Frage von blnknut:Hello,
animation for a logo I want a Fool iris in animate
So I have a hide in leaf komp1 animated (position x, y), in another of komp2 had them 8 times duplicated and each rotated by 45 °, where everything ok - hide moves
But if I now want to make complex animation it would be good
the opening of the panel (position in komp1) via sliders to regulate
my problem is the regulator of goes from 0 to 100 --
So 0-100px - I would need but one expression of the different values for x and y defined as:
for x position: 0 = regler 10px and position controller 100 = headings 120 px
for y position: 0 = regler 10px position and position controller 100 =-80px
I only recently with Fool on who can give me a tipp?
Antwort von Urs:
you can find the values for the slider to define itself.
How? Right click on the parameter sliders in effekt => value edit
Antwort von Urs:
.... something.
2 Slide knob create => rename in zb x + y => value process as described above.
Now create an expression for the iris position.
Write to the expression
x = fieldname now you draw the Pickwhip tool
up to the same Scieberegler x.Das are you doing with y.nun you should be something in the expression field have
x = effect ( "x") ( "Slider");
y = effect ( "y") ( "Slider");
[x, y] Now you can by the slider position x + y control