Frage von Bunbury:
Hello advance and I apologize in advance schonmal synonymous with all that happens, the issue known. This is already been discussed several times - but usually limited to specific models, the threads are older or there were no answers.
I am looking for an affordable (three digits), digital camcorder, which I recorded with the higher frame rates than the usual 25-30fps of PAL / NTSC permits. Finishing with interpolated filling pattern, etc. gives me nothing - I must record nimble movements.
- JVC offers with Live Slow to 80 fps
- The SonyHDR-HC3 has been biszu 240 fps - just for me is certainly not affordable
Well yes, but there are even webcams <100 ¬ with 90 fps ...
Gibts newer and cheaper camcorders allow faster frame rates than 80 fps?
What frame rate using Sharp and Canon, etc. for your slow-motion shots?
Does your company provide the semiproffessionelles equipment at reasonable prices?
The resulting problems, such as short recording time, lower sensitivity to light and Resolutionsind I know, do not have to be re-explained. The other parameters, display, storage media, color fidelity, etc., are secondary criteria as long as the framerate is true and the thing is affordable.
Schonmal Thanks for your responses.
Antwort von ApplePB:

As far as I know, the SonyHDR HC3 not cost much over $ 1,000, nearly in the 3-digit area!
Best Regards,
Antwort von Bunbury:

Unfortunately I found nowhere a price or a manufacturer's recommendation. When is it now actually in stores?
MfG, and thank you schonmal for me (amazing) answer.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

- The SonyHDR-HC3 has been biszu 240 fps - just for me is certainly not affordable
The Sonyhat a feature called Smooth Slow Recording. In order to be included within 3 sec of 200 images. Then there are also some not 67 fps and 240fps. After the recording in the cache, the images are then quite standardly collected at 25 fps with tape. This will be from 3 sec 8 sec
price at currently about 1240 ¬. Tendency probably still falling. So could certainly get close to your limits.
Antwort von Bunbury:

Then there are also some not 67 fps and 240fps. ... This will be from 3 sec 8 sec At (looks pretty official - at least from sony-supported) is this:
Smooth Slow Recording
By increasing the record rate from 60 fields per second (fps) to 240 fps for 3 seconds Allowing you to capture 3 seconds of fast motion and play the video back in 12 seconds. This is great for analyzing a golf swing or viewing a bird in flight. What's wrong now?
It is assumed the Picture again 4geteilt (schonmal had here in the forum someone said) - then one of ~ 60 would be on 240th Perhaps even just that one-quarter Resolutionergäbe in the number of pixels still pictures of my regular ...
240fps might be better than a reason for me a supplementary budget of about ¬ 500, - to the funds appropriated by my wife applied for. Added value of the warrant Especially with HD and the other parameters, already as a future-proof investment would ...
Antwort von AndyZZ:

On are 3sec with a total of 200 images. Perhaps connected with PAL and NTSC.
Antwort von Bunbury:

Have nachgeguckt again: Sony Style is the official Sony sales and support site - since I assume that something like the 240fps is not accidentally write to be true ... But yes write synonymous "increasing from 60 to 240"
Whether because the state only, and with frequency 60Hz interlaced NTSC actually - so my only those fields? Or is the Framrate for high-definition TV has about 60 Hz, compared to 30 for normal NTSC? I was thinking is concerned only with the resolution ...
The "play back 4 sec recording in 12 sec" is indeed quite clear ...
Hardly a reason for me for 4x slow motion compared to Live Slow of JVC with 3.2x equal 800, - ¬ more to pay ... As I said - so important to me is not HD. But if HD 60Hz would have been out of the house would still vote and I could s.PC after the whole thing again properly reinzukriegen langziehen without flickering or interpolate intermediate images need to ...
The shortest shutter speed is indicated with 1 / 425 so not really a hit ... want to really sound like Stillimage-shoot images?
The question that remains for me now is that JVC has perhaps synonymous soeine eyewash and refers to Pal 50Hz frequency for both fields? Then that would be good for a 1.5-fold slow motion, and that helps me garnix.
Have you seen anywhere schonmal with "Live View" shot sequences in the sample Netzt?
Does anyone here really such a thing and can report?
Antwort von Jan:

