Infoseite // re-rendering to MPEG in the Media Studio

Frage von Mcfunny:


I have a question. When I rendere the project file, so create an MPEG file, everything is correct.
But then again I Change something in the timeline again and create an MPEG, then something is wrong. (rendering takes synonymous) is much shorter
When I look at the created video, are always jumping in the video. Why is that?
Where can I set that the program's first rendering of "forget"?

I look forward to a response



Antwort von domain:

Hello Marius,
If I understood you correctly, you have the end product Mpg further amended) (s.sich not recommended. In this case, MSP has probably rendered the second smart rendering (DHES more changes will only re-encoded). That was because the project settings between 1 and 2 Rendering of course, were identical, but not between the original and 1 Rendering. Should be synonymous, the first rendering smart, have original (ie mpg file) and 1 Render generation about the settings match, in particular, the mpeg2 rendering quality will be converted from the default value of 70 to 100. Then synonymous is the first rendering almost as fast as the second, provided you have not made many changes (eg, x) performed. Is the original but not before in mpg, the first rendering always take much longer than the re-Smartrendern.
LG Helmut


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