Frage von AndreKuhn:
We have in the coming months our material together and it goes in the March / April with the cut off. I have the days after the technical possibilities around.
I myself know only PC / Windows and already have a lot of system and disk crashes experienced. Recently I had a Vista crash, unfortunately, with significant data loss.
Nevertheless'm neutral, what are the range s.Möglichkeiten. Whether it be PC or Mac. Stability has now for cutting the top priority - based on speed - and Mac / Final Cut was always our first thought.
Now I will by no means a reason vs. PC debate. Mac stimulating as it is already more than once the fire has heated up. No, I would like to have my problems with our decision, briefly describe, in the hope of sober and neutral feedback to get. Maybe other people in a similar situation, so I write briefly our previous results.
I have to Apple technology never paid and only s.Rand noticed some trends. (for example, as a UNIX Mac OS kernel has gotten - I was already very good.)
Now, I have been a few days with the topic and read that the Apple machines now with Intel processors. A-ha. Hmmmm ... Where is now different to the PC, I wonder since. But now good. Then Macs are now PCs with Mercedes particularly well selected and coordinated PC hardware? Ah, well. I can so what likely be synonymous, if they ever are good machines. And there are still software-Page. On Vista, we would never work (see above), but there is still XP.
In all cases, "with" leave us in the Mac. In the alternative PC / Premiere of our technicians was always a "Do not!" to hear. (In a question for us would be a MacBook Pro 15 "/ 2.4GH/4GB - perhaps a MB134D / A)
Now I read a lot but test reports (ie, opinions) that say for the money for this Mercedes-PC get a PC solution with * much * more steam under the hood. (From "irrational buying" is because the speech.) Then, however, with the "cloven hoof" Windows. Well, XP is just a small drawback. I assume Final Cut and Premiere can about the same - so we are interested in the professionalism of the entire system (hardware / software (OS and editing program)).
So it makes sense, plus 500, - Euro (or more) in a Mercedes-PC ", to invest so much Mercedes not inside it? Say, one for the same money more PC gets power, then "sorry" with XP and Premiere?
I dare times, this issue here to. If I had the feeling that would be a mere matter of taste and the solutions were essentially equivalent, as far as everything would be clear. The decision of Apple's own hardware of the Intel switch, the thing now (for us) is very complicated. We do not shy away investment, but
500, - Euro difference is 500, - Euro difference, or a speed gain / loss in the value of 500, -.
Class would be of course a feedback that says, a PC / Premier-solution is not X feature and that is the 500, - euros. For example, stability on the Mac. But I read here in the forum of synonymous not so rare Mac crashes. How easy it seems not to be.
If it is a matter of personal preference thing, I must, unfortunately, the ratio and give priority to save the Mercedes-impact or give the same money for a "clean" PC solution with XP and Premiere, which has hardware but stronger. As much as I like to synonymous Mac / Final Cut would be awarded.
Oh man, now I have you but zugetextet. Perhaps there are some people in their situation. And perhaps there is beyond religion reflexes of the one or the other argument to me and others a hint and can give assistance. My huge thanks to you to ensure all cases.
Happy creating
Antwort von Chezus:

Time of the debate "Mac vs. PC" apart:
you need only one or synonymous editing software Photoshop and After Effects?
I would you in any case recommend a Mac.
Purchase yourself a MacBook Pro and Final Cut Studio 2 Then you have:
Final Cut (as the main application for editing)
Motion (for titles)
Color (According to edit your plants)
Soundtrack Pro (should be clear)
DVD Studio Pro (the authors of the DVD)
for about 1200 Euro
Probably you will not be around to Photoshop, so must be purchased separately anyway.
I predict anything with Premiere cut and finished with Encore.
Forget Encore, it is the unstable Adobe application I know and have. Sound Booth is nothing in comparison to soundtrack pro.
Whereas After Effects Motion clearly suggests (with the exception of the performance. Motion will provide you with real time display)
What stability has, in my experience, the Mac ahead. Since 1.5 years, no system crash. Programs, yes, but by striking Crashlogs no work loss.
if you just as quickly for the Web rausrendern want Quicktime Pro is an excellent tool.
Of this time apart to work the program on the Mac super with each other (which nat. Synonymous with Windows may be the case) ...
Look at just the workflow videos on the Apple website, then you get a good impression of them.
Antwort von pailes:
if you just as quickly for the Web rausrendern want Quicktime Pro is an excellent tool. When Final Cut Studio has been available, but then I would prefer Compressor. Since there is a lot more options. But this only incidentally.
Antwort von Bespi:

Sound Booth is nothing in comparison to soundtrack pro.
CS4 in the premiere was so synonymous link to adobe audition implemented. on sound booth you need not fall back. audition, however, will cost about 400 euro. ultimately, however, depends on what he wants. probably would sound booth eh sufficient.
I would become a quad with 8 GB Ram, Vista 64 bit and the CS4 guess. come cheap and well. premiere has severely cut-up. see the concern on the internet is no longer the current versions.
Antwort von strike300xxx:

I cut since the last 2 years with Final Cut and have to say:
I miss things when eingige Avid & Premiere long standard.
For example, an undo list.
As a pure Avid editing software is still unbeaten!
Antwort von WoWu:

Hello Andre.
The Mac really has the nose no longer the front ... and which has for some time no longer.
Also he probably dies from not less than PCs.
There was a time-off, ran as hard-and software incredibly stable.
Since EUROII I'm working with Apple and have pretty much all the highs and lows join.
But especially in recent times has, of course, with the transition to other processors change, but is not yet completed, because the necessary changes in the operating system (in terms of Awendungen MM) has not yet been implemented. That should be in "Snow" leopard happen.
What the performance is concerned, I would therefore only be compared if (in the first quarter of 2009 - more information there is no-) Update for OS10.5 is published, because it is precisely these changes take place. The combination of lack of HW / SW has been the "flaw" of Apple.
Biggest change in this update should be a central administrative body that a complete change of event-management and brings with it no longer matters whether the CPU or GPU to make jobs. Also, the tasks into small parts to be disassembled (thread), the better the nuclei can be distributed. In addition, you can with an integrated 64-bit conversion reckon.
Incidentally, because Apple is not the only manufacturer of such path-way. Intel moves with his CoreI7 because s.selben strand.
You see, there is movement in the game.
What Final Cut Pro, it is probably no worse than other applications synonymous, but not synonymous better!
It is not free of crashes and inconsistencies and Apple's policy, the European format, always with delayed one year of use, quite annoying.
In addition, Apple's "filter" species, whose products are not always the top products s.Markt represent.
In relation to Chromaverarbeitung is an Apple / Final Cut Pro solution to a Prem / PC solution for example in relation to the generation of behavior clearly at a disadvantage.
Furthermore, it is currently still slightly depends on which format you want to edit: A AVC based format is currently still nothing for Final Cut Pro and you do not know how long it still has such intermediate solutions such as PR422 must go where you once all your content on wavelet must draw to then back into a DCT back to encode. In addition, you have all the artifacts of an 8 / 10 bit conversion followed in your product.
The performance depends therefore synonymous slightly acquisition of your target and format ..... and of course, synonymous claim your s.die image.
This is, fortunately, already at Premiere "Snow" of yesterday.
You see, there are a few more details to consider than just the name on the box ...
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

Package comes as no unique solution.
It is synonymous depends on what results you expect.
A video broadcast uses other standards as a private birthday party twisted.
My entry, I have a few years ago with FCE and my first (PPC) Mac made.
The combination was then more than one for a substantially higher amount in the Windows camp would get.
Above all, on average, more stable operation.
Later I moved then to the first Intel Mac, with the same software.
Meanwhile, it looks different.
Final Cut Pro / Express is still top, but has its solitary top position lost. Many are now working quite successfully with Windows based software.
From the March of the current Mac is absolutely stable, I am free, because the remains synonymous always hang times or crashes.
Do not base your decision on.
The A and O is a clean cut computer on which nothing else is installed.
The error of most Windows users are mostly lies in the fact that people believe, on the same calculator to work during the day and night to have Gamen. And perhaps then the most interesting Russian web sites around.
On my Mac, only cut. Nothing else.
Also no permanent hardware and software changes.
Everything else should I do now again for the sake of simplicity (and prefer) with the PC.
Much more important seems to me like you with the different user interfaces zurechtkommst.
Perhaps you can find someone who you s.einem both desktop systems can perform.
Because I would then s.Deiner body with the abdomen rather than with your head decide.
Cutting may be synonymous already a grueling business.
Antwort von Chezus:

Since XP and not Vista is sought, no Vista 64 actually.
Ich hab halt experience that premiere crashes much more often than Final Cut. Also formats with Final Cut jumps better. As in the CS4 version effect, I do not know because never tested.
Interesting would halt, what with all the programs should be started.
@ Andre
The best way would of course be synonymous, that you ranwagst times s.beide systems and give you a live impression machst. Lump is always difficult to say.
I've decided myself for Apple because it is for me synonymous nicer and more stable work environment. Not of the outside but from the system.
The value of loss of a Mac is synonymous with not so bad as in a Windows system (we can not ignore!)
As I said, for 1200 euro you will get a big software bundle, with which you most s.anfallender work can handle. A Production Premium suite costs just doubled.
Switching to Apple, you will not regret it. Especially if you are already a few problems with Windows had. (was synonymous with me just the case)
Antwort von newsart:

