Frage von Beule:
I have a project with Premiere 2.0.
now had s.einem another computer, unirechner,
with Premiere 3.0. A scene in my project where einfügen.ging synonymous.
Now home to angekommen.will I reload the project, and although in my 2.0 version, and now he says, serious errors,
[\ dev \ stingray \ backend \ src \ core \ inputvalue.cpp-274]
And it's nothing more.!?
is das ne art version conflict? will try tomorrow again rechenr equal s.dem others if there nu still running everything.
what would be nice of you to listen to it.
HELP ... The deadline is approaching steadily ..
Antwort von Alf_300:

No safety copy and probably missing codec are 2 errors
Antwort von Beule:

What codec should suddenly missing? And why.?
Version premiere because of the other?
and how i can fix the problem.? geht das überhaupt?
Thus, the original project gibts ja noch! or what do with no safety copy.