Infoseite // purchase advice: camcorder with photo function

Frage von Bierleiche:

Yes I know .... for the old hare heir in the forum it will be annoying or a purchase advice for an Neuangemeldeten to write .... but I really need a little help.

So it goes as follows:

I will leave in July to fly, 7 weeks after Asia.
Because it's my first major trip outside of Europe, I wanted this course with decent video - and photographic material stick.

Unfortunately I garkeine idea of camcorders and the same.

What I am looking for:

A camcorder, for a maximum of 300 ¬, which is passable in a video recording quality (I do not need a HD). With my I have a passable Quality, which was on a PAL-RöhrenTV can watch, and perhaps synonymous (in Window) on the PC .... but I do not want the mini-movies as our Nikon digital camera with 5megapixel (I think the model A 5600) recording.

Also I have photos relatively important. Can MiniDV devices to pick up all the photos, and if so in what quality? as synonymous here enötige said I do not 8Megapixel or something similar ... just what is suitable for holiday pictures on a PC and some looks. Or are there only certain devices can record the pictures? Will be synonymous on the miniDV tape or stored on a memory card or internal memory?

I had myself, the Toshiba Camileo Pro at amazon seen ... I found it interesting that these memory cards to save (or take MiniDV synonymous memory devices on ?)... and 7 megapixel had. However, this begs me to the Comparison with our Nikon 5600 ... on the Camileo is just a digital camera, more for photography than for the video made?

what would you advise me?


Beer Funeral


Antwort von schorsemoppel:



Antwort von Bierleiche:

First thanks for the reply!

I am perfectly well aware that there are lots of information on the internet are over camcrder any color ... the only problem is, most are too general infos ... to widely dispersed, or it is simply advertising in grade ... google. I have been synonymous since its week on the Internet, it is however not satisfactory escaped.

I can of course test reports to every imaginable camcorder through my questions are not answered. I think, for example, no information about the general camcorder photos on its memory card ... then there is at most times in the photo feature product description. I am also interested in subjective impressions of users more than vermeindlich objective tests which can only pay with throw around.

Unfortunately, it is synonymous relatively difficult to find samples of various camcorders. times a video or a photo ... so you a rough overview of the quality has.

therefore I s.dieses forum ... turned to impressions and opinions of experienced users to get.

mh well what I am able to pass with high quality ... have you right there, I too vague wording.

a video which is on a TV set (normal pal tube) can watch without getting augenkrebs ... So without too coarse verpixelungen .... no noise which looks as if it is snowing (a little noise is okay), and the colors look somewhat real, not a meadow where the grass looks after plutonium, or after grünbraunem slush. The same image should be at least synonymous im640x480 (if possible synonymous higher resolution) can watch on the computer.

I know I'm annoying, but it would me much help ^ ^

mh garkein I actually drink beer ... but my nick name now would be to explain the scope of this sinne ....


Antwort von Carina:

As I said, I currently do not synonymous overview.
This is ok, but has only 2.3 MP photos. This is for 9x13 cm still ok.
Man müsset but need to decide quickly.

Sonst hast du schon eine leise Ahnung, ob du miniDv oder lieber Festpltte oder SD-KArte vorziehst? MPEG-2.Bearbeitung ist s.Computer durchaus machbar, für ne DVD wäre nicht mal ne Neukodierung nötig.

Sonst hoffe ich für dich, dass sich ein anderer, der ebenfalls vor paar Wochen hier eine bis-300-EUR-KAmera haben wollte, zu Wort meldet and dir Tips gibt, aber seltsamerweise bleiben die meist stumm. Wie gesagt, ich müsste jetzt synonymous erst zwei Wochen im Internet surfen and durch Elektronikmärkte tingeln...., bis ich sagen könnte, welches eine Camera nach meinem Geschmack ist.

Edit from Mod: Link shortened.


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Anonymous" wrote: ... One müsset but quickly decide ...
Given a market price of just under 300 euros for the GS230 alone are 350 euros for this apparently low-cost existing accessory kit is not so attractive that one because in the next second strike would have.

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von schorsemoppel:

That was me; login ...

Oh, probably, there is no flash camcorder for 300 euro.
It is probably the choice miniDV.

Canon MD150 cuts not as good as the synonymous confirms my feeling that Canon's low end series is not so great. I own a Canon MV500i and am no longer satisfied.