Nobody came up with the idea of a writer to ask, with what a typewriter or word which he has written his book. So is the answer to your question simply Geschwacksache and much Pride and Passion (prefer BMW or Mercedes?). It is probably the cutter, not the program or operating system. Ask the cutter, which he has more experience and better work. If you are working with different editors want to take a widely used system (FCS or AVID), then you can find good fast synonymous Cutter. If you have only the system itself uses, then the question of the starting material (XDCAM, P2, AVHCD ...) and the target formats are not entirely negligible. It seems to me about Edius the solution with the pragmatic compatibilities. Dan I would not worry so much, but they prefer to invest in the product. Afterwards no one asks but what was cut.
Antwort von WoWu:
Afterwards no one asks but what was cut. That's true, however .... they say it is still ... "sch ... quality" when the tool is not good.
An NLE is as a tool with which you produce content.
There are good tools and there are few good tools and be come from the processing point of view, good, or even less good pictures out, caused by bad signal processing and poor implementation .... or even synonymous with a "speed" trimmed NLE, in which the quality of the images on a side issue has become.
Many are of the view, unfortunately, an NLE would the quality of the images do not affect, but only to make the cut .... Unfortunately not.
NLE is still far from NLE and operating systems is not negligible in the interaction. You have to know where the main subject of the request.
If you have a NLE on the cut is reduced, the approach has not yet understood.
And there is the choice between "quick and dirty" for a brief hundreds, or whether it is something to be better ...
And Comparison "Mercedes or BMW" may be the wrong choice could easily turn into a "scooter or NSU Prinz" are.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

We used Premiere Pro to cut later on Liquid and then I tried Final Cut and immediately purchased 4 Macs and me painfully of Windows separately.
I have very early (before 15 years) assembler programmed times, was a lecturer and have a lot in books and journals published on programming. I know DOS and Windows of the first second s.and probably more intense than many others, so it was difficult for me, because the switch to the Mac meant everything to jettison knowledge and of the beginning.
After about 1.5 years, I must say the Mac is the better system. Not because of his house almost always exuberant augestattet than a PC, it is fundamentally no better haptic processed, value and above all, it leaves me alone. I do not have any permanent bescheurte message wegklicken, no driver update me not to worry about viruses, no, the Mac just works, balanced Avid Liquid or Premiere I regularly went to the sack and production schedules gefährdert have broken even or made.
Our Macs have never been abandoned, there was no single day s.dem time we had problems because a computer is not working. Absolutely never, while the PCs at the constant was the case. We use Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Photoshop and Color. Nothing else is required. And that's synonymous a good s.Mac, all the shit it s.Software there for PCs, you need him and has therefore not simply a clean, system integrity. Whether the processor is Intel or Motorola is, but plays no role at all.
On our Macs running everywhere incidentally synonymous Internet, but otherwise it's pure workstations - no Microsoft products, without useless stuff. Hardware we use Aja Kona and Blackmagic DeckLink HD, both funktiniert. We drive the boxes synonymous incidentally never down, only standby. It is extremely rare that the Mac must be restarted, it just is. Moreover, the entire handling of logical and simple, of course, we must rethink and it is synonymous want.
What actually a persistent rumor is key is that the Mac is more expensive than a PC. That is rubbish. A housing made from solid aluminum 4mm in thickness as the Mac Pro is the case, PC s.einem I have never seen, just for example. If components in the same quality for a PC that the PC would be more expensive, but a PC is an Opel, a Ford or a Toyota and very, very rarely a BMW, but a Mac is always a Mercedes.
The philosophy of the Mac is very simple: Of all the best, and I think the concept works. We simply have an extremely good quality in itself is perfectly tuned and do not have a colorful zusammengewürftelten PC Billigkram where nothing fits and nothing is really any Manufacturer's mustard this may give. The Mac is still so synonymous, and will hopefully remain so for a long time. There are synonymous ways to get a Mac from PC Komonenten to build, but who does not understand where the meaning of a Mac is.
Antwort von RocknRoyal:

@ Marc ball home,
Your posting, I would like to sign up! I've got about 3 months before switching to a Mac Pro made and I was never happy, unbelievably! It's just the "one-hand and house" principle - which I must confess that my Mac is already "1" has hanged times when I using Lightroom wanted to capture my digicam with nearly 800 images - always synonymous why, then, he has However, it now synonymous with the same image volume is no longer done. I see the error but less on the Mac, as perhaps in the case s.Produkt "Lightroom" from home "Adobe" - who knows ....
I will in any case nothing else, my Mac is sacred to me - use my laptop just yet, but which I now synonymous with a Mac Book Pro will replace ...
Antwort von Bespi:

@ Marc ball home
Your post would fit better here:
Antwort von AndreKuhn:

Thank you for your many good answers!
It seems that it broadly and with all your workstations are satisfied, whether Mac or PC. Perhaps even more sharing their personal experiences with the upcoming days.
I will be our decision with the reasoning weeks times the People, for the case that someone is interested. But it still takes a while before we are ready. Your answers have more light into the darkness gebacht, but a decision (of course) is not necessarily easier. This is probably s.der nature of things. In any case, I found your posts so far are all very helpful.
So for the moment seems to be a decision for Mac / Final Cut Pro is not easy to be.
But especially in recent times has, of course, with the transition to other processors change, but is not yet completed, because the necessary changes in the operating system (in terms of Awendungen MM) has not yet been implemented. That should be in "Snow" leopard happen.
What the performance is concerned, I would therefore only be compared if (in the first quarter of 2009 - more information there is no-) Update for OS10.5 is published, because it is precisely these changes take place. The combination of lack of HW / SW has been the "flaw" of Apple. Wolfgang, in the synopsis of your book are inter alia:
"Whoever wants to know like why the" good old "film or photo lenses on video cameras do not suck ..."
That would really interest me. That is what we make. And the picture is great (Letus + Nikon XT).
Your book has the title: "Digital TV HDTV / HDV & AVCHD for A-and Switch"
As we are beginning to project deliberately decided against HDV, it is certainly
at least for this Project has not yet been fruitful. When extent ES 2010, it will be well bought.
But relating to back with an initial demand. You write synonymous:
In relation to Chromaverarbeitung is an Apple / Final Cut Pro solution to a Prem / PC solution for example in relation to the generation of behavior clearly at a disadvantage. Now would be a tutorial on the topic of something you demanded. I think you talk about the Farbkorrigieren, right? Well, that still would be no knock-out for Final Cut Pro.
As I said we did not shoot on HDV, but DV despicable (Panasonic DVX100B). The image quality is obviously important. Loss of quality during the PP to do in case of non-HDV sometime so synonymous times hurt. We considered the final version of one, if necessary submit two hard disks.
Decision to vote
against Final Cut Pro may be this:
An AVC is currently based format still nothing for Final Cut Pro Can you, or perhaps some other synonymous add a sentence to say?
Thank you!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Now would be a tutorial on the topic of something you demanded. I think you talk about the Farbkorrigieren, right? Well, that still would be no knock-out for Final Cut Pro.
I maintain there is nothing to geiler Farbkorrigieren as Color of Final Cut Studio, at least not under EUR 20,000, which he says is not. Color is great good! This in itself is a reason fürn Mac. Another plus point would be Apple's ProRes codec, compact and extremely clean. Works even with keying application extremely well.
What is annoying on the Mac is the fact that you are with the Gamma constantly have to struggle and it Frickel when you PC and Mac material mix.
At the end of it I think is not synonymous to theoretical values, but rather a practical result. And just because I find the Mac with the far better system.
An AVC is currently based format still nothing for Final Cut Pro
Can you, or perhaps some other synonymous add a sentence to say? Why is a ko criterion is, I do not. Basically, the AVCHD stuff but no mature thing, neither here nor there. And this brings me back to ProRes back. It is on an Intel-Mac is an extremely liquid matter if you work as a principle ProRes codec use, no preference whether the front 10-bit uncompressed purely comes, XDCAM EX, IMX, DV or AVC.
Although the rendering of this principle an Intermediate, but yet without a significant disadvantage. ProRes is already the best choice, if a film goes through several generations. The end result looks like this that you have absolutely no difference'll remember whether AVC is now natively or via ProRes. Logging, cutting, exporting, finished.
The Lord has me here WoWu partially true a bit too theoretical. He likes theory of law, but the issue is whether the synonymous only partly for your property (it turns on at the moment !!!!) DV is relevant, and since, I said: NÄ! Certainly not.
Edit: AND, try to sell a PC, which is a week old. As you come to tears, he is the shop s.verlassen almost worthless. A Mac has a much more stable value.
Antwort von TiMovie:

Less than 5 years I was synonymous with the same problem, powermac G5 dual or highend PC - after I own a PC configured according to my wish that I was priced even have a powermac g5 dual core!
If today the price of the entry model MacPro dual quad 2.8 Xeon watch is exactly as for scarce ¬ 2,500 to get a future-proof highend machine and hopefully with the upcoming operating system is 10.6 with a high probability the system a lot faster, since the multiprocessor utilization to be optimized - in other words, now only have to look at the software developers to catch up to the processor performance auszureitzen!
For video editing and graphics editing, I would definitely prefer a Mac!
Antwort von domain:

