Frage von Van Halen:
I am interested in recently for a high definition camera in the price segment till ¬ 1000 (market price, not OVP).
After seeing the last few weeks on forums forums, video sites and manufacturer information had been sighted, some questions are already answered, but many more questions to come.
The following initial situation: I own an HD-ready TV Pansasonic of TH 42 PV 60 EH, the 60GB PS3, all connected s.ein 5.1 system. PC: Opteron 180 (Dual Core), 2GB RAM, ATI 2900 XT graphics card.
I want to have a camera, the s.besten recording to a memory card (due to weight, battery power, no drive noise, inexpensive, interchangeable).
You should provide a good quality Lowlight, Min HD ready + to the movies should s.PC easy to arrange his work.
Whether I use for an HD-ready plasma a full-HD camera needs, I do not know, would rather say no. Enlighten me if it is not so.
I was previously interested in the Canon HV20, which SonyHDR-CX6 and the Panasonic HDC-SX5.
To decide correctly, I can not, because all of these cameras even have Lowlight qualities and sometimes even other shortcomings.
Also, I am undecided at the system. About AVCHD, I have read so much bad as there is currently still difficult to handle. Neudings I'm synonymous rise again on news that is talked about it now but now is easy to handle (zBSonyVegas Pro).
If I have understood correctly, would play the movies of the camera on my PS3 is not the problem, right? It's just around the cutting, Nachvertonen etc. s.PC.
The good cooperation between the PS3 and of course the camera speaks more for a Sony. Or does it's not so much from?
As you can see questions, questions about everything .... not so easy. Ever heard Thanks for your advice.
Gruß aus Kölle
Van Halen
Antwort von Jan:

Good machine, only the HV 20 Recording.
CX 6, SD 5, SX 5 includes AVCHD Group, where even 2 core processors for video magazines were overwhelmed. One addition to my computer to work with 2.6 GHz was completely overwhelmed, the material is reproduced smoothly. Well, with all the 3 cameras is a simple software in the process a lit synonymous function for PAL 1080i on a normal DVD or a normal 576i PAL DVD. Vegas 8 are functioning quite well, but not everyone wants the amount paid.
Pinnacle Studio 11 will be quite right.
A really good Lowlightbild's not in the classroom, SD 1 was noise from the picture pretty good, but the picture was still far too dark.
SX 5 - because the sellers are happy, the AVCHD DVD camcorders are true guardians shop - why not bring new Pana DVD based AVCHD camcorder to go ?........
For 15 minutes recording time synonymous no wonder, DL, only once and this is still far too expensive. I had times DX 1 recordings easily s.einer PS 3 looks. Panasonic will not be of any program as well as Sony. The DX 5 DVD to be synonymous not play many PC drives (UDF 2.5) - because the stress is next. And that causes the DVD Sirren often sounds just like a MiniDV drive.
Panasonic AVCHD camcorder memory cards are not synonymous consume much less power as any other camcorder, its fan is synonymous responsible.
Meanwhile, there are indeed the new SD 9 - Video Active hatt they tested in the new issue - as expected - from Picture no improvement - just a few more features (25 P, 5.1 sound (SD 5 had 2 channel), Face Detection, Intelligent Shooting Guide , highspeed serial recordings with 25 frames per second, World timer, etc)
Full HD is always just a Marketinggag, quick to understand that when a chip only about 500,000 pixels prevail (the 3 you can not calculate the sensors).
Here's the test of the CX 6, SD 5 & SD 9 of VAD
2x 66 points and 65 points once says a lot ...
CX 6 SD 5 & 9 VG
Antwort von hhmb:

Or Sony HDV - for example, HC 7, or the "New" HC 9