Frage von t9robsen:salute,
I follow the site quite a long time and I've finally acquired a hdv cam. However, I am commanding more or less new in this.
I have mentioned the camcorder workshops here read about me still remains an open question.
If I want Focusing manual, then it is of benefit to the whole building Focusing ranzuzoomen close to focus, and then zoom out as the actual borrowing position?
merci in advance
Antwort von Johannes:
It all depends on the situation. If the person is or Abstandt between object and camera stays the same, I do it as synonymous, since it is very safe. If it needs to go faster, I trust my eye, the display and my experience there, I think, especially in HD, the peaking is a very nice help. The scenic one sees it very often and always the one the distance between object and camera out with tape measures and then pulls out the sharpness.
Antwort von t9robsen:
Betsen, thanks for the very quick response johannes.
Otherwise you put the focus more something is a thing I should note, or could use a helpful tip?
tomorrow going back to film in the snowpark and this is a truly beautiful scenery before. that means you have the rails and kicker in front of a mountain scenery. it would just like to shoot in automatic mode, so synonymous is the background sharp and then in each case only the actor-in focus (blurred background) and vice versa.
Antwort von Johannes:
If you want to have the background blur then go away by the next player and zoom in, then one has a greater depth of field, and it may look a bit nicer. :) What are you doing there, you rotate the avatar "film" or you make a video about it?
Antwort von t9robsen:
we make a video of the entire winter season - that is purely snowboardmässig.
I do not know whether you know the films of isenseven (, in a few years when I have gained experience, it would hinzubekommen sowas my dream. film-and schnittmässig for me the best on the market.