I maintain there is nothing to geiler Farbkorrigieren as Color of Final Cut Studio, at least not under EUR 20,000, which he says is not. Color is great good!
What is unique sensationell Liquidfarbkorrektur better than that of the first to derive the third world and it can absolutely never in the entire universe anymore.
Save me, please me very emotionally hernehmende description of this revelation, or else I will still fainted and fell into a coma until the morning.
Already have a very wet welding joy under the armpits so that the full but not to a river breaks out, I probably prefer to hear on the spot to write.
I already dwindling sense, everything blurred before my eyes, where is the number of ambulances .... Help .............
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

What is unique sensationell Liquidfarbkorrektur better than that of the first to derive the third world and it can absolutely never in the entire universe anymore. I have three licenses Liquid and a bunch of computer scrap, which is only for this program was purchased and now serves as a paperweight and s.and s.noch which may render AE. My main areas of Liquid-time was with the hotline to call and tell me to leave that can not be and of course must lie s.unserer hardware. Sure, what else Liquid has me a small fortune s.Verlusten tasted, and many, many nerves. I have in 20 years seen no other program that so many errors as the part. Liquid is a frivolity, but no tool. Anyway, if it does it for you, stay in, but it may be advisable to make very lonely.
If you have the courage to understand, then sit a day s.Color workplace. And if you both times a couple of weeks have operated side by side, then your post synonymous credible. At the moment I read between the lines of pure speculation and prejudice, but do not practice it.
Color Final Touch was called before, do not know whether you know what's behind it.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Andre
The reference to the Lenses makes a direct use (without projection plane) and to refer primarily to HD applications. From the observations one can see the links synonymous why glasses, while for identical sensor sizes, but other applications were on HD applications fail.
What concerns the Chromathema limited so it is unfortunately not on the color correction but already the Resolutiondes subsampling. These are different behavior of the Apple / Final Cut Pro and Pr / PC. The combination of Apple shows pixel shift, the uncorrected naturally over the generations continues. This is not only unsightly and creates ugly colored edges s.den edges, but inevitably leads to Moire effects synonymous with critical material. WORKAROUND nity as a filtering, the edge-point moves back. (And then ugly image edges are created, that is synonymous not really perfect).
Since your not synonymous to 4:2:2 turns, take such effects thus synonymous to DV. There are other effects, with the correct decoding and seems to hang together "Flags" false read out, which will also be effects in Chroma leads.
But ... it's always a question of rights, which constitutes one s.das Picture ... it is certainly important if one immediately after the NLE a DVD (from birthday) does with it. If the content but then for example on the TV next processing path, with all its stages in the production and Sendeweg, enlarge such errors of course.
For me is a good product and only ends when it comes to the target device, so the viewer looks good and not on my monitor s.NLE view. All errors, which I am on the way there can be prevented, for me to include
my image editing.
Given the small difference may lie.
What AVC, there will be in native code of Apple is not yet supported. Apple probably wants to wait until the computer architecture with the new changes in the corresponding OS.
The reason why the current does not work, I have been here in the forum over a year before the detail.
Adobe has with the Premiere4 geared up and uses the GPU. This works very well.
The future will probably synonymous with Apple's work, especially as we start to see that they are synonymous NVIDIA chips in their new books include ... So missing only the software ... and of course, synonymous Update for Final Cut Pro.
Then should no longer be a problem .... whenever "then" from Apple called. When I think that if Apple took over a year, until 720p25 was supported, it may be another year until the relevant status of Adobe achieved.
What concerns ProRess422: Once you get used with the problematic 10bit/8bit and DWT / DCT is employed, the finger of intermediates such leave, unless the acquisition is not material at least 4:2:2 and 10 bit is ... and it is not, even better, then from the closing date IN goes to ... It "` of 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 and then it goes to 8 bit 4:2:0, for example, in a Sendeweg, one can not really surprised.
The broadcasters know why they 4:2:0 material explicitly reject synonymous when it comes on the monitor of the NLE creator sometimes still looks passable.
It is therefore always on the claim that the material has s.sein one synonymous and, for what purpose it serves.
For the "birthday" like the above are not all true, but I had understood that you have a production that just
does not do the "Birthday" and is quite a professional is entitled.
Antwort von domain:

Yawn ........
You have not understood me well MacBallerman.
Do you believe in earnest that I have any feature of any software at all just a feeling of Fuzerl could develop?
To do this, I'm not in vain since the beginning of the PC era (ie since about 1970) s.Laufenden Resilience and with all this blessed time.
PS oha WoWu, which I guess is very come in between, very interesting ........
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

What concerns ProRess422: Once you get used with the problematic 10bit/8bit and DWT / DCT is employed, the finger of intermediates such leave, unless the acquisition is not material at least 4:2:2 and 10 bit is ... and it is not, even better, then from the closing date IN goes to ... It "` of 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 and then it goes to 8 bit 4:2:0, for example, in a Sendeweg, one can not really surprised.
The broadcasters know why they 4:2:0 material explicitly reject synonymous when it comes on the monitor of the NLE creator sometimes still looks passable.
It is therefore always on the claim that the material has s.sein one synonymous and, for what purpose it serves.
For the "birthday" like the above are not all true, but I had understood that you have a production that just does not do the "Birthday" and is quite a professional is entitled. So far, I found your posts well, but now shoots you over the top. Wolfang, but it is a matter of a good workflow to get, not to support requirements, which no man can see or measure. After celebrating your theory 99% of the studios birthday. You do not bit presumptuous?
You know synonymous in other forums that some Top-there that your opinion matters not in AVC still in ProRes supported, and those are my words very theroretisch underway, but you're in this respect, the coronation;)
I can be your technical arguments do not counter, but I can assure you that we have to not worry about such things, but to create beautiful results regularly deliver throughout the world are so noble and s.TV look like other productions synonymous. And it makes no difference whether we rotated with a Varicam have an HVX with 4:2:2, EX with a 4:2:0 or what always synonymous. And I'm almost pedantic Picture what the grade is concerned and here and there something for various camera men and festivals, because I know that it tick, but I am meticulous and seen what the picture is concerned, not measured.
You must not exaggerate!
Yawn ........
You have not understood me well MacBallerman.
Do you believe in earnest that I have any feature of any software at all just a feeling of Fuzerl could develop?
To do this, I'm not in vain since the beginning of the PC era (ie since about 1970) s.Laufenden Resilience and with all this blessed time. The first IBM PC, there were 1981 (8088 with 8Bit), not the 1970th
As you are with "MacBallermann" but unfortunately unobjective insulting to drift, my entertainment ends with you here. Who is as old as you, should show a little more decorum can.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... The broadcasters know why they explicitly reject 4:2:0 material ... So generally can not agree, not even if one leaves out of the SD and HD format only sees: HD or XDCAM EX for example, has so synonymous only 4:2:0. Or I understand you as wrong?
Antwort von Chezus:

For the sake of completeness:
That this program is now in the Final Cut Studio Bundle with is and it still costs no more, there is a clear advantage.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
... The broadcasters know why they explicitly reject 4:2:0 material ...
So generally can not agree, not even if one leaves out of the SD and HD format only sees: HD or XDCAM EX for example, has so synonymous only 4:2:0. Or I understand you as wrong? It is not synonymous. The whole news department of RTL has been running for years on MPEG2 and thus 4:2:0. Even public law did not reject it, just like they do so.
Antwort von PowerMac:
... The broadcasters know why they explicitly reject 4:2:0 material ...
So generally can not agree, not even if one leaves out of the SD and HD format only sees: HD or XDCAM EX for example, has so synonymous only 4:2:0. Or I understand you as wrong? Yes, that's nonsense. Also ARD broadcasting organizations, of the individuals apart, take XDCAM HD.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marc ball home
As you can mal sehn, how relative everything in the world.
@ Bernd
In most of the recent decrease in technical papers is now explicitly that no material (some to a certain percentage), more accepted, that as a starting material was 4:2:0.
Meanwhile, I can understand the synonymous from the reasons outlined understand.
Antwort von domain:

The first PC there were 1981, not the 1970th
True, you are helping my memory a bit, because the first years we worked with actually controlled hole streak telex (terminals) in Cleveland Ohio, or with the Univac 494-spot
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

I want to see me at home s.meinem TV shows what was 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 what if there is a post-production has gone through and the beginning of s.vernünftig was treated.
I do not talk of cheap stuff where you Doku s.der first corner the DV camcorder ausm MediaMarkt entlarvt, but of the material with the EX or HDV prosumer corner arose and was properly gegradet.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) I already dwindling sense, everything blurred before my eyes, where is the number of ambulances .... Help ............. Spar Dir deinen Scheiss sarcastic. You only schürst aggression. Yes, this discussion goes into an emotional corner, it is intuitive to feelings, which
seems a better. Du hast verdammt nochmal to respect other opinions. I accept your words synonymous. What many do not understand: it is not logical to correct verifiable. You can have the satisfaction of Mac users who come by the PC, in their sum measure, but this brings us to the core of the thesis that "Mac is better than PC" or "Final Cut is better than other" unspecified. Take it out that others have different opinions, which are based on feelings and zerpflückt they do not!
Antwort von Chezus:

@ domain
Wow! Congratulations! You have your first movie as a thumb cinema in slates gemeisselt, respect.
Interested anybody here? Andre wants to know what he is NOW for hardware and do not buy what he Calculator in his museum aims, so the issue remains times
Recently artet probably everything into a geplenkel between 2-3 people from ...
Antwort von domain:

