Frage von yvonnie:
I try since a few days with help of tutorials and various entries in the forum with DVD Studio Pro to create a menu. then slowly opens it synonymous. I have only one problem with the rollover function on my keyboard.
I have a menu with flat. So background, 1.ebene (normal key), 2.Ebene (rollover function) and 3.Ebene (active).
it is synonymous erstmal correctly. if I am under the Window menu, click on the three symbols of the changing of the 3 different options show, it's just as I would like to have.
but when I look me in the simulator, the rollover function already beginning to appear. have the plane but the menu is' issued '(ie the hook weggemacht).
the 3rd level, so if you have clicked synonymous works flawlessly.
I hope someone is synonymous of an idea what the problem could be. and can help me.
thank you in advance.
gruß, yvonne
Antwort von Axel:

Yvonne Salut,
you got everything wrong!
As a "rollover" is the change in the key shape or color to the naked Drüben Hover the cursor of a computer mouse.
It works with a "Menu with levels of" rare, because we need the player to another file (Photoshop-level only).
The tick must be for the entire menu (display background) as synonymous for the individual keys are set (table with checkbox). Presumably there is your mistake.
You know what? Forget this "Menu with levels". Read
Antwort von yvonnie:

danke erstmal for super fast and nice reply. is not so easy when you before his new program in place.
I will be the same times on the way out.
So thank you and gruß, yvonne
Antwort von yvonnie:

I have it now but still with a menu with several flat hingekriegt, but thank you for your tip, then I know for next time a good alternative.
a question I have. simulator when I play one of my movies and links to the Menu button (do not even built, but by the simulator), is doing nothing. this means that I will not synonymous from the film edited back into the main menu can be?
is there maybe a trick? any setting that I still need to adjust?
would be glad if you could help me again.
lieben gruß, yvonne
Antwort von Axel:

Click in the media list at the top left corner of the DVD, then the bottom right on> remote control> Menu:> Menu1, and check whether the track (top left click, right down to check) is:
As for the DVD, otherwise you give here as synonymous to menu1.
By the time you get out what settings you still have to check off times (usually only if you have several menus or you want to disable certain functions). Then you keep such things no longer occur.
Antwort von yvonnie:

thank you again for the great help. now it works.
Ganz liebe Grüße, yvonne