Frage von sepha:
Dear list,
hopefully you can help me. I have promised that our Shooting s.1. May a little video where to turn.
And now, the camera no longer recognized.
To all:
Sonywith Firewire s.Medion PC (old) connected. Was recognized and I have with the program supplied PowerDirector a small video can record sound incl. One minute almost 60 Mb
Darufhin I have the Windows Media Encoder 9 and downloaded the video to 3 Mb size can. Works fine so I thought. Shooting Towards the Chairman and stated in the video with the s.1. May work. Both satisfied ;-)
Then again, I wanted a bit more with the camera makes ... and?
Nix, s.and to DV IN flashing, but it appears nowhere on my calculator on.
What can I do? Win the SP2 patch for the firewire interface, I have already installed. Did nothing.
Please, please been so good and help me!
liebe Grüße
Antwort von sepha:

problem solved :-) Of all the Firewire cable had a kink. New cable and the Sonyfunktioniert again! I'm glad.
liebe Grüße
Antwort von Markus:

That it s.Firewirekabel location must have been quite clear, because ...
... s.and to blink DV IN ... I imagine only the question of why I do not post your earlier had seen?