Take it out that others have different opinions, which are based on feelings and zerpflückt they do not! That I accept immediately. I just do not like opinions that are based on ratio, all and each must be removed from the stomach to come out.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marc ball home
You seem not a lot of image quality to keep ... and that 99% of Final Cut Pro users, so only 1% use 4:2:2, which I can not believe .... denk s.all only the many betas .... 10 bit 4:2:2!
So presumably, the user 4:2:0 in Final Cut Pro still clearly in the minority.
You seem synonymous little material for broadcasters to make to you very clearly the differences between 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 clip round the ear ...
@ PM
it is not logical to correct verifiable. That I do not know .... Andre wants to productions on the target system customizing ... there is already a "verifiable". And Pixel Shift is a bit uncomfortable damned if it is not already in the software will be corrected.
I think it's Andre synonymous to hard facts, not just a question of whether a user finds his great Mac than a PC.
He must know the claims that he s.den content is that it on the system would like to edit.
One can, of course, as Marc see and say ... I see 'nothing, so it's not. And because I do 4:2:0, make it synonymous 99% of Final Cut Pro users .... is synonymous ...
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
@ Marc ball home
You seem not a lot of image quality to keep ... and that 99% of Final Cut Pro users, so only 1% use 4:2:2, which I can not believe .... denk s.all only the many betas .... 10 bit 4:2:2!
So presumably, the user 4:2:0 in Final Cut Pro still clearly in the minority.
You seem synonymous little material for broadcasters to make to you very clearly the differences between 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 clip round the ear ...
Believe me, you are mistaken. There's hardly a day s.dem I do not run. If you is it possible my posts, you'll recognize that I am not boast about myself and links to distribute and I will not do now synonymous. But precisely at the moment there are two music videos of days and I really night at VIVA and MTV, yet sometimes synonymous with other, last week there were three in rotation, and actually is now a permanent condition, and so synonymous in the U.S. they run, and I can assure you, they do not see entirely on manure from. I do not like to post something, but I have your theory, yes somehow counter.
As I said, do not understand me wrong, I think your theoretical knowledge impressive, but you should respect the other synonymous still make good movies, synonymous if you do not have your knowledge, and these results are still so good that you self the difference is not would see. ... synonymous when it's difficult to believe;)
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marc
I wanted you as synonymous not come too close and there is certainly a very synonymous variety s.Produkten, where color is not really noticeable. But there is at least as synonymous vile products in which a defective image looks deadly .... and the higher the resolution is, the more unsightly (and obvious), the artifacts visible.
If you have even a piece of content on the NHK 8k Lens with uncorrected see the same content and connect, down to SD, would you know what I mean. NHK without CAC is not feasible.
That changes everything but nothing s.dem fact that certain software will not work correctly and other software as there seems to be programmed better and better decoder implemented.
It is just for SD and the right / wrong content is not so much on. But the bug is still in the picture.
So I have to choose between a precise tool and a (na, we call it) is less precise tool, then I like the handling more to my decision to go and must be received then my priorities. And the fall is always with me in the direction of "best quality" and not convenience or what color the box is ....
So, nix für ungut .... everyone decides exactly along its needs.
Antwort von domain:

Apart of all the other things I would look at the psychology of the nick name "Marc ball home" s.sich interested.
I can with the best will not imagine that someone named Ballhaus voluntarily would incorporate, which is not really the son or grandson of that is severed or at least, verschwägert or whatever.
What is you because Marc haggard and very weak, at what hours was that?
Antwort von WoWu:
... The broadcasters know why they explicitly reject 4:2:0 material ...
So generally can not agree, not even if one leaves out of the SD and HD format only sees: HD or XDCAM EX for example, has so synonymous only 4:2:0. Or I understand you as wrong? Bernd,
maybe it's already the result that XDCAM HD XSCAM (HD) 422 has become.
The course is 4:2:0 for HDV and AVCHD format, with HDV in the Specs is explicitly mentioned, of course, AVCHD yet. This does not mean however, that such material is accepted 4:2:0.
Background is that in the 1080i format due to the 2:0 scanning the color of a half not be restored but can only "best guess" is. This results in the areas Farbzeiligkeit because just a half synonymous not only approximate the color can be identified. So it is the "0" in the sub-scanning.
Namely, it creates another new sampling 4:2:0 (MPEG broadcast) is in a color representation of the original with really nothing more to do with it.
Hence the demand: no 4:2:
0 For all other usual sub-samples can not happen. (not synonymous with 3:1:1)
And @ PowerMac .... not always equal to scream ... helps to think sometimes synonymous.
Antwort von Chezus:

@ Domain
Ernst thy should be? You want all serious criticize a nick name?
If you do not slow too stupid?
Antwort von domain:

For the Indians, there are four days of lengthy names celebrations, the correct name.
I have before me. But I want my future to Nick modify Helmut Newton, Helmut hot because I am anyway and the physicist Newton has always impressed me. Perhaps the festival, which I will pay, hear my request.
Antwort von Chezus:

Have fun!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... maybe it's already the result that XDCAM HD XSCAM (HD) 422 has fallen ... HD422 while the "normal" Accepted for XDCAM HD channels do not replace but complements. However, one could speculate whether or not it would HDCAM sooner or later replaced.
... 4:2:0, of course, the format for HDV and AVCHD ... Okay, that's something else: I had understood your statement that the rejection 4:2:0 format should generally relate to - not only HDV and AVCHD. That would have surprised me, but because, as even strong professional formats such as XDCAM HD or AVC-I 50 with 4:2:0 work. For something more than "children's birthday", they should already be usable.
Antwort von Axel:
What concerns ProRess422: Once you get used with the problematic 10bit/8bit and DWT / DCT is employed, the finger of intermediates such leave, unless the acquisition is not material at least 4:2:2 and 10 bit is ... and it is not, even better, then from the closing date IN goes to ... It "` of 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 and then it goes to 8 bit 4:2:0, for example, in a Sendeweg, one can not really surprised. Your expertise, I doubt not, but s.diesem point s.dem years ago and we already had days, you're totally impractical. Someone like the thread starter, in a highly compressed, rich 8-bit lossless codec works, you can not edit, which cuts through hard and a few cross visors also goes out without his material completely capitulated. That everyone knows, it is so obvious as that one is not red socks with white T-shirts along washes.
In practice we can minimize losses by using a higher color depth works. The fact that artifacts, it is certainly true. The alternative is to let it remain. The differences of ProRes rendered in color or effects to native 4:2:2 material is intended to be visible. However, it is made, and the results are not being questioned, if it is done well.
In most of the recent decrease in technical papers is now explicitly that no material (some to a certain percentage), more accepted, that as a starting material was 4:2:0. The papers. As we adopt s.besten. From the broadcaster's own productions and through funding financed feature film apart is what it says, not the definition of a professional standard. Anyone who earns money, is professional. Had interesting times, how high the percentage of funds with indiskutablen produced TV content actually is. The transmitters have always added, when the competition was cheaper.
You know, pianist, and maybe a few others here, play in another league. Technically at least. The rejection of cheaper alternatives, is categorical. But times Hand on heart: Where are the great contributions of the first division, compared with those of the rest undemanding so blatantly abkackt?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