16:9 Wilt thou? This offers the NV-GS230 does not (without accessories at amazon for 299).


Antwort von schorsemoppel:

Quote: Given a market price of just under 300 euros for the GS230 alone are 350 euros for this apparently low-cost existing accessory kit is not so attractive that one because in the next second strike would have

I agree. Was just the first thing I have seen. How important is IT in you? Provides 230 MW Pana is not synonymous


Antwort von schorsemoppel:

Short summary of my research: I have the impression that in your price range, the Panasonic NV GS 230 the best for your claims. For more you have the budget increase.


Antwort von Bierleiche:

again many thanks for the reply!

So MiniDV seems to be more attractive choice when it comes to videos it, flash is probably because of the quality not quite keep up, if I understand correctly.

as a flash device would be synonymous with me only the Toshiba Camileo in wonder, and I am here only on a lousy report at help. It would MiniDV perfectly proper, where images on a separate falshkarte secured, and you pictures and videos easily to the pc can draw.

Does the Panasonic GS 230 because the images on a card to secure?


Beer Funeral



Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Beer corpses" wrote: ... Does the Panasonic GS 230 because the images on a card to secure ...
As in the above linked ebay offer or on the Panasonic Website Assessment: Yes, she has.

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von Bierleiche:

mh the cam seems to be interesting ... oh if they s.meiner absolute ceiling for the price is (download price).

then again thanks for the quick help .... ncoh what I would be interested ... There is somewhere on the net for pictures and videos with the various cameras you squint at the price segments are made?


Antwort von schorsemoppel:

Test pictures for video, there are active:


Antwort von schorsemoppel:



Antwort von Bierleiche:

I will in any case, pictures, and a review at least here in the forum published on the cam which I would then finally up, I am indeed guilty of the forum, after all the nice advice.

course offers a big, heavy camcorder introduction of a more quiet, and I think the recorded material will in any case look better than on a toshiba, but as a layman can be a difference without a direct comparative recognize?.

Fortunately, I have the opportunity next week to camileo pro and the camileo per hd befreuneten at a dealer and be a little test .... Experience reports will follow


Antwort von crysostomos:

Panasonic NV-GS320EG! 3CCD MiniDV camcorder with 3.2 MPixelkamera, personally I Done! The only downside: At about 95% humidity, I am the head zugeschmiert, so cleaning cartridge go!

Greeting W.


Antwort von schorsemoppel:

Quote: Panasonic NV-GS320EG!

Unfortunately, the corpse of beer too expensive. Today I voted in my Saturn ... 230er viewed, the handling, I quickly rausgekriegt, although I was not optimal. But on the other hand, I found no other camcorder, photo of a similar function would have been different had all just a 1 / 6''CCD with 800,000 pixels and pictures in VGA resolution, since the Panasonic is already the best. Moreover, I think they are very good ne automatic.

Whether you than ordinary consumers notice the difference? think so. At least when you look at full size (= aufm Television) screen sizes. On the low-resolution camera may not display. But it looks so synonymous, the difference between a cellphone photo and that of a SLR camera, I think.


Antwort von andidhouse:

So I give people like the beer corpse following answers:

The format:
Here, everyone must be clear with what he wants to make the recordings. It follows the format.
If you can cut s.PC: MiniDV
Will you not bewust: card or hard drive
DVD seems to me to be nonsense.

Still image shooting the camcorder? Only if need be!
Since I am a small digital camera kompackte but much prefer.
There is then synonymous Lenses Flash and better and faster response times.

For such a holiday would I use a MiniDV camcorder with you. Cassettes of this nature exist all over the world.
Memory synonymous, but for a lot of money.
Hard disks are full and then Basta.
Or stop to play on PC, but on vacation?

Up to 300 euros, I think that the differences of the offered (trade marks) for marginal units.
Attention, 2nd Battery and perhaps a bag still in it should be synonymous.

Next, I advise: Go to "I'm not stupid you" and take the cameras in hand, play around on it and test extensively.
The camcorder should be on hand are not reversed.

As an overview of the properties in I can recommend the best. Not as extensive as the first address, therefore, better suited as a "professional video site with a simple cheap camcorder on Broadcasting level test and assess.

If the offer to 2-3 as eligible devices is limited, you can still think through various forums and Test Reports of fighting professionals.


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