of the camera with pinnacle that breaks from the recording program at some point. times after 10 min and once after 1 sec!
have then made all the tests that can be macchen the assistants and the equipment test says that the tv card is not assigned to interrupt, or it is blocked by another hardware. that was initially so synonymous, but then I interrupt the pinnacle of change and the sonftware newly instaled, but my problem still exists.
I can not help you there one??
gruß noraia
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Noraia,
a TV card is the wrong tool for your request. See:
FireWire FAQ">1. (c) Why do not capture using graphics card, TV card or video grabber?
Same / similar question:
Suche interne TV card with Composite- and Audio - Cinch -Input
With MovieBox directly in AVI capture?