A star is cooking with two hotplates and a microwave is a tingling bring food as a mediocre cook in a fully equipped kitchen star. That is my motto, and for me it is up to now fully risen, synonymous if I am still not a star chef would call. Make creative boundaries.
As for my nickname is concerned, I can reassure you. It has taken him to more than 10 years ago as the official nickname for me out, which is now no preference, in any case at a time when I do not even know who the famous namesake is, let alone what he does. More so, it is not.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Axel
But times Hand on heart: Where are the great contributions of the first division, compared with those of the rest undemanding so blatantly abkackt? Basically, I'm with you ... But the question could of course provide different synonymous ... where would the rest, if he still synonymous in broadcast quality would produce .... and not have to restrict to YouTube, where you with licenses is really nothing.
Only the sub-scanning issue has become synonymous all, with the transmitter decreases have to do achieve. And provided you have at a new 4:2:0 sampling, the inevitable digital broadcasting takes place, all different colored lines in the picture, on your NLE yet to be seen .... Just as is the danger, of course, aware of the broadcaster.
Furthermore, the issue is not as old and lax in the past have been treated. However, decreases synonymous payments and trigger too often purchased and paid content on the garbage is gone, the bars, because the mention is always harder.
Since no help synonymous loose ball home awards.
I think slightly technical know-how can at least do not harm them, the sometime so (not later than the rejection of his contribution) is confronted.
Of course you have to drive do not know how the brakes work, but you should already know that you need.
And, quite honestly, it would hurt anyone to know how a brake works?
And MB @ The Comparison with the Koch lags. You can not compare the kitchen, but the cooks have to compare, because the chef only get such a good court that because he has the knowledge and the exact ingredients and process controls.
And imagine what a high court of good cooking-how if it is synonymous nor the kitchen of his choice.
Another cooking would be a tasty meal to get ... but more of a coincidence.
And another thing, the top gets coal for cooking .... in each radiance and again crosswise and across all sorts of rights and day to day ....
Whether amateur synonymous so successful?
Antwort von Axel:
But the question could of course provide different synonymous ... where would the rest, if he still synonymous in broadcast quality would produce .... and not have to restrict to YouTube, where you with licenses is really nothing. Well, since I can hardly disagree.
Furthermore, the issue is not as old and lax in the past have been treated. However, decreases synonymous payments and trigger too often purchased and paid content on the garbage is gone, the bars, because the mention is always harder. Who is he pushed? Was you aware that there will be the same DV papers were issued, as I always something theatrical presenting kopfschüttelnden of engineers on their Kaffeepötten, and that DV - a certain quality provided - sendetauglich has always been synonymous and have always been accepted ? That there is, especially for smaller regional stations and virtually nothing else there? That you Videoklitschen at the orders of advertising agencies to execute their satisfaction, you very often scrape s.Kopf would if you saw the equipment, with which they work? Did you know that already times for the analog EB technology standards were published, after which free enterprise, and like to set up because they were quality-, and months later, their equipment could verhökern because the (public service!) Channel the stakes s.Quereinsteiger prefer 1-tubes with cameras and Lowband forgave because the were cheaper? Although the quality requirements were still in force?
Before it is now heavily out-and hergeht: If you're right, we will come to know, and a whole lot of people synonymous from my friends are sitting on dry land. Anyway, if it is not economically uphill.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Axel,
I want the discussion synonymous but not fuel supplement was a brief from practice allowed:
because the (public service), the transmitter inserts rather s.Quereinsteiger with 1-tube cameras and forgave Lowband, ..... mostly to the former and their colleagues were "severance" in the form of orders received.
That is the
German sickness (and not only among ÖRis), not in the application of technical rules.
You might be right that small transmitter is not so doggedly see
small transmitters send synonymous but no HDTV and for DV and DVCAM (PAL), meets the problem is not to (although 4:2:0) as the location of the color samples are not capable of scanning for HDV equivalent. Hence, the problem was not asked and so I had extra top again made clear that it comes to HDV or AVCHD does. (ie ISO 13818-2 for it quite accurately to describe).
However, NGC has made us even individual scenes complains that we archive from HDV footage in contributions was incised, without the prior vote. Only after long Telefoniererei remained inside it .... We experience the magic for a year and would be for economic reasons rather synonymous with HDV mills remained ...
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Background is that in the 1080i format due to the 2:0 scanning the color of a half not be restored but can only "best guess" is. This results in the areas Farbzeiligkeit because just a half synonymous not only approximate the color can be identified. So it is the "0" in the sub-scanning. I lit it not a, you can try me to explain why this would be? For PAL / DV but it works, why not in AVC or HDV, XDCAM and why?
Furthermore, if I so-called Committee of material with a DVD MPEG2 create, but the result should be with the broadcast match, or is it just to broadcast in 720p?
4:2:0 to synonymous times noted, does not mean that information is missing completely, it means that the components are alternately scanned, therefore, it is computationally 4:1:1, at least in the bandwidth, or just by vertical interpolation be determined.
Antwort von robbie:
for DV and DVCAM (PAL), meets the problem is not to (although 4:2:0) as the location of the color samples are not capable of scanning for HDV equivalent. How bad is yes but not DVCAM. HD produce the least. In the moment. After not even have all the channels have switched to 16:9, is located in the area is still in HD next distance. Except for music videos ..
And I have times remarking that even the best production format does nothing to help when it comes to news. As I film with IMX Digibeta or what do you know 4:2:2, send the whole with 4.5 Mbit Mpeg2 4:2:0 satellite s.Sender, where it then on a same MAZ is recorded and will be cut. And then someone wants me stiff and firmly persuade, the transmitter is basically a 4:2:2 workflow, because what else does not come into the house (not related to WoWu now).
Both systems have their permission. And 4:2:2 is not always synonymous
Edit: And now comes s.Ende said as an MPEG2 with a data rate of 2-4,5 Mbit out, on average, DVB-T and DVB-S. And that is the same as if I take DigiBeta tapes, 3x rumble through the washing and then let draufspuk. Since each transmitter should even consider s.den ears, and prefer to look at the high data rates screws. In satellite expensive, but it is still bearable. With DVB-T would be easier. Quality over quantity. After the number of channels. Then we can talk about upholding 4:2:2;)
PS: yes, XDCAM HD422 I see in certain areas as a successor to HDCAM.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marc
why not with HDV The interpolation of missing Farbsamples it is important not only to the quantity x: 2:0 but synonymous to the situation. This is in HDV, unlike DV, although both x: 2:0. For HDV, the samples between the lines.
Did it with 2 fields to do this are the two independent processes for the reconstruction of Color (Field1 and Field2). Therefore, Field 1, calculated values from row 1 and row 3 instead of row 1 and 2 In Field two is the line.
Also, the ratios are 25 to 75% instead of 50/50, because the sample only 0.5 s.Zeile 1 and 1.5 s.Zeile 3 is. The interpolations of the two fields have nothing with which to do proximity, but are what is "best guess" is called. (because 2 as from 75% of 3 and 25% of 1 is incurred.)
This changes the colors are not negligible. Now repeat this process (in a MPEG2 necessarily Sendeweg), these so already identified false false false again determined. This increases the errors dramatically, because the relationships are already in the first round on 25/75 moved. (There are a few other errors added that with the insertion of the temporal independent calculations have to do, but now would blow up the framework.)
It is just the situation of the samples.
In the NLEs are cascaded operations but not performed, so the effects appear not synonymous in the sharpness, but only after the re-sub-sampling such as a Sendeweg.
This is not a bug, all the decoder behave as they should. the problem is systemic.
The broadcaster already know what they do ... synonymous if some do not understand (want to). But problems can not be that they are ignored.
Doubts grow as very often out of ignorance, sometimes synonymous but from ignorance.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

OK, makes sense. So it is primarily with material i to do, so it affects the EX with 25 or not 50p? However, the AVC camcorder draw synonymous 25p but, at least partly, why are the affected? And what is with the material from a 5DMKII?
Then ... if I create it, within the NLE, or synonymous with the following grading a good picture, so it should be possible Diessen Picture via an intermediate 4:4:4 conversion after aufzupeppeln so that it can then turn 4:2:0 scan it? No?
And, again, sorry, this only affects HD broadcasting standard? What happens if you record in HDV, and scaled according to SD 4:2:2 ausspielt?
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marc
These are too many questions, here they are sensible to discuss. We are in this thread is already quite OT (to my request for forbearance s.Andre). To view the individual processes one has to understand the precise function of each individual to understand, because each time the source parameters are available. Knowledge you have in any case that neither a monitor nor an interface anything except 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 understands. Therefore, it is not such a signal is interpolated. So a 4:4:4 signal is not, as you say, "adding" but on the contrary, it is always worse than the original signal, because None Interpolation creates
new image signals, quite the contrary. When multiple interpolations are even the most original signals are replaced by interpolations.
But, as I said ... Such topics in these threads are not the appropriate thing to explain.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

@ WoWu
Du bist echt ein Lustiger. First you lead ourselves with a technical debauches the thread OT ourselves, and to demand better now are you saying it was too much OT. Tzzz ...
I remember that you've practically written that the Mac is the worst system, if the peas in the YUV stream counts. I, and some others say, however, that the Mac from handling clearly is the better system.
The only issue at stake is now to find out if your counting peas are relevant, and this you should explain things so that they are synonymous understands exactly as I have explained why the Mac is the better system and you can not see your peas .
And what I urged you on the path must pass is that your theory just the unreliability of the PC is the Nervtöterei of Windows, drivers, issues, incompatibilities, etc. I do not, in principle, but against the background that there are infinitely many is heavier, a PC, so designed that your picture showed theoretically benefits virtually synonymous überhaupt term. And every day was 24 hours s.Stück if need be, without it being somewhere hooks, not just grad times when everything is running great.
Even if the Mac is only 95% of what evil is exaggerated, so you can reach 95% of these very simple: Buy the Mac, Final Cut Pro, install, done. Or even more elegant: Mac with Final Cut Pro pre-order. Done.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marc
And what I urged you on the path must pass What did you except undifferentiated sayings, with me on the way to give?
And the question, to me anyway in this context is whether explanations that deeper than the handling of the Tatstur go, really anything, for example, of you, understood.
In this sense, my recommendation, first things to understand ... and they can be read ... Before wise advice will be distributed.
Incidentally, your signature is really good .... not only fully and I think we should Marcus Tullius Cicero quote synonymous with:
"Everyone can be wrong, but fools persist in error!"
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

@ WoWu
I think your post just quite wrong. Very sad. This reminds me especially Bach Schütz On:
"Irreverence is one of the self-funding of the small man."
Think over it to.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Marc
Respect is always progressing conditions ... are given any respect of my insurance.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

+ + +
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

@ WoWu
I do not know why you think this is excessive arrogance hernimmst and not synonymous where the disrespect, I am with you here just anpisst.
If I had to google your name, just come to nothing. Your role is one crew at United as 2 Docus in 8 years, and the reviews of your "book" denounce before the spelling errors.
You're a hopeless theorists, who is arrogant, quite exactly know how the kitchen works, but quite obviously not even a soup gets established.
Really had to be said. I think you spinnst such disrespectful to all the posts here and every drain. If you are looking for recognition, then you deserve it with decency and respect above all other skills, then perhaps klappts synonymous with the cooking times - because this is the kitchen there.
Antwort von WoWu:

You see, Marc, that is what I meant was ... search because you can not seem synonymous and even then the wrong Researched synonymous not even read or interpret correctly to be able to ... However, this is already a "respectable" performance.
In that sense, best greetings s.den super cook.
- Andre, sorry for the OT -
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

@ Marc ball home
It is enough now!
You're just on the way, your short term acquired sympathies here again to lose.
This level does not gut the forum.
Please continue to remain objective.
Regards, Jürgen F.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

