Frage von videonoob:
hi leute
I have a small problem and hope you can help me. I had a film consisting of three parts and I wanted to but all in one. So I am in the inet on the search and made some where you found that with the dos and "copy / b" can be put together. das hab ich ned only synonymous made entirely on the income compatriots. Although now I have a file the size of the three files but I can only the first look.
ne knows someone accidentally share the opportunity again to bring the file or the full length evaluation to look out for?
Antwort von Markus:

With copy / b lose so you are not the originals, so they are still there. - Or do you have to delete? Where they are now in the trash?
Antwort von chris67:

ne hab to delete from the trash and they are already out
ja das is my problem. otherwise hätt I just put the original back
Antwort von Markus:

It may be that you this story my test:
Video Joiner An idea how to reverse this step could be, I do not offer. This tool or program should indeed somehow recognize s.welchen places the files are combined.
Antwort von chris67:

looks like some familiar but obs hundred bids per contribution was the same, I can say ned
naja apart the reality is now the problem for me
Antwort von Markus:

If it is because in a video editing program to import (if possible with a smart-rendering option), so that a manual separation would be possible? - Provided of course, the content would be synonymous is completely visible.
In VirtualDub & Co. I do not fit (enough), so possibly a solution.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Deleted Files via GetDataBack herzaubern again, should go as long as you have different partitions, this is quite simple, with only one partition, but sometimes this is not possible unless you have another PC.
Generally synonymous Difix which could Avi again fixed but synonymous on the codec used to work in any case with Divx + Xvid, whether it runs with other codecs, I can not say, not yet tested.
VLC Player detects synonymous Avi errors in s and can be repaired.
Well everything just hints whether a work is precisely the question.
Good luck
Antwort von Gast 0815:

since no indication of the video container format, I'll go from wahrscheinlisten case, which would then Avi. In this format (and in most other synonymous) should be binary Fileadition advisable to do so, because the file headers (header) then just raw in the middle of the new land file, where they read from the program of course not be expected and what then when you play causes, have you noticed ... yes
Now the source files so well in nirvana, and thus the size of course synonymous information that a simple splitting (with an appropriate tool) were provided.
Virtualdub you could try, but I fear that this synonymous only the first part will be accessible.
Still remained (here in Hesse normal brutalstmögliche) Method: parts per hex editor.
Loading such a down to you (free of charge would be for example: Copy the file first and do the following with this backup!, So you lose on an error at least not the original.
Open the file in hex editor and see what the 1st Header begins, should be considered when Avi "riff" his. Search then the 2nd "Reef" in the file, so then starts the 2nd Part. Highlight everything from "reef" until just before! the 2nd "Reef" and export this as a binary block Erste.avi eg. The same procedure with the other parts of memory and the respective
in new files (eg as Zweite.avi, Dritte.avi etc.) If he's successful, the new files synonymous playable (check!).
If the files originally existed as Avi and similarly encoded (check with Gspot:, load it into Virtualdub, make video and audio on directstreamcopy and save under a new name: there's only one then! Header, umcodiert is nothing and then you've got your so well originally targeted result.
Good luck in the process
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von bento124:

Hex edit was super tip thx
bissal an expense but works fine
remains only the question how the opinions I then get into a file
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Fine, I am!
How about you but I have described how you should proceed ...
So here again, the individual steps:
1. Download Virtualdub down (
2. Ctrl + O with your 1st Part load
3. File menu-> Append AVI segment the other parts added load
4. in the menu Video -> Direct stream copy select
5. menu Audio -> direct stream copy select
6. F7 with under a new name.
Works but only if all elements in both the video as synonymous in the field of audio coding are similar, otherwise (at least partially) be transcodiert.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von bento124:

Thank you for the quick response to Marburg
Unfortunately VirtualDub reports an error because the audio streams are equal ned. But I did with AVI Joiner or so times the problem being solved. The Progri yes, unfortunately, runs only 15 days.
So dann mal nen schönen Monday morning of me
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Is synonymous with Vdub but no problem, you should look at first only superior than what you would like to have the audio. MP3 would be commonplace.
1. corresponding ACM codec installed (if not already available)
eg Mp3
2. Part load video in Vdub
3. Audio -> Full processing mode select
4. Audio -> Compression, the desired format / bit rate
5. make sure Video -> Direct stream copy is enabled and save with F7
6: other parts of the same deal, then parts (as already described) join.
Greetings from Marburg