Videoaktiv Digital has with the 3 seconds (just as synonymous confirmed, and made a small test with the HC 3, but it was on the lower Resolutionhingewiesen at the Smooth Slow Recrding function.
The magazine said there would be no better moment in super slow motion in the price range, well you can not compare with a super slow motion a ¬ 50000-100000 Camera, which has the ambition s.Beste quality must lie unfortunately the money.
The SonyDVD 505 has the same function.
Whenever I have time I will test the DVD with 505 times the function - the only one of the 2s that I have there.
Yes synonymous can not always rely on - they write the HC 3 frames to take pure - not meaning the Progressive function --
That can not so agree, the first 1080 P Sony Consumer Camera?
Antwort von Jan:

The following is in the Instructions for the Sony Super slow motion:
Press the Screen (SMTH SLW REC) Start / Stop.
A scene of approximately 3 seconds in slow-motion film is stretched to 12 seconds.
If (Recording..) Disappears, you are finished recording.
When you press Start / Stop and touch (SET), you can choose one of the following starting points for the recording.
Number 1: 3 seconds after (default)
Point 2: 3 seconds before
* Recordings in super slow motion are not possible
It is therefore quite interpret. I have tested the JVC Live Slow never said the majority of users, it is rather ne gimmick (you need to test well - the best of the Live Slow is the GR D 270 may well be - almost 300 ¬). Yes, at least at JVC can select the shutter speed for each DV Cam, to my knowledge, can the Sony's (DVD 505 HC and 3) not all at the old HC 1 could be free to choose shutter speeds, but has the slow motion not.
But since almost nothing can stop while eh super slow motion, will not bring much.
Ruessel just makes a test with the new HC 3, maybe he has free time, the super slow motion with HDV Cam.
Antwort von ruessel:
Ruessel just makes a test with the new HC 3, maybe he has free time, the super slow motion with HDV Cam. Have I made yesterday ..... Cups, plates and bottles (many on the ground was soon no longer dish ).... the slow motion really tempted to play with. What should I write this, the images need more light and are synonymous in the s.end Resolutionnicht once DV quality. Gimmick?
I invite them something for Easter at my blog.
Antwort von Bunbury:

Application for a 4 digit amount for a camcorder according to a supplementary budget of about 800, - ¬ to the funds appropriated by the Budget Committee has been my wife) with (rejected by reference to the likely additional burden to the family.
As is known to absorb small humanoid parasites, all cash, depending on the education of over 2-4 decades and, at the little one needs to be incorporated in Breiauskotzen neither HDV nor SlowMotion - this is the position of my wife.
Well - I really just wanted to finally meaningful table football instructional videos into the net, I have since cited as an argument not at more ...
The kicker is the video you can ie seen on the web at normal NTSC frame rate even when dribbling the ball with short shutter speeds only a few frames (with the one who knew what manual shutter speed settings can be good) or (all other) we see only contrails - let alone the shot.
I think it is because of the limited financial framework will be but a JVC (any comments about the 290s?) - The type of 80fps - which is synonymous always keep them, I have the low-end erstmal price was at least something with which I can also try and I was thinking that an AV input for me is just really important feature, because I was so synonymous portable finally able to record videos of the Funkkammeras I have s.meinen model airplanes turn. In any case, as long as the hobby for financial reasons is not synonymous deleted.
The JVC GR-290 has both LiveSlow and AV-in and with one of two I will hopefully be able to start what - apart from the fact that I can hold the baby in crawling anyway.
Thank you for your hints - helped me in any case, I became synonymous if the decision ultimately declined.
Can I explain what someone might conclude by s.end the abbreviations mean the type designation of JVC camcorders to have? I read on the net as a test of GR-290d, the only data available Page JVC GR-290EX, and a trade I think GR-290 with no suffix.
The JVC-Page is also garkeine information.
Antwort von Jonas9:

The Sanyo Xacti HD1 is now running at less than 700 EUR and is 60fps at 640x480.
Antwort von kris:
As is known to absorb small humanoid parasites, all cash, depending on the education of over 2-4 decades ... ... lovely, yes .... huuuh - I must write the same!
Antwort von mahakgtr34:

Hello ... have your question because of the slow motion found by accident ... but does not want long rumreden around the bush.
I myself have the SonyHC3-E ... wanted an HDV Camera and they met in this area synonymous a very good service.
The slow motion function, but can you forget it. These include resolution is scaled down to 640x480 pixels also makes the image sharpness, color fidelity, etc. seeeeehr and is not even hinted strongly of DV compared with normal.
It's really just ne and play for a demanding film (Amatuerfilm probably not) enough.
From the Sanyo Xacti, I also like to thank you sincerely advise. I have this myself, although not in the journal this video was simultaneously tested with the SonyHC3-E and the Sanyo cut is not really good.
For about 700 euros will get you many DV cameras are better. The best les the report in the video even after.
As has been mentioned already here with your budget you will definitely not suitable slow-motion camera to get the good or very good results. The necessary technology is currently too expensive for the beginner or amateur level cameras.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Hmm, is really a long time ago ...
If there is someone interested offers special shots. In the gallery you can look at fine examples.
The price list I personally have not yet read.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes but who is keen to use something like that, and do not have tens of 1000 ¬ has to try his luck with Sanyo HD 1, SonyDVD 505 / HC 3 or the 2005 JVC s.GR D 270th
Slow freaks ala golf / tennis friends with a small budget still happy about the function. I once had one a golf instructor SonyDVD 505 sold - a few weeks ago we got talking again - he said quite useful, the Smooth Slow Recording function for his golf swings.
Antwort von Bunbury:

Yes ... long ago, but apparently the thread is whether the topics every once washed up.
So I have now bought the JVC GR-D 270 and am quite satisfied all in all. Specifically, the Live Slow mode I can schonmal little note (especially for those interested who have found the thread on "Search", etc.) and want the same fundamental note again relating to slow motion with:
I have read a comment that if this function fails to Live Slow "real" slow motion and useless anyway, because a lot of possible recording times are short, and images are lost when switching between normal and higher frame rate.
Exactly the opposite is correct: only features like Live Slow, which is recorded with higher frame rates are "real" slow motion, which are actually included several real-between. The frames lost when switching between real-and slow-motion function are operating principle and have an acceptable downside to the subsequent interpolation of unreal intermediate during playback of recordings with only 25 frames per second.
Who can fast movements, such as a golf-tee start will start with slow-motion capabilities through software really nothing, because only help increase frame rates as with Live Slow
The JVC-function provides real business results, as shutter speeds can be adjusted so manual. The distinguished Kammera continuously with normal frame rate and you can switch in the middle of recording slow-motion. When you return to normal recording speed accordingly lost frames, which of course leads to a jump in the recording. The images remain sharp, not reduced, without interference and to Resolutionwird.
Since the slow motion is activated by a button on the resulting Kammeraoberseite wobbler when pressed, however, are already angry. Fortunately, the slow motion synonymous promt run by remote control, so that you can do with Tripod really interesting shots.
But now the great disadvantage of the JVC-function:
the 80 Hz recording is carried out according to specification for 1.5 seconds, then the memory is full and the device automatically switches back to normal mode. 1.5 s would be theoretically sufficient to record a golf tee - but there is a very big catch:
The 1.5 s refer to the quasi "decompressed" Duration of slow motion at 25Hz!
That is because 80Hz meet the 3.2 times of 25Hz is the real host SlowMo duration of only 1.5 sec / 3.2 = 0.47 seconds!
To the corresponding movement synonymous in Slow Motion-catch must be very precise then press the button at the right moment and the movement should not take longer than 0.47 seconds. As soon as possible to catch a golf tee as accurately and we must try several times until you see the catch in time so that you what you want.
A falling on the table and dancing coin, I had to take 10-20 times, until the charge was correct on it and the recording was stopped at 0.47 s always been before the coin came to lie quietly.
In short time I put the pictures online that anyone can do your own impression.
But if not synonymous much on it, the shots are impressive, and for my application (table soccer) is still useful because I have just built an electronic triggering. That is, the slow-motion and electric is via light barrier. Circuit triggered, which sends the appropriate remote control signal and the precise SlowMo starts.
For less than 300, - ¬ is such a nice game, which brings me, at least in part, the results that I had wished for. Those who wish to have no choice but to a much higher price ranges to search.
Apart of the SlowMo Kammera provides the proper results, and you can (at least make the price) as the primary benefit of course, quite ordinary "normal" shots. Positive side, I would possibly want to emphasize the nimble and very sensitively quantify the zoom. With a tripod and avoid remote control (again shake when you press the keys) synonymous delivers very decent results without noticeable focus during the zoom
Antwort von Jan:

Thanks for the intense JVC slow-motion analysis.