@ Juergen
What did you except undifferentiated sayings, with me on the way to give? And the question, to me anyway in this context is whether explanations that deeper than the handling of the Tatstur go, really anything, for example, of you, understood. In this sense, my recommendation, first things to understand ... and they can be read ... Before wise advice will be distributed. Incidentally, your signature is really good .... not only fully and I think we should Marcus Tullius Cicero quote synonymous with:
"Everyone can be wrong, but fools persist in error!" The are four insults directly behind each other in a single post, in response to a factual, if synonymous captious criticisms. I am polite and not personally, but if it is necessary, I am committed to defend. I am not an inflated theorists of the turn is not the slightest s.Kompetenz outside his manuscript to show.
@ WoWu
Your quote means tried in the original way, "Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in error perseverare". The word "fool" is not coming before.
You see, Marc, that is what I meant was ... search because you can not seem synonymous and even then the wrong Researched synonymous not even read or interpret correctly to be able to ... However, this is already a "respectable" performance.
In that sense, best greetings s.den super cook. I can search, but you do not read. As early as next above, I have written:
(...) Synonymous if I am still not a star chef would call. That is called humility, a virtue that you completely alien appears to be.
- Andre, sorry for the OT - Schleimer!
Antwort von PowerMac:

Oh people ... the old PowerMac resignedly in your discussion. Would you your aggression, your angry little push to Page, then would you know that you are not far apart. Do me a favor: forget your trouble and time just stands beside you and watched what happened here.
Antwort von gunman:
Oh people ... the old PowerMac resignedly in your discussion. Would you your aggression, your angry little push to Page, then would you know that you are not far apart. Do me a favor: forget your trouble and time just stands beside you and watched what happened here. Hi,
Am quite you think Powermac. I would be synonymous of a quote from Seneca the Younger and recommend are: aequo ANIMO audienda sunt imperitorum conviciae - which means: With Gelassenheit must hear the allegations illiterates.
Nothing for ungut but these opinionated discussions nerves.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Am quite you think Powermac. I would be synonymous of a quote from Seneca the Younger and recommend are: aequo ANIMO audienda sunt imperitorum conviciae - which means: With Gelassenheit must hear the allegations illiterates.
Nothing for ungut but these opinionated discussions nerves.
Gunman Because I am even close s.and usually synonymous, I believe it.
But we do not yet lost their right! In about 20 of my posts you can read above, where I listened to him and had agreed. I even demand very closely, but it was already too much and was answered with arrogance, as with insults, and this is clearly too far.
If you have no respect for the experience of others, you should stay at home and is included in the toilet until you finished with his business, but not with intellectual flatulence were the other contaminate the air.
Antwort von Chezus:

Ok, all well and good, making a new theme on which it discussed and the feddich.
Jetzt würd me more interested in what equipment is now aiming to Andre and ask whether he still has.
Ok so? Thank you!
Antwort von DWUA:
"Je commence à me Croire qu'il sera assez difficile d'acclimater
Lapins les blancs avec les poissons rouges.
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

What you do not want that one you do, the joining of synonymous to no other.
Antwort von PowerMac:
What you do not want that one you do, the joining of synonymous to no other. That is the moral and simplified version of the categorical imperative. We are here but not in kindergarten.
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

Well, I would gladly synonymous with clever euphemisms and wisdom in Latin to throw me, but more than the above quote was not there.
Antwort von AndreKuhn:

Jetzt würd me more interested in what equipment is now aiming to Andre and ask whether he still has.
Ok so? Thank you! First, thank you once again that all your experience and advice here in part. That very different experience with Mac and PC here to come together, speak well that it is the perfect system does not exist and the two different approaches or "philosophies" have, with consequent strengths and weaknesses.
We have our first decision was postponed by several months.
Indeed, even a handful of questions arose for us. Even by the very lively discussion here.
The hour, only a very simple question. I read in an old Slashcam Report (2006) to Final Cut Pro: "[...] In the editing area dominated Final Cut on Premiere, compositing in After Effects is opposed before Motion. Only with the difference that After Effects (individually purchased) synonymous fine in Final Cut Studio Suite eingliedert, [...]"
Now my simple Yes / No question: Is it still? So synonymous for the latest studio packages? Or, as Adobe has now the support, ie the ability to plug-in for Final Cut Pro set?
Thank you very much! and greeting
PS: So we have, as I said, a few months before we cut. Time to compare, even more so in the depths of the solutions to go, and auszubaldowern what specifically we s.meisten makes sense.
Our criteria are roughly:
- Stability of the entire system (HW / OS / SW interface)
(the shocks of the Windows experience are sitting deep and has grown over the years. There is a strong suction on the other shore Apple - despite the apparent departure of the good old "Solid-as-a-rock" era of the Mac)
- Performance
(I read here rather that in direct comparison, applications faster than on PC have been felt. We await the MacOS update.)
- Cut-SW: Ergonomics and technology support.
(Ergonomics: Final Cut Pro.
Technique: 4:2:0, the debate is already intimidating and speaks for Premiere. I imagine how WoWu calibres and Marc Ball homemade absolute professionalism - if different experience, probably the best course. Does the lack Unterstützng for such things as sub-sampling in Final Cut Pro to problems, or not? Even we (SD) allows us a quality ill afford the loss. However, befriended Filmmakers quote: 'So when A and B scene with people. X, we had synonymous SD Camera and in the movies, I have not seen anything since. " When we arte but says: 'You have a great movie. Unfortunately, its picture quality too bad ', we would naturally
"annoyed" to times when civilized word choice to stay;) If Premiere can help better the quality through the generations, is quite clearly a point (of several, so)
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Andre
I think it is a good decision, at least "Snow" Leopard wait because the security update with a positive impact on the performance impact.
Only with the difference that After Effects (purchased separately) synonymous fine in Final Cut Studio Suite eingliedert, [...] " Regarding the ADOBE AE / MOTION question, there is currently no evidence that non-synonymous next ADOBE plug-in will support.
However, you should see the problem with the Round-Trip Final Cut Pro-AE-Final Cut Pro, because both AE as synonymous MOTION Programs and 10bit are a transformation 8-10-8 bit is required. This leads to Beeinträchtigunungen. It is still slightly on the release.
(Æ 7 behaves in this regard as otherwise than AE 8)
Apple has the Final Cut Pro Transitions-motion in my experience better grip, as well as the transitions ADOBE Prem / AE. Only the combination of Final Cut Pro / AE is still not entirely unproblematic.
When we arte but says: 'You have a great movie. Unfortunately, its picture quality too bad ', we would naturally "annoyed" Unfortunately, the only by a small cross in the box:
"not broadcast" documents.
Image quality is always relative and a matter of entitlement!
The technical acceptance, especially in high demand with contributions for the license paid accordingly synonymous, are certainly more accurate than the subjective views of an image by the person who's contribution maybe made.
It is always my recommendation, with image quality so deal that synonymous with the TV viewers no effects occur, the emergence of seemingly outside the influence of the maker is.
.. and in the movies because I have not seen anything The question is whether the "technical acceptance" of a broadcaster would have seen nothing synonymous.
Check out the Apple system with the new operating system once s.and leads the critical process, not just the "sun-pictures" to sehn, but a realistic workflow to determine where the picture is not only simple cuts to survive has .
Similarly, the differences between AE and Motion, in terms of round-trip Effects, I would check.
And what the problem is concerned 4:2:0 ... Unfortunately, this begins as early as the Camera and is the only NLEs continue, regardless of manufacturer.
Antwort von Axel:
However, you should see the problem with the Round-Trip Final Cut Pro-AE-Final Cut Pro, because both AE as synonymous MOTION Programs and 10bit are a transformation 8-10-8 bit is required. This leads to Beeinträchtigunungen. @ WoWu
What workflow would
you choose because if you, say, DV as the starting material had? What prevents you, the rough in Final Cut Pro as a 10bit uncompressed s.Motion / AAE to pass (equivalent to premiere?) And a return to pre-compression of the final output to renounce? Or is this the final output problem?
If you are in Final Cut Pro, respectively. Premiere for reasons of quality no filter applied, you would need about the compatibility of plugins synonymous not worry more to make. Plugins speak of course for more than AAE Motion.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Axel
The problem with Final Cut Pro (and many others still synonymous NLEs) is unfortunately that they are not consistently 10bit compliant.
Most Effects and Transitions in FCB are only 8-bit capable. Operator you Final Cut Pro 10bit of beginning, (as I have understood you), is Final Cut Pro with all the non-10bit-effects easy conversions without warning. The only warning is found in the manual somewhere in the 300 pages (I have now to see themselves).
This gives you, if you Final Cut Pro in 10 bit operating a qualitative "piñata", because quite frisky already synonymous with internal machining is converted.
Since I prefer to work consistently in 8-bit and give such a roundtrip crossings just more attention.
As mentioned in another thread already mentioned, it is sometimes, the computational work to "Animation codec in AE to make, but of Final Cut Pro.
One has its workflow for the vote on the versions, which one (of synonymous AE) has. The effects are in different combinations quite different. Therefore there are (unfortunately) not so generally applicable method. Just know you have just that one s.solchen transitions with a problem has to do.
If the goal in Motion synonymous achieved, it could be the better solution, because Apple apparently with the inter-conversions are not so many problems, such as Adobe with the integration of QT.
I wish there would be a solution .. unfortunately I can not offer the synonymous ... but consistently in Final Cut Pro 10-bit to use it is by no means.
Also you have to look at the performance of its A / D converters in view of its architecture. For HD, the process in 13, 5 ns to be processed. Many A / D converter can not and "sanding" the signal is next ..
Time, quite apart from that used by the error diffusion of the material of the entire film in such a case will be worse and of a subsequent encoder (zBim Sendeweg) significantly more demanding performance, but it does not exist, because the encoder at a bitrate "festgeklemmt" is ... Result: Encoding worse.
10 bit is not always better. Also, there are currently up in HD on D5 and HDCAMSR and the AVCCams (C100) Mazen not to make 10 bit.
10 bit only makes sense if you stay in 10 bit and can still s.besten of RAID in the closing date go. Otherwise I would use with great caution.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

