Frage von knec68:
Yes hello everybody! have a problem! am a truck driver and would like via satellite (dish) watching television on my notebook! 'm mostly in the EU! Who can tell me what I need this!
Thanks in advance!
Antwort von almatic:

jo, I am happy to help you, synonymous if it is a bit of a wrong forum is: P. ..
you need the first time a satellite dish of course: P. ..
s.notebook you need a USB DVB-S card or piece whether it is something Now I know not!
alternatively for the transport germany yes you can have a dvb-t stick to buy, it costs so s.die 40euro a cheap ...
if there is no usb-dvb-S (the s stands for satellite) dinger, then you get now quite cheap digital receiver. which you can then help with the DVB-T Stick s.deinen laptop attach. you just need to make sure that DVB-T Stick has an analog input.
at conrad I now synonymous times a small satellite dish seen with magnetic feet. that would be quite handy, the part you can go directly to the towing vehicle stuck: P. ...
s.rande small wonder: what tractor do you want? am a long time for heer dangerous mileage, and I go right from: P. ..
schöne grüße!