To synonymous again what to say on the matter: I think WoWu argumentations's technically correct, in case it is with nuclear bombs to crack a nut shot.
This begins about the 4:2:0 thing, and now ends at 10-bit Gedönse. So if you plan to celluloid in 4:4:4 to scan, to cut and with effects zuzuballern, UMD then again FAZen is 10 bit in any case an argument. If it is only to be sent, it is simply as a thing where I really make the hairs.
Just recently I worked for someone in a movie Grading ironed, which was filmed 4:2:2 HD, Final Cut Pro to cut and was composed in AE. The compositing was rendered TIF, with the components in 16 bit was created. After the TIF then in Final Cut Pro in order in the final section to complete, was of course typical 8-bit banding (Farbtreppungen) - incidentally, pretty much the only real side effect of the Convert 10 bit to 8 bits. Now you can do in such a case the whole NLE change or synonymous times his brain and try to ask where the banding is acceptable and accordingly, on the other hand.
What we have done, you can probably think: We are still in Final Cut Pro and Color to an end, which is otherwise eliminated banding and cold of ProRes HD HDCAM SR off after it in order to show digital movies. According to the definition of a theorist an absurdity, in practice, simply wonderful. And if it is a 20x10m screen enough, then for the despicable Glotze probably three rich!
For the rest of us go through all productions at least 5-6 generations in the ProRes codec. Mostly, this is the signal or the compression sequence:
* Cam recording in HD or XDCAM DVC PRO HD (4:2:0 or 4:2:2)
* Editing and Rendering or Baking in ProResHQ
* Compositing in AE with anschl rendering according ProResHQ
* Bounce a contiguous sequence of the film in Rohfarben in ProResHQ
* Grading in Color (16 bit), followed by rendering after ProResHQ
* Bounce gegradeten sequence as the finished film in ProResHQ with 50 fps in HD
* Masterausspielung after SD or HD at 25fps in ProResHQ
These are 7 generations, including in post-6x, and the frightening: It just looks hellishly good, in movies, on the goggle-box and on the Web, if it is synonymous after WoWu's logic can not, it does it anyway and charmed audiences around the globe.
While others head to the break as it does not work, do I (and many, many others to thank God as it is) beautiful results in a workflow is just feels wonderful.
Premiere for example, is simply not efficient, but a little unstable. The mere fact that Premiere all audio data, whether necessary or not, after 32-bit transforms vast amounts of time and space and swallowing, is the biggest nonsense I have ever seen and only the ko is a criterion for many applications.
I find it quite important that people like WoWu there, but you should not ask how to work productively, because this is a strange world for them.
Antwort von WoWu:

Short question MacBall ..
finishing how many minutes per day do you do?
And how many minutes, recovery from this?
Nur mal so ... for classifying ....
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Axel
I have a roundtrip hab'Dir Final Cut Pro-AE-Final Cut Pro for illustrative appended. Final Cut Pro 1 Original Video, Video 2 AE return. On the AE signal was not changed.
But, as I said, it is still slightly dependent of the versions. In the Avid and in CS4 is the case without any such effects do.
What I like, incidentally, on the above topic is still haggard:
Final Cut Pro makes a 10-bit YCbCr only incidentally synonymous and not in RGB.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

I see garnicht. What is a Picture of this to say?
Antwort von WoWu:

Axel's your name and it surprised me now that you see nothing?
That is (and probably much more) distinguishes you yes of Axel ...
How is this with an answer to my question above ordered?
Perhaps this explains so much already.
Oh, by the way thank you for your above workflow .... but I already knew from the RED workflow: Cut Pro 6.0.2.html
.... You just have to forget just exactly Warnings such as "Double Color Shuffle" noted. But perhaps your workflow is so tainted with magic after you synonymous methods against the banding know that others do not know .... who knows.
And what your KO criterion of 32 bit concerned ....
You must expect times to learn. 5.1 sound with 10 tracks (video), the word has 30 bit width.
But actually surprised me because your incomprehension synonymous not really ....
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Axel's your name and it surprised me now that you see nothing?
That is (and probably much more) distinguishes you yes of Axel ...
How is this with an answer to my question above ordered?
Perhaps this explains so much already. I am certainly not with Axel, but against paranoia gibts tablets. And if this was odd, then your "good wishes". You play here the technical Platzhirsch, but an amateur in the forum is not particularly impressive. In each thread Fasel you out before you, but something really constructive, I could never find. Always: "Look what I know, I'm so smart!" between the lines.
Oh, by the way thank you for your above workflow .... but I already knew from the RED workflow: Cut Pro 6.0.2.html Can I not, I am synonymous with no guidance in the situation myself and imagine functioning workflows to practice.
.... You just have to forget just exactly Warnings such as "Double Color Shuffle" noted. But perhaps your workflow is so tainted with magic after you synonymous methods against the banding know that others do not know .... who knows. Brain power and wonder what distinguishes filmed the blue sky of a digital, then the solution in cases of already banding alone. With the magic has nothing to do, but with the nature. As I said, while you are still concerns as it does not work, I collect the next applause. A question of life principle.
And what your KO criterion of 32 bit concerned ....
You must expect times to learn. 5.1 sound with 10 tracks (video), the word has 30 bit width.
But actually surprised me because your incomprehension synonymous not really .... What a nonsense. Premiere turns any 16-bit PCM audio source track a 32-bit float PCM source track, with no sense, it is like if all the source data SD to HD first hochskaliert. Every professional audio programs, whether it ProTools or Nuendo or Logic remains always in the Sources for 16-bit integer, float calculated with internal and renders in 16 bit for CD analysis, or 24 bits for SACD or similar. With the 5.1 has not the slightest to do, because the data in the timeline are only referenced. Your notice in this is, forgive, a dairy girls.
And word width ... a word with 30 bit width? ;) Caution, very, very thin ice ...
Antwort von WoWu:

Well, let's just because, but for someone who is just over 2 weeks not even knowing how the Digi-Beta functions ((Your post 152) ... here makes a very nice Max ... and after you probably spells out fantastic productions synonymous apparently no record and did not even investigate it properly, I think, that we no longer find common ground will be.
Also, from your "celestial statement" Your not really effective against spells banding to detect and with the word width "I give you right .... You know already, why do not you will soon.
So let `s easy to ... You speak your clientele s.and I just mean ...
But maybe one more tip: You should not all forum participants with the indication that this was an amateur forum trying to attract to your level ... there are here (except you) a lot of good people.
It would be nice, would you in the future with my postings do not ever feel ... I can assure you, they are, unless your name is not displayed, not intended for your understanding. There is no reason unsubstanziellen with answers to react.
Although I am your postings a certain entertainment value so can not really deny.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Explains one of me what you think your banding with?
Bzgl sky, würd mich mal intressieren ....'ve already created enough sky backgrounds, or even entirely digitally created.
What do you because.
Thank you.
B. DeKid
Antwort von WoWu:

Kid @
What level do you want the house or for a technical explanation and how it arises?
How to get it properly disposed of as little as I know with me is probably the most serious users ... only how to prevent it, so I could then serve ...
Kid, as you already see, was not entirely serious contribution :-)))
Request for forbearance.
Antwort von Axel:

Perhaps I may mediate, even though I technically have long seen on the route remained bin.
My experience shows that with the ProRes obvious to me (that is relevant for me in the recovery area to the HDTV broadcast capability does not belong with the visible eye) loss of quality in the processing of HDV, DV and avoided, makes me agree with Marcs reasoning. It seems that I only had luck, and I only found by testing random workflow certain obstacles had.
Not everyone has the opportunity to propose how WoWu, various combinations of NLEs and
versions of After Effects interactively test. What do I have to be absolute,
it is not all gold that glitters install if I s.with beginning of fool's gold to do?
The minute final, which could be made per day, ie, professional effectiveness, I have the accounts removed, because it needs to avoid loss of quality going. Here, I would be for practical workflow-Tips grateful than I for general Cassandra warnings still am.
A Final Cut Pro editing of HDV 1080, in the timeline to ProResHQ changed and in this codec including extensive Postpro with Motion to hold final output, is synonymous to a big screen does not pay claims (Man overestimated the score in some problems with this type of presentation, it is not synonymous to see more than on an HD display, but never less> block artifacts, poor de-interlacing, color, all must be avoided), of the output as SD-DVD to remain silent. Unfortunately, soon the Mac era ended for me, and then what with Adobe to Windows to play me, I have to overlook in advance.
Antwort von MK:
for someone who is just over 2 weeks not even knowing how the Digi-beta works ((Your post 152) ... here makes a very nice Max ... Hehe, although I hoped it will never again have to dig out, but I must sadly inform you that your speech is not synonymous here is correct:
DigiBeta is from tape to digital SDI output without internal analog intermediate steps (conversion of the digital signal is of course made).
The technician I had to make sure this had questioned whether the Digibeta really internal analog and converts it for output must be digitized again still grinning about this statement.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
(...) It is from your "celestial statement" Your not really effective against spells banding to detect and with the word width "I give you right .... You know already, why do not you will soon. True, I know because I do not offer free lessons s.aufgeblasene After theorists. I believe that it is not anybody else except you interested in what is a binary word, and s.deiner execution, I see that you are neither of the x86 software architecture somewhat understand, nor of sound. I mean that with thin ice, in such a discussion you will blamieren.
And what banding is concerned, a day grading in my studio costs 700 EUR. If you do not know how to eliminate banding, give me a job. Quite simply, and not expensive, but you can not watch.
So let `s easy to ... You speak your clientele s.and I just mean ...
But maybe one more tip: You should not all forum participants with the indication that this was an amateur forum trying to attract to your level ... there are here (except you) a lot of good people.
It would be nice, would you in the future with my postings do not ever feel ... I can assure you, they are, unless your name is not displayed, not intended for your understanding. There is no reason unsubstanziellen with answers to react.
Although I am your postings a certain entertainment value so can not really deny. Na siehste since jast even something you had to laugh. And if you will not read my answers like, there are simple solutions to this: First, no nonsense spread (30-bit word length with 5.1 ... lol ...), and secondly I do not respond. That helps! ;)
Bzgl sky, würd mich mal intressieren ....'ve already created enough sky backgrounds, or even entirely digitally created.
What do you because.
Thank you.
B. DeKid Farbtreppung. If you have a history of Light after Dunkelblau digitally tinker, for example, in Photoshop, and so in your average einbaust, you will be rendering no longer have clean history, but a variation can recognize. This is banding. The same thing happens synonymous when you edge vignettes in Final Cut Pro or elsewhere on your clips lay.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ MK
Component signals always consist of frequencies ... and this is always something analogous.
Because it is digitally transmitted signals are components .... is always on the baseband has changed, so has frequencies ... Add to that the fact that the machine PAL comb work .... which should probably be in the machine? So .. how can we otherwise call?
Antwort von MK:

The component signal is digital and is synonymous internal digitally converted, and after the modulation and demodulation on tape in the VTR, it is synonymous to digital ... in Digibeta is definitely not an AD converter in the SDI signal operation of the digitized analog component. Only for playback of analog Betacam formats, the signal of analog to SDI changed.
And what are the comb ... the meinr would believe only for composite analog signals needed for brightness and Farbdifferenzsignale segregated. So maximum s.analogen Composite input from Digibeta to find.
Antwort von WoWu:

The component signal is a
digitized, on the Changing baseband signal.
Ask your technician time, as the signal obtained or changed then you will come to the baseband.
Antwort von MK:

For Sony this article relating to Digital Betacam, I read something else out, especially synonymous from Figure 11 based on the link, unfortunately, poorly recognizable:
And where and what should the comb in the playback chain?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

@ MK ... Wowu is always right, usually you just tuned. It's like with agricultural economists and farmers, when one comes you need to know where else to eat. If both of you eventually need everyone knows.
But what I really wanted to say: Your discussion is completely OT!
Antwort von WoWu:

@ MK ..
... the link only shows me the processing s.SDI ... but it has nothing to do with the conversion to be done or do I have the relevant information that you see on my test?
Antwort von MK:
@ MK ..
... the link only shows me the processing s.SDI ... but it has nothing to do with the conversion to be done or do I have the relevant information that you see on my test? Figure 11, pathway s.Kopf, there is loud in the flow chart of Wiedergabe-Vorverstärker/Equalizer and then in the (digital) ECC decoder.
As far as I interpret the article correctly, the digital signal is modulated is not synonymous with digital Betacam recorded but it is actually a pure digital signal, which in turn would make sense based on the distinction of analog / digital playback heads with Digital Betacam.
Moreover, on the tape of the ECC (Error Correction Code) with recorded ... synonymous an indication that it is a pure digital signal.
Antwort von domain:
(...) It is from your "celestial statement" Your not really effective against spells banding to detect and with the word width "I give you right .... You know already, why do not you will soon.
True, I know because I do not offer free lessons s.aufgeblasene After theorists.
Now that would be me, but times are really interested, as a contrast with too little recorded and then returned to 256 (less real) grayscale picture spread without banding could get.
I think with this technology you could stir it.
Please tell us your absolutely inexplicable stunt least just rudimentary.
Antwort von WoWu:

There is no doubt done a digital recording .... this is totally out of question and if I'm so understood, that the DigiBeta to an analog recording act ... this is obviously not the case.
It is the encoding conversion between SDI and transmission, thus the output signal, which consists of a Basebandsignal obtained, ie an analog process, because s.das coded, digital signal so you for example have a SDTI not approached.
But I had in the quoted post is not synonymous in other words:
DB internal decode it to analog format and are either on the analog interface out, or re-multiplexed and digitized with the additional signals (not encoded) via SDI. I think there is an understanding gap.
Edit: Where do I make the mistake because I think the only link to Fig.9 (Error Correction)? Figure 11 gives it to me somehow not at all? :-( (
Antwort von MK:

Edit: Where do I make the mistake because I think the only link to Fig.9 (Error Correction)? Figure 11 gives it to me somehow not at all? :-( ( Located in paragraph 8:
Figure 11th Digital signal playback system:
Figure 10th Digital signal recording system
Antwort von WoWu:

Jau, 11 the small picture and I now it shows exactly what I say ... before the signal passes through the digitization of the D / A interface. Exactly where it will be namely Baseband changed ....
Antwort von MK:
Jau, 11 the small picture and I now it shows exactly what I say ... before the signal passes through the digitization of the D / A interface. Exactly where it will be namely Baseband changed .... But how can the data of the different Digibetas be captured completely identical? There must be at least minimal differences at an intermediate analog conversion because there is always a comparison with a certain tolerance dranhängt, somewhere is missing here remains s.meinem understanding. Is it not rather be that the digital signal into the DA converter is held there and of Digital s.SDI next? If it is converter of the baseband signal to analog so there should be synonymous after baseband converter of digital type.
The instructions regarding setting up the distance to Digibeta channels (radio / cell phone / cordless phone) specify only one sensitive to electromagnetical disturbance synonymous for playback of analog tape formats if the transmitter is closer than 50cm s.Gerät is ... confusing.
Antwort von WoWu:

It is never s.die codec level when the machine arrived, the man would have a comparison may begin. In that regard, one can not say the same as the signals were actually.
The IRT once the multi-generation behavior for the broadcaster investigates and just noticed that it is due to a well-made and high conversion is acceptable, but not as good as with a digital copy (ie Filebene) is to be expected.
Not for nothing did the followers then synonymous SDTI interfaces and not only SDI.
From the Störstrahlanweisungen I would not want to close, because they are of so many parameters that for me to be adventurous.
The synonymous in the other thread mentioned problem is that a lot of the Digi-Beta for a (consistently) have kept digital machines, whose signal is really 1:1 bit-precise than any could play .. and that's true not.
I hope I could clarify misunderstanding halfway.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
@ WoWu
@ MK
Have you no telephone? This is a forum, because what drives her is called conversation, nor do s.Thema completely gone. ES nervt!
Antwort von WoWu:

@ MK
.. maybe one last question:
Have you heard what the MacBall ... now has become a moderator?
Antwort von Axel:

Add to "banding":
Now that would be me, but times are really interested, as a contrast with too little recorded and then returned to 256 (less real) grayscale picture spread without banding could get.
I think with this technology you could stir it.
Please tell us your absolutely inexplicable stunt least just rudimentary. This is probably the most fundamental problem with 8bit, and especially at 4:2:0. Is there heaven for a course in the original footage still no visible "steps" are in a color correction faster than you can say "beep. The first thing we must note, is the order of the post, very nice
To my knowledge, is the only chance synonymous eg Photoshop courses to integrate the video of the beginning of a higher color depth to lead (ie a different codec), and it is there to be synonymous. When the program - about AAE, but synonymous others - then "float" may be the 200 Nochwas gradations of the original, although in reality, everything just artifacts from there, as calculated, hypothetical intermediate values. Because the real values would honestly mentioned the banding. Either, or.
Either the original footage, to the border of the visible - and certainly, under optimal playing conditions beyond - is compressed, respectively, as it is, or decompression errors with their picture taking in Purchase, s.and beginning of the end (ie without "Round Trip").
Antwort von MK:
@ WoWu
@ MK
Have you no telephone? This is a forum, because what drives her is called conversation, nor do s.Thema completely gone. ES nervt!
You have here but synonymous NEN 'Off-Topic Clusters written ... which is now synonymous not offend against you, but since then you have to be synonymous with s.die own conscience.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

You have here but synonymous NEN 'Off-Topic Clusters written ... which is now synonymous not offend against you, but since then you have to be synonymous with s.die own conscience. Nen clusters, but not synonymous nix, true. But it does grad NEN new thread on the yes not even with the original theme is used. My only ...
Antwort von MK:

Nen clusters, but not synonymous nix, true. But it does grad NEN new thread on the yes not even with the original theme is used. My only ... Yes, true peace?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Yes, true peace? It was war and None has given me notice say? ;) ... everything well, do not worry.